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Overview of entity types and template URL for each HTTP method

Each example for creating a record shows the JSON document to send as the HTTP body. Any text in highlighted in green (at least) should be reviewed and edited per HTTP call to create a record. 

API Entity Record TypesBrief Description
ProgramProgram : a Program/Course of Study definition 
ProgramUnitConstraint  Program-Unit Constraint : rule relating Programs and Units Unit
ScheduledUnit Scheduled Unit : a Unit of Study delivered,  by method and period 
ScheduledFee Scheduled Fee : define a fee per ScheduledUnit/Program/FeeType 
ScheduledUnitFee Scheduled Unit Fee : API entity only, wraps the two types above 
UnitAssessmentUnit Assessment :  An Assessment task assigned to a Unit of Study 
UnitCompetencyUnit Competency : A Competency type of Unit Assessment
CompetencyCompetency : A nationally defined Unit of Competency 
CodeItemCode Item (multiple types) : used for various look-up attributes
StatusItemStatus Item (multiple types) : used for status look-up attributes 

Create an entity record (HTTP POST method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

POST https://{host} of Study
POST https://{host} of Study 
POST https://{host} Relationship 
POST https://{host} Scheduled Unit of Study 
POST https://{host} Unit Fee 
POST https://{host} of Study Assessment
POST https://{host} of Study Competency 
POST https://{host} of Competency
POST https://{host} Item 
POST https://{host} Item
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host} 
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}
POST https://{host}

Update an entity record (HTTP PUT method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

PUT https://{host}{eduProgramIdProgram/Course of Study
PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId}Unit of Study
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintIdProgram-Unit Relationship
PUT https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId}Scheduled Unit of Study 
PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId}Scheduled Unit Fee 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId}Unit of Study Assessment
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} Unit of Study Competency
PUT https://{host} /{competencyId}Unit of Competency
PUT https://{host}{codeIdCode Item
PUT https://{host}{statusId}Status Item

PUT https://{host}{eduProgramId}  
PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId} 
PUT https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintId}  
PUT https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} 
PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
PUT https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
PUT https://{host} /{competencyId} 
PUT https://{host}{codeId} 
PUT https://{host}{statusId} 

Retrieve an entity record (HTTP GET Method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

GET https://{host}{eduProgramIdProgram/Course of Study
GET https://{host}{eduUnitId}Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintIdProgram-Unit Relationship
GET https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} Scheduled Unit of Study 
GET https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitIdScheduled Unit Fee 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} Unit of Study Assessment
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId}Unit of Study Competency
GET https://{host} /{competencyId} Unit of Competency
GET https://{host}{codeIdCode Item
GET https://{host}{statusId} 

Status Item

GET https://{host}{eduProgramId} 
GET https://{host}{eduUnitId} 
GET https://{host}{eduProgramUnitConstraintId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduScheduledUnitId} 
GET https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
GET https://{host} /{eduAssessmentId} 
GET https://{host} /{competencyId} 
GET https://{host}{codeId} 
GET https://{host}{statusId} 

Find entity records matching criteria (HTTP GET  method) (template URL for each relevant API entity type)

GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Program/Course of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Program-Unit Relationship
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Scheduled Unit of Study
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Scheduled Unit Fee 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study Assessment
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Study Competency
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Unit of Competency
GET https://{host}{codeTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Code Item
GET https://{host} statusTypeId={ statusTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} Status Item

GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{codeTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host} statusTypeId={ statusTypeId} &{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value}&{fieldName}={value} 

Examples for Unit entity and related entities

Each example for creating a record shows the JSON document to send as the HTTP body. Any text in highlighted in green (at least) should be reviewed and edited per HTTP call to create a record

Create a new Unit entity record


POST https://{host} 

"eduUnitId": "ICX1234"Unit Code (Primary key, fixed) 
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234", Unit Code (required,updateable)
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",External Unit Code (optional,updateable) 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name 
"unitCategory": "2", Unit Category (Code=UNIT_CATEGORY) 
"providerPartyId": "10000",Provider (DEFAULT=10000)
"creditStatement": "",Credit Statement (point/hours, optional) 
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",Study Load (EFTSL) for Postgrad (NA) 
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",Study Load (EFTSL) for VET/Undergrad
"description": "Example Unit description ",Unit Description (optional) 
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",Unit Description (optional) 
"destDiscipline": "80300",HEIMS Discipline 
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",HEIMS Work Experience Indicator 
"method": "ONLINE",Delivery Mode 
"avet018": "20",Delivery Mode Identifier
"avet040": "60",Nominal Hours 
"avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours 
"avet078": "N"VET in Schools program (Y/N) 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234", Unit Code (Primary key, fixed)   
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234", 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",   
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",   
"unitCategory": "2",  
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",
"providerPartyId": "10000", 
"creditStatement": "",   
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",   
"description": "Example Unit description ",    
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",   
"destDiscipline": "80300",    
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0", 
"method": "ONLINE", 
"avet018": "20",    
"avet040": "60",
"avet058": "60",
"avet078": "N"

