Status Items are the statuses displayed in a drop-down status menus menu you see in Paradigm User Interface (e.g. Enrolment and Student Record Statuses). These are categorised into types that reflect the full set of possible states a status field has been defined and assigned. This knowledge article will provide a detailed workflow on how you can search, add, edit, and hide Status Items in Paradigm.
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title | Key Terms and Concepts |
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| KeyTermsAndConcepts |
| KeyTermsAndConcepts |
Key Terms and Concepts Note |
BE ADVISED: The removal of a status item is not permitted. Instead, we recommend marking the status item as hidden. This action does not impact already existing records that have already been assigned the value of the status item, but it makes it unavailable to choose that status item option. |
Select the key term/concept below that you want to know more in relation to Status Items: Status Type?
In From the Paradigm User Interface perspective, it is the heading or the title of the field which requires a status input. In the example below, “Enrolment Status“ is the Status Type. Image Removed Image Added Status Items?In From the Paradigm User Interface perspective, it is the list of statuses under a given group of status statuses we refer to as the “Status Type”. In the example screenshot above, “Applied”, “Audit”, “Completed”, and “Confirmed”, …., are the Status Items in an Enrolment Status Type.
back to top Status |
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title | form fields |
Field name | Brief Overview | Sample Data |
Status Id | NOTE: This value should have no spaces and be fewer than 20 characters in length. The unique code that is used in the back-end of the system for the response | ENROLMENT_APPLIED |
Status Type Id | Each status item is assigned a type ID that is used to group status items that should appear in the same drop-down menu within the user interface. | ENROLMENT_STATUS |
Code | NOTE: We recommend making the Code field the same as the value of the Status Id field. This is the value that will be saved in the database. | ENROLMENT_APPLIED |
Sequence Id | This is the order that the items will appear in the drop box once added to the system. The number allocated to each option needs to be 2 or 3 digits to ensure that the options appear in the required order.
| 01 |
Description | Info |
INFO: The description is designed to be for the end-user and should be more "user-friendly”, descriptions that users could easily relate depending on the type of statuses you wanted them to choose. |
This is the value that will be seen by users in the drop-down menu displayed on the user interface. | Applied |
Visible | This setting determines whether an option is available or absent from the drop box. Hiding an option doesn't remove or re-code it from historical records in the system(for these records it will still be visible), it will just remove it from being used in the future.
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AVETMISS Program Status Identifier | ** only for VET provider |
E355 Unit of study completion status Code (HEIMS) | This field allows providers to associate a Paradigm student unit enrolment status code with a HEIMS / TCSI option reported for E355 | The available options are defined by HEIMS / TCSI E355 |
E599 HEIMS Course Outcome Identifier (TCSI) | This field allows providers to associate a Paradigm student course enrolment status code with a HEIMS / TCSI option reported for E599 | The available options are defined by HEIMS / TCSI E599 |
back to top Statuses in Paradigm (HEIMS and TCSI Values)
Table of default sample status item values for student, course enrolment, and unit enrolment in Paradigm Info |
INFO: The Status Items listed below may differ from the items you have in your institution depending on how Paradigm has been historically configured to meet the requirements of your institution. |
Note |
BE ADVISED: The Unit Enrolment and the Course Enrolment share the same list of possible status codes (status type of “ENROLMENT_STATUS”). This is an intentional system design decision on the basis that any status that is appropriate to be assigned to the course status is also appropriate for the unit, as one is a subset of the other. |
NOTE: With the scope of the TCSI solution, there are two status fields (HEIMS Unit of Study Status Identifier and HEIMS Course Outcome Identifier) that are required to be reported. Rather than creating new fields for these elements, we linked them to our status item table as below. Click here to find out more: Preparing Paradigm for TCSI reporting. The table below outlines the default set of status items that are included in a default installation of Paradigm together with the recommended use case for each option. From time to time the need may arise to add additional status items to the system. Providers retain the option of adding to this list, in addition to editing or marking options as hidden. When adding new status options we recommend that a provider add only the a minimal amount of new options to avoid creating ambiguity in the intended use case of a specific status item among users. Status Type | Status Name | Recommended Use | E355 | E599 | Paradigm E599 | Paradigm E355 |
