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It is important to recognise that the eCAF credential is not related to a HEIMS Web Service credential. Even if the username is the same, the two systems are distinct and not connected. The only point of similarity between the eCAF and HEIMS Web Service systems are is that they are supported from by the same government help - desk.

Key Terms

Field name

Brief Overview

eCAF Username:

The username provided by the government

eCAF Password:

New Password that meets the password policy outlined below

eCAF Password (repeat):

Type the password a second time to ensure no data entry error has occurred

ECAF Last Updated

The date that the eCAF password was last updated


The password requirements are as follows:

  • A minimum of 8 characters

  • At least one numeric character

  • At least one special character

  • At least one uppercase character

  • The password must be different to the previous 10 passwords used


title1. How to obtain an eCAF Credential

How to obtain an eCAF Credential

  1. Complete the Government eCAF API system access request form as found here:

  2. Any questions about this form should be directed to the HEIMS Helpdesk team via 

title2. How to set/update the eCAF password via the Interface

How to set/update the eCAF password via the Interface

Contact HEIMS


  1. Contact eCAF helpdesk via to request a new password.

  2. The HEIMS eCAF helpdesk will provide you with a temporary password.

  3. Log into and enter your eCAF API username and the temporary password.

  4. The eCAF site will request that you create a new password.

  5. Once the new password has been accepted by the eCAF portal, click on the System tab in on the side menu

  6. Click on ECAF Login in on the side menu

  7. Enter the new password that you just created

  8. Confirm that the passwords are identical by re-entering it.

  9. Click the SET button

  10. Confirm that the new password has been successfully updated, by testing that you are able to fetch an eCAF status using the workflow below

title3. How to reset an existing eCAF password

How to reset an existing eCAF password

  1. Contact HEIMS Helpdesk via to request a new password.

  2. The HEIMS Helpdesk will provide you with a temporary password.

  3. Log into and enter your eCAF API username and the temporary password.

  4. The eCAF site will request that you create a new password.

  5. Log into Paradigm

  6. Navigate to the SYSTEM menu, and select the ECAF Login option

  7. Enter the password that you just updated

  8. Confirm that the password by entering it a second time

  9. Click the blue SET button

  10. Confirm that the new password has been successfully updated and that your credential is active by loading a student and attempting to perform a fetch eCAF action using the next workflow.

title4. Testing that an eCAF credential is active

Testing that an eCAF credential is active



A student who has applied for an eCAF must have at least one Unit enrolment, and the census date for that unit enrolment must be in the future (the census date must be tomorrow or later, and cannot be today).

  1. Load a Student record

  2. On the Student summary screen, click the Actions button in the Course enrolment section

  3. click Click the ‘Edit Course Enrolment’ option

  4. Click on the Actions button against the current enrolled course, and select ‘Online eCAF submission’

  5. This will open a new eCAF edit page that draws information from student details, course enrolment and unit enrolment records.

  6. Make sure that the eCAF Type and Citizenship fields are completed in the course enrolment HEIMS section.

  7. Check that the HEIMS Census Date has been set

  8. When all fields have been set correctly, click on the Request eCAF button.

  9. The system sends data to the government, which will then send an email to your student

  10. You can return to this page and click on the Fetch eCAF status button from time to time, to check the eCAF Student Status shown at the top of the screen

  11. The eCAF Remote ID number is the unique identification number from the eCAF system