SCHEDULED UNIT: If a value for any of the following data fields are NOT specified when creating a ScheduledUnit entity record then the value will default to the corresponding data field on the existing Unit entity record referenced by the "eduUnitId" field: "eduOtherUnitId", "eduProviderOtherUnitId", "unitName", "unitStatusId", "providerPartyId"

Update an existing Unit entity record

PUT https://{host}{eduUnitId}{eduUnitId} to be replaced by Unit Code (Primary key, fixed) 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",External Unit Code 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name 
"unitCategory": "2",Unit Category  
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",Status  
  "pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",Study Load (EFTSL) for Postgrad 
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",Study Load (EFTSL) for VET/Undergrad 
"description": "Example Unit description",Unit Description (optional) 
  "requirements": "Example Unit requirements",Unit Description (optional) 
"destDiscipline": "80300",HEIMS Discipline
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",HEIMS Work Experience Indicator 
"method": "ONLINE",Delivery Mode 
 "avet018": "20",Delivery Mode Identifier
 "avet040": "60",Nominal Hours 
  "avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours 
  "avet078": "N"VET in Schools program (Y/N) 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",  
"unitCategory": "2", 
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE", 
"pgradEftsuLoad": "0.0",
"ugradEftsuLoad": "0.0625",  
"description": "Example Unit description ",   
"requirements": "Example Unit requirements ",  
"destDiscipline": "80300",
"destWorkExperienceIndicator": "0",
"method": "ONLINE",
"avet018": "20",
"avet040": "60",  
"avet058": "60",
"avet078": "N" 

Create a new ScheduledUnitFee entity record (new API entity to simplify unit fee management)

ScheduledUnit and ScheduledFee wrapper 

POST https://{host}  

"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (FK to Unit.eduUnitId)

"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (required, updateable)

"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",

Unit Code (optional, updateable)

"unitName": "Example Unit Name",

Unit Name (optional)

"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",


"providerPartyId": "10000",

Provider (DEFAULT=10000)

"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",

Start Date (YYYYMMDD)

"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",


"fee": "1000.00",

Unit Fee Amount (AUD)

"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",

Fee Type (Code=FEE_TYPE)

"description": "Standard Fee",

Fee Description (optional)

"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",

Mode of Delivery (ONLINE)

"flexibleLearning": "Y",

Flexible Learning (Y/N)

"maximumParticipants": "10000"

Maximum allowed enrolments


"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",   
"eduOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",  
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",   
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",   
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",  
"providerPartyId": "10000",   
"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",   
"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",  
"fee": "1000.00", 
 "feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",
"description": "Standard Fee",    
"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",   
"flexibleLearning": "Y",    
"maximumParticipants": "10000"  

SCHEDULED UNIT FEE: When a POST call is made to the API to create a ScheduledUnitFee entity it actually creates a ScheduledUnit entity record and also create attached ScheduledFee and ScheduledAssessment entity records matching the specification associated with the Unit record.

SCHEDULED UNIT: If a value for any of the following data fields are NOT specified when creating a ScheduledUnitFee entity then the value of that field on the ScheduledUnit entity record created will default to the corresponding data field on the existing Unit entity record referenced by the eduUnitId field: eduOtherUnitId, eduProviderOtherUnitId, unitName, unitStatusId, providerPartyId.

SCHEDULED FEES: If a numeric value is specified for the fee data field when creating a ScheduledUnitFee entity then ScheduledFee entity records will be created and attached to the new ScheduledUnit entity record for each Program of a ProgramUnitConstraint record (of type CORE_UNIT or ELECTIVE_UNIT ) where the eduUnitId fields of the ProgramUnitConstraint and the ScheduledUnit record are the same value.

