Versions Compared


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Once you have read this article you will be able to Add, Edit and report student data via TCSI.



Page Contents

Table of Contents
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Users can only edit course enrolments where the users home institution is set to the same as the student. This prevents users from editing records of student not within their own institution.

  • The user has an understanding of the HEIMS / TCSI Element numbers

  • The user has an understanding of Australian Tertiary Education System

  • Fields that are greyed out can not be edited from this screen. Fields that are white can be edited. Any field that has been greyed out and has incorrect information needs to be updated prior to entering data into the TCSI page.

Key terms and concepts

Page details

There are 2 version of this page one for Full admin users and one for Student users. The full admin on can be used by the staff to verify the student’s TCSI (previously known as HEIMS) page details. The student version of the page can allow students to confirm their details and verify them themselves. This can be particularly useful for large institutions.

A “Check and Confirm” option can be set up by the system to ensure that students can be directed to the page intermittently to ensure that data is kept up to date. The frequency of visits is determined by the ‘HEIMS Last validated’ field in the Student>Course Enrolment>Course Page. If this field / date is blank the student will be directed to the Student TCSI edit page when they next log in. The after the initial validation the student will be directed to the page every three months. This is to ensure that it is checked every enrolment period.

Please consult with the Silverband support team to enable the “Check and Confirm” functionality

The Elements below are taken from the Student Residential information sections. It is critical that these are regularly checked, updated and confirmed by the student.




E410 - Residential Street Address


E469 - Residential Address Suburb


E470 - Residential Address State


E320 - Residential Address Postcode


E658 - Residential Address Country Code

Student Level Users

To set up this page ready for student to validate it them selves some fields are required by TCSi and will need to be configured. The institution will need to decide as to how much of the data you will allow the students to verify themselves. Some fields will automatically be greyed out as they are populated from other parts of the system and are read only.


Field Names


Read Only


Sample Data


Student Details Section


Student Number - E313




USI Student Number


*This field becomes read only if a student has already provided. If not the student can enter a USI


Student Given name - E403




Student middle or other name(s) - E404




Family Name - E402




Gender - E315








Highest Educational Attainment Parent 1


Highest Educational Attainment Parent 2


In what Country were you born






Year of Arrival in Australia


Language spoken at home


Are you of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent


Level left School


Year Left School


Do you have any disability, impairment or long term medical condition


Local Address

Once the student has confirmed their details and satisfied the validation requirements the system will redirect them to the Student Summary page.

Course Enrolment

titleCourse Enrolments data entry

A list of all of the courses the student has been enrolled into. Select the course enrolment record to add the TCSI information to by clicking on the edit icon (pencil) next to it.

Student Details

titleStudent Details data entry

The student's personal details are populated from the Student > Edit details page. Most of the fields here are read only.

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Overseas Student indicator,

Permanent / Billing Address details

titlePermanent / Billing Address details data entry

The student's personal details are populated from the Student > Student details > Edit Contact info page > Billing

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • None

Semester / Term / Current Address Details


titleSemester / Term / Current Address data entry



Once you have read this article you will be able to Add, Edit and report student data via TCSI.



Page Contents

Table of Contents
excludePage Contents



Users can only edit course enrolments where the users home institution is set to the same as the student. This prevents users from editing records of student not within their own institution.

  • The user has an understanding of the HEIMS / TCSI Element numbers

  • The user has an understanding of Australian Tertiary Education System

  • Fields that are greyed out can not be edited from this screen. Fields that are white can be edited. Any field that has been greyed out and has incorrect information needs to be updated prior to entering data into the TCSI page.

Key terms and concepts

There are 2 version of this page one for Full admin users called Student TCSI Edit and one for Student users called Student TCSI confirm detail.

Full Admin Level Users

The full admin version is used by the Full admin level users to verify the student’s TCSI details. This page contains 8 sections each on has it own data packet or submission.