E N R O L M E N T S T A T U S E N R O L M E N T S T A T U S E N R O L M E N T S T A T U S E N R O L M E N T S T A T U S E N R O L M E N T S T A T U S E N R O L M E N T S T A T U S E N R O L M E N T S T A T U S | Applied | The student has submitted an application for this course of Study. The application has not yet been approved or declined. | | - | Not a HEIMS Status | |
Audit | This Course/ unit Unit of study is being taken as an Audit. An Audit is where the student listens/attends the lectures but does not submit any assessments. This is NOT for credit. | | - | Not a HEIMS Status | | Cancelled | The Student has been removed from the course/unit of study. | | 3 | Enrolment Cancelled - A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “enrolment cancelled” where the Provider has withdrawn the student from the course due to the student’s lack of progress or other academic or disciplinary reasons. | | Completed | The Student has successfully met all of the Unit of study / Course requirements and has achieved a passing grade thereby completing the unit / course. | 3 | 1 | Completed - A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “completed” when the Provider has determined that the student has met all the requirements of the course in which the student is currently enrolled. | | Confirmed | The Student has enrolled themselves into the unit of study via the Course plan and is awaiting the | 4 | - | | | Credited / RPL | This unit of Study has been granted Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit for previous studies | | - | | | Deferred | The Student is delaying the commencement of this course of study or taking an approved leave of absence. | | - | Formally Deferred | | Deleted | This record / Course / unit has been ‘soft’ deleted and hidden within the system. | | - | | | Enrolled | This Course / unit of Study is currently being studied. | 4 | - | | | Exempt | This Unit of Study is required for this course of study but the student will not be required to complete it due to either being granted Recognition of Prior Learning / Credit transfer or has been allowed to complete an alternative unit. | | - | | | Failed | The Student has not completed the required assessments / gained a sufficiently high enough assessment score(s) and has been determined to have failed this unit of study. | 2 | - | | | Incomplete | The Student has not been able to complete the unit of study in the normal enrolment period and has been granted an additional prescribed amount of time to try and complete the unit. This incomplete status has been granted due to extenuating circumstances (medical, personal / or other reason) | | - | | | Internal | The status meaning is determined by the institution. | | - | | | Lapsed | The student was offered entry into this course of study by the institution, but the student failed to respond to the offer by the offer expiry date - the offer has lapsed. | | - | | | Leave of Absence | The student is taking an approved break/leave from their studies | | 4 | | | Offered | The Student has been offered entry into this course of Study and the institution is awaiting the student's response by the offer expiry date. | | - | | | Transferred Credit | These units within this Course of Study were originally undertaken within a different course. the Student has changed Courses and these units (and Subsequent credit) have been transferred to the new Course. | | - | | | Transferred | The student has transferred to another Course of Study and the Units / Credit points may or may not (either in full or in part) have been transferred. | | 6 or 7 | | | Withdrawn | The Student has decided to not complete the course of study or has been inactive for an extended period of time. | 1 | 2 | Withdrawn - A student’s course outcome is to be coded as “withdrawn” where the student has formally notified the provider that they are discontinuing study in the course and they are not transferring to, or completing, a related course with the provider. | | |
P E R S O N S T A T U S P E R S O N S T A T U S P E R S O N S T A T U S P E R S O N S T A T U S | Active | The Student record is active and ready for use. | | | | |