If a valid value for the feeTypeId field is specified in the JSON document of the HTTP request then each ScheduledFee record will be created with a feeTypeId field of the specified value (defaults to STANDARD_FEE if not specified in the HTTP request body).
If a text value for the description field is specified in the JSON document of the HTTP request then each ScheduledFee record will be created with a description field of the specified value (defaults to the description associated with the feeTypeId field if not specified in the HTTP request body).
A list of all ScheduledFee entity records created will be returned in the JSON document of the HTTP response in an derived array field named scheduledFees. This derived array field cannot be used when creating or updating any ScheduledUnitFee entity or ScheduledUnit entity record via the API.

SCHEDULED ASSESSMENTS: When creating a ScheduledUnitFee entity via the API, ScheduledAssessment entity records will be created and attached to the new ScheduledUnit entity record for each existing UnitAssessment record where the eduUnitId fields of the UnitAssessment and the ScheduledUnit record are the same value and where the statusId field of the UnitAssessment record has a value of ASSESSMENT_ACTIVE.

A list of all ScheduledAssessment entity records created will be returned in the JSON document of the HTTP response in an derived array field named scheduledAssessments. This derived array field cannot be used when creating or updating any ScheduledUnitFee entity or ScheduledUnit entity record via the API. Any ScheduledAssessment entity records listed in this derived field must be updated using HTTP PUT calls directly to the relevant individual ScheduledAssessment API URL for that entity record.

Update an existing ScheduledUnitFee entity record (new API entity to simplify unit fee management)

ScheduledUnit and ScheduledFee wrapper

PUT https://{host}{eduScheduledUnitId
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",Unit Code (optional) 
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",Unit Name (optional)
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",Status (ACTIVE/INACTIVE) 
"providerPartyId": "10000",Provider (DEFAULT=10000) 
"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",Start Date  (YYYYMMDD) 
"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",End Date  (YYYYMMDD)
"fee": "1000.00",Unit Fee Amount (AUD) 
"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",Fee Type (Code=FEE_TYPE)
"description": "Standard Fee",Fee Description (optional) 
"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE",Mode of Delivery (ONLINE)
"flexibleLearning": "Y",Flexible Learning (Y/N) 
"maximumParticipants": "10000"Maximum allowed enrolments 
"eduProviderOtherUnitId": "ICX1234",
"unitName": "Example Unit Name",
"unitStatusId": "UNIT_ACTIVE",
"providerPartyId": "10000",
"startDate" : "20150101T00:00:00", 
"endDate" : "20151231T00:00:00",
"fee": "1000.00", 
"feeTypeId": "STANDARD_FEE",  
"description": "Standard Fee", 
"modeOfDelivery": "ONLINE", 
"flexibleLearning": "Y", 
"maximumParticipants": "10000" 

SCHEDULED UNIT FEE: When a PUT call is made to the API to create a ScheduledUnitFee entity it actually updates the ScheduledUnit entity record identified by the value of the eduScheduledUnitId field value in the URL. It may also create and/or update any ScheduledFee or ScheduledAssessment entity records attached to that ScheduledUnit entity record (i.e. record with a foreign key field named eduScheduledUnitId with the same identifier value.

SCHEDULED UNIT: If a value for any data fields having the same name as a data field of the ScheduledUnit entity type are specified when updating a ScheduledUnitFee entity, then the value of that field on the identified ScheduledUnit entity record will be updated with the specified value.

SCHEDULED FEES: If a numeric value is specified for the fee data field when updating a ScheduledUnitFee entity then any ScheduledFee entity records already attached to the the identified ScheduledUnit entity record will be updated with that fee amount. If a valid value for the feeTypeId field is specified in the JSON document of the HTTP request then the ScheduledFee entity records being updated will be restricted to existing records matching the specified feeTypeId value.

Also, any missing ScheduledFee entity records will be created and attached to the identified ScheduledUnit entity record for each Program of a ProgramUnitConstraint record (of type CORE_UNIT or ELECTIVE_UNIT ) where the eduUnitId fields of the ProgramUnitConstraint and the ScheduledUnit record are the same value.

If a valid value for the feeTypeId field is specified in the JSON document of the HTTP request then any new ScheduledFee records will be created with a feeTypeId field of the specified value (defaults to STANDARD_FEE if not specified in the HTTP request body).

If a text value for the description field is specified in the JSON document of the HTTP request then each ScheduledFee record will be created with a description field of the specified value (defaults to the description associated with the feeTypeId field if not specified in the HTTP request body).

A list of all ScheduledFee entity records created will be returned in the JSON document of the HTTP response in an derived array field named scheduledFees. This derived array field cannot be used when creating or updating any ScheduledUnitFee entity or ScheduledUnit entity record via the API.