Course Enrolment

titleCourse Enrolments data entry

A list of all of the courses the student has been enrolled into. Select the course enrolment record to add the TCSI information to by clicking on the edit icon (pencil) next to it.

Student Details

titleStudent Details data entry

The student's personal details are populated from the Student > Edit details page. Most of the fields here are read only.

Fields in this section

Mode - Location within paradigm

Sample Data

TCSI: Student UID

Read only - Directly from TCSI


Tax File Number

Read only - From Student > Course Enrolment


Student Number

Read Only - From Student > Edit details


USI Student Number

Read Only - From Student > Edit details



Read Only - From Student > Edit details


Given Names

Read Only - From Student > Edit details


Student middle or other names

Read Only - From Student > Edit details


Family Name

Read Only - From Student > Edit details



Read Only - From Student > Edit details



Read Only - From Student > Edit details


Oversea Student


Yes / No

Permanent / Billing Address details

titlePermanent / Billing Address details data entry

The student's personal details are populated from the Student > Student details > Edit Contact info page > Billing

Fields in this section

Mode - Location within paradigm

Sample Data

Address Line 1

Read Only - From Student >Contact details > Billing Address

16 Chamberlain Court

Address Line 2

Read Only - From Student >Contact details > Billing Address


Read Only - From Student >Contact details > Billing Address

North Melbourne


Read Only - Drop Box (Australia only)From Student >Contact details > Billing Address



Read Only - Free Text Field for International Addresses From Student >Contact details > Billing Address


Read Only - From Student >Contact details > Billing Address



Read Only - From Student >Contact details > Billing Address


Semester / Term / Current Address Details

titleSemester / Term / Current Address data entry

The student's personal details are populated from the Student > Student details > Edit Contact info page > Residential

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

Fields in this section

Mode - Location within paradigm

Sample Data

Post Code

Read Only - From Student >Contact details > Term Address



Read Only - From Student >Contact details > Term Address


In What Country were you born




Read Only - From Student >Edit details


Language spoken at home



Are you of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent


Neither Aboriginal or Torres strait Islander origin

Level Left school


Year 12

Year left school


A commencing Student who completed the final year of School




Highest Educational Attainment parent 1


Bachelor Degree

Highest Educational Attainment parent 2


Postgraduate Qualification

First Reported Address


Student: Disability

titleStudent: Disability data entry

The Student: Disability record only needs to be completed if a student HAS a disability.

A new record needs to be completed for each type of disability. e.g. If a student is Vision impaired complete one new record. If the student is vision impaired and has a medical condition, a separate disability record is needed for each disability.

Fields in this section

Mode - Location within paradigm

Sample Data

Disability Code



Effective from Date



Effective to date


Entity Status




Read only - Directly from TCSI


Validation Status

Read only - Directly from TCSI


Student: Citizenship

titleStudent: Citizenship data entry

The Student: Citizenship record needs to be initially completed each time the student commences a new course. After that an additional record would only need to be created for that course if the student changes citizenship.

Fields in this section

Mode - Location within paradigm

Sample Data

Citizen Resident Code


Australian Citizen

Effective From Date



Entity status




Read only - Directly from TCSI


Validation Status

Read only - Directly from TCSI


Student: Commonwealth Scholarship

titleStudent: Commonwealth Scholarship data entry

The Student: Commonwealth Scholarship record is only completed by institutions that have both HECS and Commonwealth Scholarships.

Fields in this section

Mode - Location within paradigm

Sample Data

Reporting year



Reporting Period


Between 1st January and 30th of June

Commonwealth Scholarship type


Indigenous Reward Scholarship

Commonwealth Scholarship amount



Commonwealth Scholarship status code


Student has a current Commonwealth Learning Scholarship

Commonwealth Scholarship termination reason code


No longer eligible

Entity Status




Read only - Directly from TCSI


Validation Status

Read only - Directly from TCSI


Course Enrolment Details

titleCourse Enrolment Details data entry

The student's personal details are populated from the Student > Course Enrolment >Course page. Some of the fields here are read only.

