Versions Compared


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Overview of entity types and template URL for each HTTP method

Each example for creating a record shows the JSON document to send as the HTTP body. Any text in highlighted in green (at least) should be reviewed and edited per HTTP call to create a record. 

API Entity Record TypesBrief Description
ProgramProgram : a Program/Course of Study definition 
ProgramUnitConstraint  Program-Unit Constraint : rule relating Programs and Units Unit
ScheduledUnit Scheduled Unit : a Unit of Study delivered,  by method and period 
ScheduledFee Scheduled Fee : define a fee per ScheduledUnit/Program/FeeType 
ScheduledUnitFee Scheduled Unit Fee : API entity only, wraps the two types above 
UnitAssessmentUnit Assessment :  An Assessment task assigned to a Unit of Study 
UnitCompetencyUnit Competency : A Competency type of Unit Assessment
CompetencyCompetency : A nationally defined Unit of Competency 
CodeItemCode Item (multiple types) : used for various look-up attributes
StatusItemStatus Item (multiple types) : used for status look-up attributes 

Create an entity record (HTTP POST method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

POST https://{host} of Study
POST https://{host} of Study 
POST https://{host} Relationship 
POST https://{host} Scheduled Unit of Study 
POST https://{host} Unit Fee 
POST https://{host} of Study Assessment
POST https://{host} of Study Competency 
POST https://{host} of Competency
POST https://{host} Item 
POST https://{host} Item

Code Block
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host} 
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}

Update an entity record (HTTP PUT method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

PUT https://{host}{eduProgramId} Program/Course of Study
PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId}Unit of Study
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintIdProgram-Unit Relationship
PUT https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId}Scheduled Unit of Study 
PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId}Scheduled Unit Fee 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId}Unit of Study Assessment
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} Unit of Study Competency
PUT https://{host} /{competencyId}Unit of Competency
PUT https://{host}{codeIdCode Item
PUT https://{host}{statusId}Status Item

Code Block
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramId}  
PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId} 
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintId}  
PUT https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} 
PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
PUT https://{host} /{competencyId} 
PUT https://{host}{codeId} 
PUT https://{host}{statusId} 

Retrieve an entity record (HTTP GET Method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

GET https://{host}{eduProgramIdProgram/Course of Study
GET https://{host}{eduUnitId}Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintIdProgram-Unit Relationship
GET https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} Scheduled Unit of Study 
GET https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitIdScheduled Unit Fee 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} Unit of Study Assessment
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId}Unit of Study Competency
GET https://{host} /{competencyId} Unit of Competency
GET https://{host}{codeIdCode Item
GET https://{host}{statusId

Status Item

Code Block
GET https://{host}{eduProgramId} 
GET https://{host}{eduUnitId} 
GET https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} 
GET https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
GET https://{host} /{competencyId} 
GET https://{host}{codeId} 
GET https://{host}{statusId} 

Find entity records matching criteria (HTTP GET  method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type) 

GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Program/Course of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Program-Unit Relationship
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Scheduled Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Scheduled Unit Fee 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study Assessment
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study Competency
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Competency
GET https://{host}{codeTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Code Item
GET https://{host} statusTypeId={ statusTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Status Item

Examples for Unit entity and related entities 

Each example for creating a record shows the JSON document to send as the HTTP body. Any text in highlighted in green (at least) should be reviewed and edited per HTTP call to create a record

Create a new Unit entity record


POST https://{host} 

"eduUnitId": "ICX1234"Unit Code (Primary key, fixed) 
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234", Unit Code (required,updateable)
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",External Unit Code (optional,updateable) 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name 
"unitCategory": "2", Unit Category (Code=UNIT_CATEGORY) 
"providerPartyId": "10000",Provider (DEFAULT=10000)
"creditStatement": "",Credit Statement (point/hours, optional) 
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",Study Load (EFTSL) for Postgrad (NA) 
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",Study Load (EFTSL) for VET/Undergrad
"description": "Example Unit description ",Unit Description (optional) 
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",Unit Description (optional) 
"destDiscipline": "80300",HEIMS Discipline 
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",HEIMS Work Experience Indicator 
"method": "ONLINE",Delivery Mode 
"avet018": "20",Delivery Mode Identifier
"avet040": "60",Nominal Hours 
"avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours 
"avet078": "N"VET in Schools program (Y/N) 

Code Block
POST https://{host}
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234", Unit Code (Primary key, fixed)   
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234", 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",   
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",   
"unitCategory": "2",  
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",
"providerPartyId": "10000", 
"creditStatement": "",   
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",   
"description": "Example Unit description ",    
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",   
"destDiscipline": "80300",    
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0", 
"method": "ONLINE", 
"avet018": "20",    
"avet040": "60",
"avet058": "60",
"avet078": "N"

SCHEDULED UNIT: If a value for any of the following data fields are NOT specified when creating a ScheduledUnit entity record then the value will default to the corresponding data field on the existing Unit entity record referenced by the "eduUnitId" field: "eduOtherUnitId", "eduProviderOtherUnitId", "unitName", "unitStatusId", "providerPartyId"