SCHEDULED ASSESSMENTS: When updating a ScheduledUnitFee entity via the API, any missing ScheduledAssessment entity records will be created and attached to the identified ScheduledUnit entity record for each existing UnitAssessment record where the eduUnitId fields of the UnitAssessment and the ScheduledUnit record are the same value and where the statusId field of UnitAssessment record has a value of ASSESSMENT_ACTIVE.

A list of all ScheduledAssessment entity records created will be returned in the JSON document of the HTTP response in a derived array field named scheduledAssessments. This derived array field cannot be used when updating any ScheduledUnitFee entity or ScheduledUnit entity record via the API. Any ScheduledAssessment entity records listed in this derived field must be updated using HTTP PUT calls directly to the relevant individual ScheduledAssessment API URL for that entity record.

Create a new UnitAssessment entity record

POST https://{host} 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",Unit Code (FK to Unit.eduUnitId)
"assessmentTypeId": "COMPETENCY_UNIT",Type of the Assessment
"assessmentName": "Example Assessment Name",Name of the Assessment
"codeId": " ABC10203",Code of the Assessment (optional)
"description": " Example Assessment Description",Description  of the Assessment
"maximumMark": " 100",Maximum Mark (“marked out of”)
"passMark": " 50",Pass Mark (“threshold to pass”) 
"weighting": "1.0",Weighting (relative within Unit) 
"startWeek": "5",Start Week (of term schedule) 
"endWeek": "7",EndWeek (of term schedule) 
"avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"avet018": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS) 
"avet078": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 
"assessmentName":"Example Assessment Name", 
"description":"Example Assessment Description",  

UNIT ASSESSMENT: When a POST call is made to the API to create a UnitAssessment entity it actually creates an Assessment entity record attached to the existing Unit (of study) record identified by the specified value of the eduUnitId field.

The new Assessment entity record will have data field values set as follows:

  1. assessmentId set to an auto-generated identifier
    • assessmentId MUST NOT be provided in the request 
    • assessmentId SHOULD be used to identify the new record in other HTTP requests 

  2. assessmentTypeId set to the value provided in the request
    • assessmentTypeId MUST be provided in the request
    • assessmentTypeId MUST be COMPETENCY_UNIT if provided in the request 

  3. statusId set to
    • the value of statusId if provided in the request 
    • ASSESSMENT_ACTIVE otherwise 
    • statusId MUST be a valid ASSESSMENT_STATUS if provided in the request

  4.  maximumMark set to the value 100
    • maximumMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0 
    • maximumMark MUST be less than or equal to 100 if provided in the request 

  5. passMark set to the value 50
    • passMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0 
    • passMark MUST be less than or equal to maximumMark if provided in the request 

  6. all other data fields will be set to
    •  o the value of matching field name if provided in the request
    • the null value otherwise

Update an existing UnitAssessment entity record

PUT https://{host}{assessmentId

"assessmentName": "Example Assessment Name",Name of the Assessment 
"codeId": "ABC10203",Code of the Assessment 
"description":"Example Assessment Description",Description  of the Assessment 
"maximumMark":"100",Maximum Mark (“mark out of”) 
"passMark": "50",Pass Mark (“mark to pass”) 
"weighting": "1.0",Weighting (relative within Unit) 
"startWeek": "5",Start Week (of term schedule) 
"endWeek": "7",EndWeek (of term schedule)   
"avet058": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"avet018": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS) 
"avet078": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 
"assessmentName": "Example Assessment Name", 
"codeId": " ABC10203", 
"description":" Example Assessment Description",  
"maximumMark": " 100",
"passMark": " 50",   "weighting": "1.0",   
"startWeek": "5", 
"endWeek": "7",   
"avet058": "60",  
"avet018": "20", 
"avet078": "N"

UNIT ASSESSMENT: When a PUT call is made to the API to update a UnitAssessment entity it actually updates the Assessment entity record record identified by the specified value of the assessmentId data field specified in the URL. The identified Assessment entity record will have data field values set to the value of matching field name if provided in the request.

