Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



PUT https://{host}{eduProgramIdProgram/Course of Study
PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId}Unit of Study
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintIdProgram-Unit Relationship
PUT https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId}Scheduled Unit of Study 
PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId}Scheduled Unit Fee 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId}Unit of Study Assessment
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} Unit of Study Competency
PUT https://{host} /{competencyId}Unit of Competency
PUT https://{host}{codeIdCode Item
PUT https://{host}{statusId}Status Item

Code Block
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramId}  
PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId} 
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintId}  
PUT https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} 
PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
PUT https://{host} /{competencyId} 
PUT https://{host}{codeId} 
PUT https://{host}{statusId} 


Retrieve an entity record (HTTP GET Method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

GET https://{host}{eduProgramIdProgram/Course of Study
GET https://{host}{eduUnitId}Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintIdProgram-Unit Relationship
GET https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} Scheduled Unit of Study 
GET https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitIdScheduled Unit Fee 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} Unit of Study Assessment
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId}Unit of Study Competency
GET https://{host} /{competencyId} Unit of Competency
GET https://{host}{codeIdCode Item
GET https://{host}{statusId} 

Status Item

Code Block
GET https://{host}{eduProgramId} 
GET https://{host}{eduUnitId} 
GET https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} 
GET https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
GET https://{host} /{competencyId} 
GET https://{host}{codeId} 
GET https://{host}{statusId} 


Find entity records matching criteria (HTTP GET  method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type) 

GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Program/Course of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Program-Unit Relationship
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Scheduled Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Scheduled Unit Fee 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study Assessment
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study Competency
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Competency
GET https://{host}{codeTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Code Item
GET https://{host} statusTypeId={ statusTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Status Item


Create a new Unit entity record


POST https://{host} 

"eduUnitId": "ICX1234"Unit Code (Primary key, fixed) 
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234", Unit Code (required,updateable)
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",External Unit Code (optional,updateable) 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name 
"unitCategory": "2", Unit Category (Code=UNIT_CATEGORY) 
"providerPartyId": "10000",Provider (DEFAULT=10000)
"creditStatement": "",Credit Statement (point/hours, optional) 
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",Study Load (EFTSL) for Postgrad (NA) 
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",Study Load (EFTSL) for VET/Undergrad
"description": "Example Unit description ",Unit Description (optional) 
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",Unit Description (optional) 
"destDiscipline": "80300",HEIMS Discipline 
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",HEIMS Work Experience Indicator 
"method": "ONLINE",Delivery Mode 
"avet018": "20",Delivery Mode Identifier
"avet040": "60",Nominal Hours 
"avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours 
"avet078": "N"VET in Schools program (Y/N) 

Code Block
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234", Unit Code (Primary key, fixed)   
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234", 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",   
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",   
"unitCategory": "2",  
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",
"providerPartyId": "10000", 
"creditStatement": "",   
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",   
"description": "Example Unit description ",    
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",   
"destDiscipline": "80300",    
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0", 
"method": "ONLINE", 
"avet018": "20",    
"avet040": "60",
"avet058": "60",
"avet078": "N"


Update an existing Unit entity record

PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId}{eduUnitId} to be replaced by Unit Code (Primary key, fixed) 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",External Unit Code 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name 
"unitCategory": "2",Unit Category  
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",Status  
  "pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",Study Load (EFTSL) for Postgrad 
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",Study Load (EFTSL) for VET/Undergrad 
"description": "Example Unit description",Unit Description (optional) 
  "requirements": "Example Unit requirements",Unit Description (optional) 
"destDiscipline": "80300",HEIMS Discipline
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",HEIMS Work Experience Indicator 
"method": "ONLINE",Delivery Mode 
 "avet018": "20",Delivery Mode Identifier
 "avet040": "60",Nominal Hours 
  "avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours 
  "avet078": "N"VET in Schools program (Y/N) 


ScheduledUnit and ScheduledFee wrapper 

POST https://{host}  

"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (FK to Unit.eduUnitId)

"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (required, updateable)

"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (optional, updateable)

"unitName": "Example Unit Name",

Unit Name (optional)

"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",


"providerPartyId": "10000",

Provider (DEFAULT=10000)

"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",

Start Date (YYYYMMDD)

"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",


"fee": "1000.00",

Unit Fee Amount (AUD)

"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",

Fee Type (Code=FEE_TYPE)

"description": "Standard Fee",

Fee Description (optional)

"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",

Mode of Delivery (ONLINE)

"flexibleLearning": "Y",

Flexible Learning (Y/N)

"maximumParticipants": "10000"

Maximum allowed enrolments



ScheduledUnit and ScheduledFee wrapper

PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",Unit Code (optional) 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name (optional)
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",Status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) 
"providerPartyId": "10000",Provider (DEFAULT=10000) 
"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",Start Date  (YYYYMMDD) 
"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",End Date  (YYYYMMDD)
"fee": "1000.00",Unit Fee Amount (AUD) 
"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",Fee Type (Code=FEE_TYPE)
"description": "Standard Fee",Fee Description (optional) 
"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",Mode of Delivery (ONLINE)
"flexibleLearning": "Y",Flexible Learning (Y/N) 
"maximumParticipants": "10000"Maximum allowed enrolments 