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Funding Type

  • Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). This score is a raw ATAR and does not include adjustment factors such as bonus points E632

  • Selection Rank. This score is to include any adjustment factors such as bonus points. Where no adjustment factors have been applied this score must match the ATAR E605

  • Highest Attainment Code E620

  • HEIMS Student Status E490

  • HEIMS Contribution Indicator E392

  • Study Reason Identifier E575

  • Labour Force Status Identifier E576

Course Enrolment: Admission

titleCourse Enrolment: Admission data entry

The Course Enrolment: Admission record is to be completed for each new student based on the method (up to 2) of entry into the enrolled course.

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Country of Birth

  • Year of Arrival in Australia (if born OS)

  • Language Spoken at home

  • Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander Indicator

  • Year Level Completed at School

  • Year Left School E612

  • Year E572

  • Parent 1 Highest Educational Attainment E573

  • Parent 2 Highest Educational Attainment E574

Student: Disability

titleStudent: Disability data entry

The Student: Disability record only needs to be completed if a student HAS a disability.

A new record needs to be completed for each type of disability. e.g. If a student is Vision impaired complete one new record. If the student is vision impaired and has a medical condition, a separate disability record is needed for each disability.
  • Basis for Admission Code E327

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment: Prior Credit

titleCourse Enrolment: Prior credit data entry

The Student: Commonwealth Scholarship record is only completed for students who are granted credit points ( RPL, RPE, Status, Credit Transfer, Advanced Standing) toward the enrolled Course

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Credit Used Value E560

  • Credit Basis Code E561

  • Credit Provider Code E566

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment: Specialisation

titleCourse Enrolment: Specialisation data entry

The Course Enrolment: Specialisation record is only completed for Students who have a major within their course that is different than the field of education code assigned to the Course. E.g. A Bachelor of Arts 120105 with a major in English 091501

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Disability Code (Type) E615

  • Effective From date E609

  • Effective to date (if required) E610Specialisation code E463

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)


Course Enrolment: HDR End-User Engagement

The Student: Citizenship record needs to be initially completed each time the student commences a new course. After that an additional record would only need to be created for that course if the student changes citizenship.
titleStudent: Citizenship data entry
Course Enrolment: HDR End-User Engagement data entry

The Course Enrolment: HDR End-User Engagement record is only completed for Students who are undertaking a Higher Degree Research Course

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Citizen Resident Code (Country) E358

  • Effective from date E609

  • Higher Degree by Research End-User Engagement Code E593

  • Effective From date E609

  • Effective to date (if required) E610

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)


Course Enrolment:



titleStudentCourse Enrolment: Commonwealth Scholarship data entry

The StudentCourse Enrolment: Commonwealth Scholarship record is only completed by institutions that have both HECS and Commonwealth Scholarships. for Students who are receiving a Research Training Program Scholarship

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Reporting Year E415

  • Reporting Period E666

  • Commonwealth Scholarship status code E526

  • Commonwealth Scholarship termination reason E538

  • Commonwealth Scholarship type E545

  • Commonwealth Scholarship amount E598

  • Scholarship type E487

  • Effective From date E609

  • Effective to date (if required) E610

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment


: RTP Stipend Amount

titleCourse Enrolment Details Enrolment: RTP Stipend Amount data entry

The student's personal details are populated from the Student > Course Enrolment >Course page. Some of the fields here are read only.

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Funding Type

  • Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). This score is a raw ATAR and does not include adjustment factors such as bonus points E632

  • Selection Rank. This score is to include any adjustment factors such as bonus points. Where no adjustment factors have been applied this score must match the ATAR E605

  • Highest Attainment Code E620

  • HEIMS Student Status E490

  • HEIMS Contribution Indicator E392

  • Study Reason Identifier E575

  • Labour Force Status Identifier E576

Course Enrolment: Admission

titleCourse Enrolment: Admission data entry

The Course Enrolment: Admission record is to be completed for each new student based on the method (up to 2) of entry into the enrolled course.