The updated Assessment entity record will have data field values set as follows:

  1. assessmentId cannot be updated: 
    • assessmentId MAY be provided in the request body 
    • assessmentId MUST be the same as in the URL if provided in the request body 

  2. assessmentTypeId set to the value provided in the request
    • assessmentTypeId MUST be provided in the request
    • assessmentTypeId MUST be COMPETENCY_UNIT if provided in the request 

  3. statusId set to
    • the value of statusId if provided in the request
    • ASSESSMENT_ACTIVE otherwise
    • statusId MUST be a valid ASSESSMENT_STATUS if provided in the request

  4.  maximumMark set to the value 100
    • maximumMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0
    • maximumMark MUST be less than or equal to 100 if provided in the request

  5.  passMark set to the value 50
    • passMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0
    • passMark MUST be less than or equal to maximumMark if provided in the request

  6.  all other data fields will be set to
    • the value of matching field name if provided in the request
    • the null value otherwise

Create a new UnitCompetency entity record (new API entity to simplify unit competencies)

UnitAssessment wrapper for COMPETENCY_UNIT 

POST https://{host} 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",Unit Code (FK to Unit.eduUnitId) 
"competencyId": "ABC10203",Code of the Assessment 
"competencyName": "Example Competency Name",Name of the Assessment 
"description": "Example Competency Description",Description  of the Assessment 
"vetScheduledHours": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"vetDeliveryMode": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS) 
"vetInSchoolsFlag": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",  
"competencyId": "ABC10203",
"competencyName": "Example Competency Name", 
"description": "Example Competency Description",  
"vetScheduledHours": "60",
"vetDeliveryMode": "20",
"vetInSchoolsFlag": "N"

UNIT COMPETENCY: When a POST call is made to the API to create a UnitCompetency entity it actually creates a Assessment entity record attached to the existing Unit (of study) record identified by the specified value of the eduUnitId field.

The new Assessment entity record will have data field values set as follows:

  1. assessmentId set to an auto-generated identifier
    • assessmentId MUST NOT be provided in the request
    • assessmentId SHOULD be used to identify the new record in other HTTP requests

  2.  assessmentTypeId set to COMPETENCY_UNIT
    • assessmentTypeId MAY be provided in the request
    • assessmentTypeId MUST be COMPETENCY_UNIT if provided in the request

  3. codeId set to the value of competencyId
    • competencyId MUST be provided in the request
    • competencyId MUST be a valid nationally recognised Unit of Competency identifier

  4.  assessmentName set to
    • the value of competencyName if provided in the request
    • the defined name of the identified Unit of Competency otherwise

  5.  description set to
    • the value of competencyName if provided in the request
    • the defined name of the identified Unit of Competency otherwise

  6.  statusId set to
    • the value of statusId if provided in the request
    • ASSESSMENT_ACTIVE otherwise
    • statusId MUST be a valid ASSESSMENT_STATUS if provided in the request

  7. avet058 set to
    • the value of vetScheduledHours if provided in the request
    • the defined “Nationally Agreed Hours” of the Unit of Competency otherwise

  8.  avet018 set to
    • the value of vetDeliveryMode if provided in the request
    • the value 20 (“Online”) otherwise

  9. avet078 set to
    • the value of vetInSchoolsFlag if provided in the request
    • the value N (“No”) otherwise - maximumMark set to the value 100
    • maximumMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0
    • maximumMark MUST be less than or equal to 100 if provided in the request
  10. passMark set to the value 100
    • passMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0
    • passMark MUST be less than or equal to maximumMark if provided in the request

Update existing UnitCompetency entity record (new API entity to simplify unit competencies)

UnitAssessment wrapper for COMPETENCY_UNIT 

PUT https://{host}{assessmentId

"competencyId": "ABC10203",Code of the Assessment 
"competencyName": "Example Competency Name",Name of the Assessment
"description": "Example Competency Description",Description  of the Assessment 
"vetScheduledHours": "60",Scheduled Hours for Assessment 
"vetDeliveryMode": "20",Mode of Delivery (AVETMISS)
"vetInSchoolsFlag": "N"VET in Schools flag (Y/N) 
"competencyId": "ABC10203",
"competencyName": "Example Competency Name",
"statusId": "ASSESSMENT_ACTIVE",  
"description": "Example Competency Description", 
"vetScheduledHours": "60",
"vetDeliveryMode": "20", 
"vetInSchoolsFlag": "N"

UNIT COMPETENCY: When a PUT call is made to the API to update a UnitCompetency entity it actually updates the Assessment entity record identified by the specified value of the assessmentId field in the URL.

