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The Report builder is a tool to aid in accessing the information stored within the system and extract it in meaningful and useful reports. Each report is custom designed to meet your institutions data requirements and needs. Reports can be produced in various output formats to meet the institutions requirements. The report builder uses SQL (Structured Query language) however you don’t need to be able to write in SQL to create report. The Report builder has a user friendly interface to help you create your own reports.


  • Global reports are reports that are available for anyone who has access to the report builder.

  • Private reports are only available to either the person who built the report.

  • Reports can also be restricted to access levels or to particular Providers / Institutions

  • When saving a new report 5 fields are required:

Required Field to save report

Brief Description

Report Name

Report name -to help locate the report for future use.


A brief description of what the report is for or the data that the report will provide


The section/type of data that the report belongs to:

  • Provider

  • Student

  • Financial

  • Marketing

  • Saved Search

  • All


Who has access to this report:

  • Global - All user can access this report

  • Private - Only I can use this report


  • Active

  • Archived

  • In Active

  • In Progress

Output Formats for Reports


Brief Overview

Print Format HTML

On Screen data export.

Bulk student Select

Used for bulk reports and actions within the system


Comma separated vales, a text file that has a specific format which allows data to be saved in a table structure

Report Summary

Custom CSV


The original file extension type for Microsoft spread sheets.

Uploaded HTML template


Renders quoted strings in unicode format


Metalanguage which allows users to define their own customized markup languages, especially in order to display documents on the internet.


title1. How to load a (pre-built) Saved report
  1. Click on the Reports option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Report Builder option in the side menu

  3. Click on the Global reports or Private reports drop box

  4. Select the report to be loaded

  5. Click on the Load Report button

  6. The report has now been loaded


title4. How to add filter clauses to a report
  1. Click on the Reports option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Report Builder option in the side menu

  3. Click on the Global reports or Private reports drop box

  4. Select the report to be loaded

  5. Click on the Load Report button

  6. The report has now been loaded

  7. Scroll down to the Filter Clause section

  8. Click on the Column Name drop box

  9. Select the Column name to be filtered

  10. Select the required Operator

title4. How to add operators to a report. The rule of Order by Clauses

The order by function works as intended if you export the report in a csv format.

When you produce report in a HTML or create a bulk list, the screen displays the order by to the first column by default.

Workaround suggestions if you want to see order by in a HTML version.

  1. You can either manually ascending/descending the columns by click on the first-row header once you get to the screen of bulk student select

  2. Change the order number of the column you want to see the order by function to 1

title5. How to add Conditions to a report