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Basis for Admission Code E327

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment: Prior Credit

titleCourse Enrolment: Prior credit data entry

The Student: Commonwealth Scholarship record is only completed for students who are granted credit points ( RPL, RPE, Status, Credit Transfer, Advanced Standing) toward the enrolled Course

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Credit Used Value E560

  • Credit Basis Code E561

  • Credit Provider Code E566

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment: Specialisation

titleCourse Enrolment: Specialisation data entry

The Course Enrolment: Specialisation record is only completed for Students who have a major within their course that is different than the field of education code assigned to the Course. E.g. A Bachelor of Arts 120105 with a major in English 091501

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Specialisation code E463

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment: HDR End-User Engagement

titleCourse Enrolment: HDR End-User Engagement data entry

The Course Enrolment: HDR End-User Engagement record is only completed for Students who are undertaking a Higher Degree Research Course

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Higher Degree by Research End-User Engagement Code E593

  • Effective From date E609

  • Effective to date (if required) E610

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment: Scholarship

titleCourse Enrolment: Scholarship data entry

The Course Enrolment: Scholarship is only completed for Students who are receiving a Research Training Program Scholarship

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • Scholarship type E487

  • Effective From date E609

  • Effective to date (if required) E610

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

Course Enrolment: RTP Stipend Amount

titleCourse Enrolment: RTP Stipend Amount data entry

The Course Enrolment: RTP Stipend Amount record is only completed for Students who are receiving a Research Training Program Scholarship to indicate the amount of Scholarship being received.

Fields that need to be completed in this section:

  • RTP Stipend Amount E623

  • Reporting Year E415

  • Entity status (Active for a current record)

    Course Enrolment: RTP Stipend Amount record is only completed for Students who are receiving a Research Training Program Scholarship to indicate the amount of Scholarship being received.

    Fields that need to be completed in this section:

    • RTP Stipend Amount E623

    • Reporting Year E415

    • Entity status (Active for a current record)

    Student Level Users

    The student version of the page can allow students to confirm their details and verify them themselves. This can be particularly useful for large institutions.

    A “Check and Confirm” option can be set up by the system to ensure that students can be directed to the page intermittently to ensure that data is kept up to date. The frequency of visits is determined by the ‘HEIMS Last validated’ field in the Student>Course Enrolment>Course Page. If this field / date is blank the student will be directed to the Student TCSI edit page when they next log in. The after the initial validation the student will be directed to the page every three months. This is to ensure that it is checked every enrolment period.

    Please consult with the Silverband support team to enable the “Check and Confirm” functionality

    The Elements below are taken from the Student Residential information sections. It is critical that these are regularly checked, updated and confirmed by the student.


    E410 - Residential Street Address

    E469 - Residential Address Suburb

    E470 - Residential Address State

    E320 - Residential Address Postcode

    E658 - Residential Address Country Code

    To set up this page ready for student to validate it them selves some fields are required by TCSi and will need to be configured. The institution will need to decide as to how much of the data you will allow the students to verify themselves. Some fields will automatically be greyed out as they are populated from other parts of the system and are read only.

    Field Names

    Read Only

    Sample Data

    Student Details Section

    Student Number - E313


    USI Student Number

    *This field becomes read only if a student has already provided. If not the student can enter a USI

    Student Given name - E403


    Student middle or other name(s) - E404


    Family Name - E402


    Gender - E315




    Highest Educational Attainment Parent 1

    Highest Educational Attainment Parent 2

    In what Country were you born



    Year of Arrival in Australia

    Language spoken at home

    Are you of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent

    Level left School

    Year Left School

    Do you have any disability, impairment or long term medical condition

    Local Address

    Once the student has confirmed their details and satisfied the validation requirements the system will redirect them to the Student Summary page.


    These instructions assume that the student record has been created and the student has been enrolled into a Course of Study and are for Full Admin level users