The updated Assessment entity record will have data field values set as follows:

  1. assessmentId cannot be updated:
    • assessmentId MAY be provided in the request body
    • assessmentId MUST be the same as in the URL if provided in the request body

  2. assessmentTypeId cannot be updated:
    • assessmentTypeId MAY be provided in the request
    • assessmentTypeId MUST be COMPETENCY_UNIT if provided in the request

  3. codeId set to the value of competencyId if provided in the request
    • competencyId MAY be provided in the request
    • competencyId SHOULD NOT be the same as the previous value if provided
    • competencyId MUST be a valid nationally recognised Unit of Competency identifier
    • the previous value codeId otherwise

  4. assessmentName set to
    • the value of competencyName if provided in the request
    • the previous value otherwise 

  5. description set to
    • the value of competencyName if provided in the request
    • the previous value of description otherwise

  6. statusId set to
    • the value of statusId if provided in the request
    • statusId MUST be a valid ASSESSMENT_STATUS if provided in the request
    • the previous value of statusId otherwise

  7. avet058 set to
    • the value of vetScheduledHours if provided in the request
    • the previous value of avet058 otherwise

  8. avet018 set to
    • the value of vetDeliveryMode if provided in the request
    • the previous value of avet018 otherwise

  9. avet078 set to
    • the value of vetInSchoolsFlag if provided in the request
    • the previous value of avet078 otherwise

  10. maximumMark o maximumMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0
    • maximumMark MUST be less than or equal to 100 if provided in the request
    • the previous value of maximumMark otherwise

  11. passMark
    • passMark MAY be provided in the request as a numeric value greater than 0
    • passMark MUST be less than or equal to maximumMark if provided in the request
    • the previous value of passMark otherwise

Examples for Single Diploma Program entity and related entities

Each example for creating a record shows the JSON document to send as the HTTP body. Any text in highlighted in green (at least) should be reviewed and edited per HTTP call to create a record. 

Create a new Program entity record

Single Diploma 

POST https://{host} 
"eduProgramId" : "DipBus",Course Code (PK,fixed) 
"programName" : Diploma of Business",Course Name 
"programType" : "COURSEWORK",Course Type 
"programLevel" : "VET",Course Level
"programDuration" : "52.0",Duration (weeks)
"programLevelInt" : "5",Program Level No (Dip=5, AdvDip=6)
"providerPartyId" : "33594",Provider (SGA=33594,ACA=39114) 
"studyArea" : "BUS",Course Study Area (optional)
"standardCourseFee" : "12600.0",Course Fee (full-course total unit fees) 
"standardUnitFee" : "1575.0"Standard Unit Fee 
"destCourseCode" : "BSB50207",HEIMS Course Code 
"destE533" : " BSB50207",HEIMS Course of Study Code 
"destCourseLoad" : "0.75"HEIMS Course Load 
"destCourseType" : "21",HEIMS Course Type
"destEduField" : "080300",HEIMS Education Field 
"destSpecialCourseCode" : "00",HEIMS Special Course Code 
"destCombinedCourseCode" : "0",HEIMS Combined Course Code
"destLoanFeePostgrad" : "0.0"HEIMS Postgraduate Loan Fee (%)
"destLoanFeeUndergrad" : "20.0",HEIMS VET/Undergraduate Loan Fee (%)
"avet052" : "803",Course Field of Education Identifier 
"avet053" : "BSB50207",Course Identifier 
"avet054" : "421",Course Level of Education Identifier 
"avet056" : "11",Course Recognition Identifier 
"avet005" : "511112",ANZCO Identifier 
"avet040" : "480",Nominal Hours
"avet077" : "Y",VET Flag
"accredited" : "YES",Accreditation Flag (Y/N)
"accreditationDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",Accreditation Date (YYYYMMDD) 
"accreditationDateDue" : "20161231T00:00:00",Accreditation Date Due (YYYYMMDD) 
"allowInternationalStudent" : "NO"Allow International Students  (YES/NO) 
"allowOnlineApplication" : "YES",Allow Online Application  (YES/NO)
"aqfRegistered" : "Y",AQF Registered  (Y/N) 
"ecafApproved" : "Y",ECAF Approved  (Y/N
"fundingType" : "'UPFRONT_FEES','FEE_HELP'",Funding Type (multiple select)
"unitGradeType" : "UNIT_GRADE",Unit Grade Type 
"assessmentGradeType" : "ASSESSMENT_GRADE",Assessment Grade Type
"requirements" : "To enrol in this course, you will need to speak and write in English to at least Year 12 level. \\\nYou will also need to have one of the following:\\\n    Australian Year 12 or equivalent; OR\\\n    a Certificate IV; OR\\\n    be aged over 20 and have demonstrated skills acquired through work experience; OR\\\n    within the Admissions Interview be able to demonstrate that you have the skills and capability to succeed in the course."Entry Requirements (optional description)
"eduProgramId" : "DipBus",  
"programName" : Diploma of Business",  
"programStatusId" : "PROGRAM_ACTIVE",
"programType" : "COURSEWORK", 
"programLevel" : "VET", 
"programDuration" : "52.0",  
"programLevelInt" : "5",    
"providerPartyId" : "33594",  
"studyArea" : "BUS",  
"standardCourseFee" : "12600.0",  
"standardUnitFee" : "1575.0",  
"destCourseCode" : "BSB50207",
"destE533" : " BSB50207", 
"destCourseLoad" : "0.75"
"destCourseType" : "21",
"destEduField" : "080300",
"destSpecialCourseCode" : "00",
"destCombinedCourseCode" : "0",
"destLoanFeePostgrad" : "0.0", 
"destLoanFeeUndergrad" : "20.0", 
"avet052" : "803",   
"avet053" : "BSB50207", 
"avet054" : "421",
"avet056" : "11", 
"avet005" : "511112",
"avet040" : "480",
"avet077" : "Y", 
"accredited" : "YES", 
"accreditationDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",
"accreditationDateDue" : "20161231T00:00:00",
"allowInternationalStudent" : "NO",
"allowOnlineApplication" : "YES",
"aqfRegistered" : "Y",
"ecafApproved" : "Y",  
"fundingType" : "'UPFRONT_FEES','FEE_HELP'",
"unitGradeType" : "UNIT_GRADE",  
"assessmentGradeType" : "ASSESSMENT_GRADE",  
"requirements" : "To enrol in this course, you will need to speak and write in English to at least Year 12 level. \\\nYou will also need to have one of the following:\\\n    Australian Year 12 or equivalent; OR\\\n    a Certificate IV; OR\\\n    be aged over 20 and have demonstrated skills acquired through work experience; OR\\\n    within the Admissions Interview be able to demonstrate that you have the skills and capability to succeed in the course." 