Update an existing Unit entity record

PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId}{eduUnitId} to be replaced by Unit Code (Primary key, fixed) 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",External Unit Code 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name 
"unitCategory": "2",Unit Category  
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",Status  
  "pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",Study Load (EFTSL) for Postgrad 
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",Study Load (EFTSL) for VET/Undergrad 
"description": "Example Unit description",Unit Description (optional) 
  "requirements": "Example Unit requirements",Unit Description (optional) 
"destDiscipline": "80300",HEIMS Discipline
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",HEIMS Work Experience Indicator 
"method": "ONLINE",Delivery Mode 
 "avet018": "20",Delivery Mode Identifier
 "avet040": "60",Nominal Hours 
  "avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours 
  "avet078": "N"VET in Schools program (Y/N) 

Code Block
PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId}
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",  
"unitCategory": "2", 
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE", 
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",  
"description": "Example Unit description ",   
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",  
"destDiscipline": "80300",
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",
"method": "ONLINE",
"avet018": "20",
"avet040": "60",  
"avet058": "60",
"avet078": "N" 

Create a new ScheduledUnitFee entity record (new API entity to simplify unit fee management) 

ScheduledUnit and ScheduledFee wrapper 

POST https://{host}  

"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (FK to Unit.eduUnitId)

"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (required, updateable)

"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (optional, updateable)

"unitName": "Example Unit Name",

Unit Name (optional)

"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",


"providerPartyId": "10000",

Provider (DEFAULT=10000)

"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",

Start Date (YYYYMMDD)

"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",


"fee": "1000.00",

Unit Fee Amount (AUD)

"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",

Fee Type (Code=FEE_TYPE)

"description": "Standard Fee",

Fee Description (optional)

"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",

Mode of Delivery (ONLINE)

"flexibleLearning": "Y",

Flexible Learning (Y/N)

"maximumParticipants": "10000"

Maximum allowed enrolments


Code Block
POST https://{host} 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",   
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",  
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",   
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",   
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",  
"providerPartyId": "10000",   
"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",   
"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",  
"fee": "1000.00", 
 "feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",
"description": "Standard Fee",    
"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",   
"flexibleLearning": "Y",    
"maximumParticipants": "10000"  

SCHEDULED UNIT FEE: When a POST call is made to the API to create a ScheduledUnitFee entity it actually creates a ScheduledUnit entity record and also create attached ScheduledFee and ScheduledAssessment entity records matching the specification associated with the Unit record.

SCHEDULED UNIT: If a value for any of the following data fields are NOT specified when creating a ScheduledUnitFee entity then the value of that field on the ScheduledUnit entity record created will default to the corresponding data field on the existing Unit entity record referenced by the eduUnitId field: eduOtherUnitId, eduProviderOtherUnitId, unitName, unitStatusId, providerPartyId.

SCHEDULED FEES: If a numeric value is specified for the fee data field when creating a ScheduledUnitFee entity then ScheduledFee entity records will be created and attached to the new ScheduledUnit entity record for each Program of a ProgramUnitConstraint record (of type CORE_UNIT or ELECTIVE_UNIT ) where the eduUnitId fields of the ProgramUnitConstraint and the ScheduledUnit record are the same value.

If a valid value for the feeTypeId field is specified in the JSON document of the HTTP request then each ScheduledFee record will be created with a feeTypeId field of the specified value (defaults to STANDARD_FEE if not specified in the HTTP request body).
If a text value for the description field is specified in the JSON document of the HTTP request then each ScheduledFee record will be created with a description field of the specified value (defaults to the description associated with the feeTypeId field if not specified in the HTTP request body).
A list of all ScheduledFee entity records created will be returned in the JSON document of the HTTP response in an derived array field named scheduledFees. This derived array field cannot be used when creating or updating any ScheduledUnitFee entity or ScheduledUnit entity record via the API.

SCHEDULED ASSESSMENTS: When creating a ScheduledUnitFee entity via the API, ScheduledAssessment entity records will be created and attached to the new ScheduledUnit entity record for each existing UnitAssessment record where the eduUnitId fields of the UnitAssessment and the ScheduledUnit record are the same value and where the statusId field of the UnitAssessment record has a value of ASSESSMENT_ACTIVE.

A list of all ScheduledAssessment entity records created will be returned in the JSON document of the HTTP response in an derived array field named scheduledAssessments. This derived array field cannot be used when creating or updating any ScheduledUnitFee entity or ScheduledUnit entity record via the API. Any ScheduledAssessment entity records listed in this derived field must be updated using HTTP PUT calls directly to the relevant individual ScheduledAssessment API URL for that entity record.

Update an existing ScheduledUnitFee entity record (new API entity to simplify unit fee management)

ScheduledUnit and ScheduledFee wrapper

PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",Unit Code (optional) 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name (optional)
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",Status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) 
"providerPartyId": "10000",Provider (DEFAULT=10000) 
"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",Start Date  (YYYYMMDD) 
"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",End Date  (YYYYMMDD)
"fee": "1000.00",Unit Fee Amount (AUD) 
"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",Fee Type (Code=FEE_TYPE)
"description": "Standard Fee",Fee Description (optional) 
"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",Mode of Delivery (ONLINE)
"flexibleLearning": "Y",Flexible Learning (Y/N) 
"maximumParticipants": "10000"Maximum allowed enrolments 

Code Block
PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",
"providerPartyId": "10000",
"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00", 
"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",
"fee": "1000.00", 
"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",  
"description": "Standard Fee", 
"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE", 
"flexibleLearning": "Y", 
"maximumParticipants": "10000" 

Further reading

This section of the KB contains links to any further related information that would be helpful for the purpose  understanding this topic.