Alumni | Students who have completed and graduated from their course(s) of study and are now members of the institution's Alumni | | | | | Applied | The Student has submitted an application to study with the institution but has not either been accepted or extended an offer as yet. | | | | | Archived | This student record has been archived and is not current | | | | | Cancelled | This student record/application has been cancelled and will not be processed or continued | | | | | Deceased | This person has died and the record should not be accessed or used. | | | | | Deleted | This record has been ‘soft’ deleted and hidden within the system. | | | | | Discontinued | The student has discontinued their application to study with the institution. | | | | | Inactive | The person record is no longer in use or active within the system. | | | | | On Leave | The person is taking an authorised break from their studies with the provider | | | | | Prospective | This person has made enquiries regarding studying with your institution but as yet has not made a formal application. A list of prospective students can be generated to send information about upcoming Open days / Course information nights / | | | | | Suspended | This status suspends the person record and displays a warning message to all users not to access this Student’s record without consulting an appropriate authorised officer of the provider. This student is precluded from enrolling in courses or receiving copies of documents (transcripts/parchments) due to examples such as non-payment of fees, academic misconduct / personal misconduct, or other official reasons. | | | | | |
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Info |
INFO: Status items are categorised into types that reflect the full set of possible states that a specific field may be assigned. For example, there is a defined set of possible states that may be assigned in the enrolment status field of a student course enrolment. The key status codes used across the main system include: Person, Course, Unit, Course and Unit Enrolments Statuses. |
Note |
BE ADVISED: Providers may add and retire status item options as necessary to meet their internal naming conventions or business requirements. However, some status items have special significance in the system and we recommend seeking advice before making changes to those status items. |
Status |
colour | Blue |
title | Person status |
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title | A. Search a Status Item |
Status |
colour | Blue |
title | Unit status |
Status |
colour | Blue |
title | Course enrolment status |
Search a Status Item
Info |
INFO: If you know the exact Status Type Id or a keyword of the status that you want to search, you can do so by typing in the Status Type Id field and click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button after. However, if you want to search for all the Status Items [to be displayed], follow the instructions below. |
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title | Search a Status Item |
, Blue | A. | Search a Status Item
Info |
INFO: If you know the exact Status Type Id or a keyword of the status that you want to search, you can do so by typing in the Status Type Id field and click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button after. However, if you want to search for all the Status Items [to be displayed], follow the instructions below. Choose the System menu > Search Status Type > Click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button.
Image Added
A list of all Status Types will be displayed. You can filter your search by typing a keyword of the Status Type that you want to search in the Filter Box or in the Status Type Id field again.
Image Added
, , Choose the System menu > Search Status Type > Click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button.
Image Removed
Select the Status Type of the Status Item that you want to search under the Status Type Id Column.
Image Added Info |
INFO: In the example above, the ENROLMENT STATUS is being selected as the user would want to search for all the Status Items under the Enrolment Status type. |
A list of all Status Types will be displayed. You can filter your search by typing a keyword of the Status Type that you want to search in the Filter Box or in the Status Type Id field again.
Image Removed
An “ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH STATUS TYPE”Form below will then appear showing all the Status Items of the Status Type that you’ve searched.
Image Added
Tip |
After selecting the ENROLMENT STATUS as the Status Type to search, a form like the above will appear showing all the status items under that type. |
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title | B. Add a Status Item |
Green | 5 | Select the Status Type of the Status Item that you want to search under the Status Type Id Column.
Image Removed Info |
INFO: In the example above, the ENROLMENT STATUS is being selected as the user would want to search for all the Status Items under the Enrolment Status type. Add a Status Item
Add a Status Item
Follow the same instructions as above on how to “ Search for a Status Item”, to search for the Status Type where you want to add your new Status Item. Follow the same instructions as above on how to “ An “ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH STATUS TYPE”Form below will then appear showing all the Status Items of the Status Type that you’ve searched.