Create a new ProgramUnitContraint entity record

(example for single diploma course outline core unit) Single Diploma CORE UNIT 

POST https://{host} 
"constraintTypeId": "CORE_UNIT",Core Unit Rule 
"eduProgramId": "DipBus",Course Code 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",Core Unit Code
"displayCode": "A1",Stage (A1/B1/C1/D1/etc)
"description": "Business Core Unit"Rule Description (optional)
"constraintTypeId": "CORE_UNIT",
"eduProgramId": "DipBus",
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",
"displayCode": "A1",
"description": "Business Core Unit" 

Examples for Double Diploma Program entity and related entities

Each example for creating a record shows the JSON document to send as the HTTP body. Any text in highlighted in green (at least) should be reviewed and edited per HTTP call to create a record. 

Create a new Program entity record - Double Diploma

POST https://{host} 
"eduProgramId" : "DipBusBeTh",Course Code (PK,fixed) 
"programName" : "Double Diploma of Business and Beauty Therapy",Course Name
"programType" : "COURSEWORK",Course Type 
"programLevel" : "VET",Course Level 
"programDuration" : "52.0",Duration (weeks) 
"programLevelInt" : "5",Program Level No (Dip=5, AdvDip=6) 
"providerPartyId" : "33594",Provider (SGA=33594,ACA=39114)   
"studyArea" : "BUS",Course Study Area (optional)
"standardCourseFee" : "12600.0",Course Fee (full-course total unit fees) 
"standardUnitFee" : "1575.0",Standard Unit Fee 
"destCourseLoad" : "0.75"HEIMS Course Load 
"destCourseType" : "21",HEIMS Course Type 
"destEduField" : "080300",HEIMS Education Field 
"destLoanFeePostgrad" : "0.0",HEIMS Postgraduate Loan Fee (%)
"destLoanFeeUndergrad" : "20.0",HEIMS VET/Undergraduate Loan Fee (%)
"accredited" : "YES",Accreditation Flag (Y/N) 
"accreditationDate" : "20150101T00:00:00",Accreditation Date (YYYYMMDD) 
"accreditationDateDue" : "20161231T00:00:00",Accreditation Date Due (YYYYMMDD) 
"allowInternationalStudent" : "NO",Allow International Students  (YES/NO) 
"allowOnlineApplication" : "YES",Allow Online Application  (YES/NO) 
"aqfRegistered" : "N",AQF Registered  (Y/N)
"ecafApproved" : "Y",ECAF Approved  (Y/N) 
"fundingType" : "'UPFRONT_FEES','FEE_HELP'",Funding Type (multiple select) 
"unitGradeType" : "UNIT_GRADE",Unit Grade Type 
"assessmentGradeType" : "ASSESSMENT_GRADE",Assessment Grade Type
  "requirements" : "To enrol in this course, you will need to speak and write in English to at least Year 12 level. \\\nYou will also need to have one of the following:\\\n    Australian Year 12 or equivalent; OR\\\n    a Certificate IV; OR\\\n    be aged over 20 and have demonstrated skills acquired through work experience; OR\\\n    within the Admissions Interview be able to demonstrate that you have the skills and capability to succeed in the course." Entry Requirements  (optional description)
"eduProgramId" : "DipBusBeTh",
"programName" : "Double Diploma of Business and Beauty Therapy",
"programStatusId" : "PROGRAM_ACTIVE",
"programType" : "COURSEWORK",
"programLevel" : "VET",