Create a new UnitAssessment entity record

POST https://{host} 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",Unit Code (FK to Unit.eduUnitId)
"assessmentTypeId": "COMPETENCY_UNIT",Type of the Assessment
"assessmentName": "Example Assessment Name",Name of the Assessment
"codeId": " ABC10203",Code of the Assessment (optional)
"description": " Example Assessment Description",Description  of the Assessment
"maximumMark": " 100",Maximum Mark (“marked out of”)
"passMark": " 50",Pass Mark (“threshold to pass”) 
"weighting": "1.0",Weighting (relative within Unit) 
"startWeek": "5",Start Week (of term schedule) 
"endWeek": "7",EndWeek (of term schedule) 
"avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"avet018": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS) 
"avet078": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 


Update an existing UnitAssessment entity record

PUT https://{host}{assessmentId

"assessmentName": "Example Assessment Name",Name of the Assessment 
"codeId": "ABC10203",Code of the Assessment 
"description":"Example Assessment Description",Description  of the Assessment 
"maximumMark":"100",Maximum Mark (“mark out of”) 
"passMark": "50",Pass Mark (“mark to pass”) 
"weighting": "1.0",Weighting (relative within Unit) 
"startWeek": "5",Start Week (of term schedule) 
"endWeek": "7",EndWeek (of term schedule)   
"avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"avet018": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS) 
"avet078": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 


UnitAssessment wrapper for COMPETENCY_UNIT 

POST https://{host} 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",Unit Code (FK to Unit.eduUnitId) 
"competencyId": "ABC10203",Code of the Assessment 
"competencyName": "Example Competency Name",Name of the Assessment 
"description": "Example Competency Description",Description  of the Assessment 
"vetScheduledHours": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"vetDeliveryMode": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS) 
"vetInSchoolsFlag": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 


UnitAssessment wrapper for COMPETENCY_UNIT 

PUT https://{host}{assessmentId} 

"competencyId": "ABC10203",Code of the Assessment 
"competencyName": "Example Competency Name",Name of the Assessment
"description": "Example Competency Description",Description  of the Assessment 
"vetScheduledHours": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"vetDeliveryMode": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS)
"vetInSchoolsFlag": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 


Single Diploma 

POST https://{host} 
"eduProgramId" : "DipBus",Course Code (PK,fixed) 
"programName" : Diploma of Business",Course Name 
"programType" : "COURSEWORK",Course Type 
"programLevel" : "VET",Course Level
"programDuration" : "52.0",Duration (weeks)
"programLevelInt" : "5",Program Level No (Dip=5, AdvDip=6)
"providerPartyId" : "33594",Provider (SGA=33594,ACA=39114) 
"studyArea" : "BUS",Course Study Area (optional)
"standardCourseFee" : "12600.0",Course Fee (full-course total unit fees) 
"standardUnitFee" : "1575.0"Standard Unit Fee 
"destCourseCode" : "BSB50207",HEIMS Course Code 
"destE533" : " BSB50207",HEIMS Course of Study Code 
"destCourseLoad" : "0.75"HEIMS Course Load 
"destCourseType" : "21",HEIMS Course Type
"destEduField" : "080300",HEIMS Education Field 
"destSpecialCourseCode" : "00",HEIMS Special Course Code 
"destCombinedCourseCode" : "0",HEIMS Combined Course Code
"destLoanFeePostgrad" : "0.0"HEIMS Postgraduate Loan Fee (%)
"destLoanFeeUndergrad" : "20.0",HEIMS VET/Undergraduate Loan Fee (%)
"avet052" : "803",Course Field of Education Identifier 
"avet053" : "BSB50207",Course Identifier 
"avet054" : "421",Course Level of Education Identifier 
"avet056" : "11",Course Recognition Identifier 
"avet005" : "511112",ANZCO Identifier 
"avet040" : "480",Nominal Hours
"avet077" : "Y",VET Flag
"accredited" : "YES",Accreditation Flag (Y/N)
"accreditationDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",Accreditation Date (YYYYMMDD) 
"accreditationDateDue" : "20161231T00:00:00",Accreditation Date Due (YYYYMMDD) 
"allowInternationalStudent" : "NO"Allow International Students  (YES/NO) 
"allowOnlineApplication" : "YES",Allow Online Application  (YES/NO)
"aqfRegistered" : "Y",AQF Registered  (Y/N) 
"ecafApproved" : "Y",ECAF Approved  (Y/N
"fundingType" : "'UPFRONT_FEES','FEE_HELP'",Funding Type (multiple select)
"unitGradeType" : "UNIT_GRADE",Unit Grade Type 
"assessmentGradeType" : "ASSESSMENT_GRADE",Assessment Grade Type
"requirements" : "To enrol in this course, you will need to speak and write in English to at least Year 12 level. \\\nYou will also need to have one of the following:\\\n    Australian Year 12 or equivalent; OR\\\n    a Certificate IV; OR\\\n    be aged over 20 and have demonstrated skills acquired through work experience; OR\\\n    within the Admissions Interview be able to demonstrate that you have the skills and capability to succeed in the course."Entry Requirements (optional description)