Image Removed
Info |
INFO: After selecting the ENROLMENT STATUS as the Status Type to search, a form like above will appear showing all the status items under that type. |
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Search for a Status Item”, to search for the Status Type where you want to add your new Status Item. Once you’ve found the Status Type and its associated Status Items, click the ADD STATUS ITEM button. Image Added An EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS section will appear below, with all the fields that you need to fill out to add successfully your new Status Item. Refer to the guide below in filling out this form. For more details on the definition of each field, refer to the Key Terms and Conceptssection [above] of this page. Image Added Once you’ve found the Status Type and its associated Status Items, click the ADD STATUS ITEM button. Image Removed Status Id – Refer to your institution’s naming convention for your Status Items. The best way to check the format is to check the previous Status Items on the list and follow the same format. The suggested format should be, as in the sample form above, STATUS_TYPE_ID_TITLE. The letters are all in uppercase. Use underscore in place of spaces. An EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS Form will appear below, with all the fields that you need to fill out to add successfully your new Status Item. Refer to the guide below in filling out this form. For more details on the definition of each field, refer to the Key Terms and Conceptssection [above] of this page. Image Removed Status Type Id – This is the Status Type Id where your newly created Status Item will belong. In the example above, it will be under the Unit Status type.Status Id – Refer to your institution’s naming convention for your Status Items. The best way to check on the format is to check the previous Status Items on the list and follow the same format. Suggested format should be, as in the sample form above, STATUS_TYPE_ID_TITLE. Letters are all in uppercase. Use underscore in place of spaces.Code – Copy the Status Id field to this field.NOTE: We recommend making the Status Code field the same as the value of the Status Id field. Status Type Id – This is the Status Type Id where your newly created Status Item will belong. In the example above, it will be under the Unit Status type. Sequence Id – Enter a number here – a numerical value that will determine the order this option will appear in the drop-down box.NOTE: Prefix any single digit number with a zero. Any order number entered below 10 should start with a zero. e.g. 01, 02, 03, etc. Status Code – Copy the Status Id field to this field.NOTE: We recommend making the Status Code field the same as the value of the Status Id field. Description – Enter a description. This is the text to be displayed on the user screen, this field/data can have a bit more detail. Sequence Id Visible – Enter a number here – a numerical value which will determine the order this option will appear in the drop down box.NOTE: Prefix any single digit number with a zero. Any order number entered below 10 should start with a zero. e.g. 01, 02, 03, etc. Description – Enter a description. This is the text to be displayed on the user screen, this field/data and can have a bit more detail. Visible – Select a visibility option. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time. Info | INFO: Select a visibility option. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time. Info |
INFO: Hiding an option doesn't remove or re-code it from historical records in the system(for these records it will still be visible), it will just remove it from being used in the future. | AVETMISS Program Status Identifier – only for VET providerprovidersNOTE: If you are adding a status item with HEIMS required fields, you might see these two additional fields: HEIMS Unit of Study Identifier(E355)and HEIMS Course Outcome Identifier(E599), see above tables under the Key Terms and Concepts section for more details. Click the SAVE STATUS ITEM button, to add the new Status Item in the Status Type.
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title | C. Edit a Status Item |
Edit a Status Item
Follow the same instructions as above on how to “ Search for a Status Item”, to search for the Status Type where you want to edit a Status Item. Once you’ve found the Status Type and its associated Status Item that you want to edit, click the 📝 EDIT button on the right. An EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS Form section will appear below, with all the fields that you can edit for that Status Item. Refer to the guide below in editing this form. For more details on the definition of each field, refer to the Key Terms and Conceptssection [above] of this page. NOTE: Status items can be edited but not deleted. The order, visibility and the description can each be edited.  Order – Edit the number here if you want to change the order of the Status Item. The numerical value you’ve entered will determine the order this option will appear in the drop-down box.NOTE: Prefix any single-digit number with a zero. Any order number entered below 10 should start with a zero. e.g. 01, 02, 03, etc. In the example above, it is being set to 03. Description – Edit the description field if you want a new display option for the user to see under this Status Type. This is the "human consumable" version of this data and can have a bit more detail. You can also edit the Status Id and the Status Code fields above if you are editing the description – to match your new description, just follow the same format. Visible – Edit the visibility depending on how you want this Status Item to be seen in the system. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a status item, hidden will save it for a later time.NOTE: If you are editing a status items with government required fields, you might see these three additional fields: AVETMISS Program Status Identifier – only for VET providers, HEIMS Unit of Study Identifier(E355)and HEIMS Course Outcome Identifier(E599), see above tables under the Key Terms and Concepts section for more details.
Click the SAVE STATUS ITEM button, to apply changes.
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title | D. Hide a Status Item |
Hide a Status Item
Follow the same instructions as above on how to “ Search for a Status Item”, to search for the Status Item that you want to hide. Once you’ve found the Status Type and the Status Item under it that you want to hide, click the 📝 EDIT button on the right.
An EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS Form will appear below. Look for the Visible field. Select the “Hidden” option in the drop-down list to hide the Status Code. Click the SAVE CODE ITEM button to apply the change.  Info |
INFO: In the example above, the Status Item “Unconfirmed” will no longer be shown in the drop-down list of the Unit Status Type field. |
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title | 1. How to Map a Status Item in Paradigm to TCSI Allowable Values |
How to Map a Status Item in Paradigm to TCSI Allowable Values
Note |
BE ADVISED: TCSI Validation Rule - you cannot update Course Enrolment record if there are Unit Enrolments that are still linked to an E355 value of 4 (“Unit of study to be commenced later in the year or still in process of completing or completion status not yet determined”). The unit enrolments must be updated with a correct final outcome before attempting to report a final outcome for the course enrolment. | Search for the Status Item
, Choose System > Search Status Type menus on the side. Enter or type in the Status Type Id field: “ENROLMENT_STATUS.”.” Click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button. Info |
INFO: Enter in the Status Type Id field, “ENROLMENT_STATUS” for both Element 355 - Unit of study status code, and Element 599 - Course outcome code, as Paradigm is using the same status type for unit and course enrolments. |
Image Added Click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button. Info |
INFO Enter in the Status Type Id field, “ENROLMENT_STATUS” for both Element 355 - Unit of study status code, and Element 599 - Course outcome code, as Paradigm is using the same status type for unit and course enrolments. Image Removed An “ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH STATUS TYPE”Form below will appear showing all the Status Items of the Status Type Id that you’ve searched. Image Added
Tip |
After selecting the ENROLMENT STATUS as the Status Type to search, a form like above will appear showing all the status items under that type. |
Select the status item and map the values. An “ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH STATUS TYPE”Form below will appear showing all the Status Items of the Status Type Id that you’ve searched. Image Removed With all the status items on the list, edit the existing Status Id which matches the status type required by TCSI, by clicking the 📝 EDIT button on the right of the record. Image Added After selecting the ENROLMENT STATUS as the Status Type to search, a form like above will appear showing all the status items under that type. Select the status item and map the valuesIn the example screenshot above. The Completed status item has been chosen to be edited, for the TCSI values to be mapped. | With all the status items on the list, edit the existing Status Id which matches to the status type required by TCSI, by clicking the 📝 EDIT button on the right of the record. Image Removed Info |
INFO: In the example screenshot above. The Completed status item has been chosen to be edited, for the TCSI values to be mapped. | After clicking the status item that you have chosen to map, an EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS Form section will appear below. Edit the following information:FOR Element 355 - Unit of study status code = “ENROLMENT_STATUS” edit the HEIMS Unit of Study Identifier Element 599 - Course outcome code = “ENROLMENT_STATUS” edit the HEIMS Course Outcome Identifier After clicking the status item that you have chosen to map, an EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS Form section will appear below. Edit the following information: NOTE: To map an equivalent TCSI value in Paradigm to TCSI, take note of the following: If the status item that you are editing is only used as a Unit Enrolment Status (E355), only edit the HEIMS Unit of Study Identifier field If the status item that you are editing is only used as a Course Enrolment Status (E599), only edit the HEIMS Course Outcome Identifier field If the status item that you are editing is both used in your Unit and Course Outcome status, edit both fields to their TCSI equivalent values.
Related video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ex0lXa2WXFA  Infotip |
INFO: In the example screenshot above. Since the Completed status item has been chosen to be edited and is under the Element 355 - Unit of study status code(which will return a value of 3 as Successfully completed all the requirements) and Element 599 - Course outcome code(which will return a value of 1 as Completed), the fields that should be edited are the both used in Paradigm’s Unit and Course Enrolment statuses, the following fields are mapped: E355), and the E599). Click the code to see more details of that element in TCSI. | Click the SAVE STATUS ITEM button to save the changes.NOTE: Repeat this process for all the other enrolment status items which are related to your business or institution’s reportable unit and course enrolment statuses. Always refer to your institution or business requirements, naming convention/standards, and the TCSI reportable elements for all unit and course enrolments. Refer to the tables and information above under the Key Terms and Conceptsto learn more about this section. back to top |
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