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Table of Contents
This is a section of the whole KB, by having this section,


Upon Completion of this KB the user will be able to jump to the any part of KB with a click.

Note that this you can create dot point as sub headings under each sections and they will show up in this table as sub links.


This is the a short description of the content of the KB, it gives user an idea of what they will be able to achieve with all the information from this KB.


This part of the KB states the basic requirements for user to be able to understand this KB or any access required to carry out the task explained in this KBcreate / edit Provider contact information to Paradigm


  • The User has the minimum required level to access the Provider tab and an understanding that making changes within this section has system wide implications.
  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System.

Key terms and concepts

In this section, important key terms and concepts involved in the process of carrying out the tasks explained in this KB will be listed, and each of these concepts and terms will be explained.


Address Types:

Field nameBrief Overview


Attn Name

Name of Institutions Primary Contact eg Chief Financial Officer
Property NameBuilding Name
Flat / Unit Number
Street Number
Street Name
Postal Box
PostcodeAustralian Post Code
orOversea Post Code
StateAustralian State
Day Phone
Web Address
IM Protocol
IM Address


This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.


This section explains the exact workflow of how a task/process should be conducted.


How to Create  / Edit a Provider Contact record

  1. Click on the Provider tab in the Side menu
  2. Click the Search option in the side menu
  3. Enter either the Organisation full name or Abbreviated name into the search box
  4. Click the Search Institution Button
  5. This will return a list of Providers that meet the searched criteria
  6. To reduce the returned options in this box Image Added above the returned results start typing the Provider name. This will reduce the number of results. 
  7. Click on the blue hyper link on the left side of the required record.
  8. Click on the edit Contact Info Option in the Side Menu
  9. Click the Blue Address type button
  10. Enter the required information into the fields
  11. Click the Save Provider Contact detail button

Further reading

This section of the KB contains links to any further related information that would be helpful for the purpose  understanding this topic.