"programDuration" : "52.0",
"programLevelInt" : "5",
"providerPartyId" : "33594",
"studyArea" : "BUS",
"standardCourseFee" : "12600.0",
"standardUnitFee" : "1575.0",
"destCourseLoad" : "0.75"
"destCourseType" : "21",
"destEduField" : "080300",
"destLoanFeePostgrad" : "0.0",
"destLoanFeeUndergrad" : "20.0",
"accredited" : "YES",
"accreditationDate" : "20150101T00:00:00", 
"accreditationDateDue" : "20161231T00:00:00",
"allowInternationalStudent" : "NO",
"allowOnlineApplication" : "YES",
"aqfRegistered" : "N",
"ecafApproved" : "Y",
"fundingType" : "'UPFRONT_FEES','FEE_HELP'",
"unitGradeType" : "UNIT_GRADE",
"assessmentGradeType" : "ASSESSMENT_GRADE",
"requirements" : "To enrol in this course, you will need to speak and write in English to at least Year 12 level. \\\nYou will also need to have one of the following:\\\n    Australian Year 12 or equivalent; OR\\\n    a Certificate IV; OR\\\n    be aged over 20 and have demonstrated skills acquired through work experience; OR\\\n    within the Admissions Interview be able to demonstrate that you have the skills and capability to succeed in the course."

Create a new ProgramUnitContraint entity record

(only valid for double diploma course outline to define a child single diploma course under the double diploma)  Double Diploma COMPONENT PROGRAM 

CodeField name
POST https://{host} 
"constraintTypeId": "COMPONENT_PROGRAM", Parent-Child Course Rule 
"eduProgramId": "DipBusBeTh",Parent Course Code
"constraintProgramId": "DipBus",Child Course Code 
"description": "Business and Beauty Therapy Component Program"Rule Description (optional) 

"constraintTypeId": "COMPONENT_PROGRAM",
"eduProgramId": "DipBusBeTh",
"constraintProgramId": "DipBus",
"description": "Business and Beauty Therapy Component Program"

Create a new ProgramUnitContraint entity record

(only valid for double diploma course outline to define an exemption unit equivalent to a matching core unit) 

POST https://{host} 
"constraintTypeId": "SUBSTITUTE_UNIT",Equivalent Child Unit Rule 
"eduProgramId": "DipBusBeTh",Parent Course Code 
"constraintProgramId": "DipBeTh",Child Course Code
"eduUnitId": "ICB1233",Exempted Child Unit Code
"constraintEduUnitId": "ICX1234",Equivalent Core Unit Code
"displayCode": "",Stage (blank for no stage)
"description": "Business and Beauty Therapy Equivalent Unit"Rule Description (optional)
"constraintTypeId": "SUBSTITUTE_UNIT", 
"eduProgramId": "DipBusBeTh",
"constraintProgramId": "DipBeTh",
"eduUnitId": "ICB1233",
"constraintEduUnitId": "ICX1234",
"displayCode": "",
"description": "Business and Beauty Therapy Equivalent Unit"

Create a new ProgramUnitContraint entity record

(example for double diploma course outline core unit) 

POST https://{host} 
"constraintTypeId": "CORE_UNIT",Core Child Unit Rule 
"eduProgramId": "DipBusBeTh", Parent Course Code 
"constraintProgramId": "DipBus",Child Course Code 
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",Core Unit Code 
"displayCode": "A1",Stage (A1/B1/C1/D1/etc
"description": "Business and Beauty Therapy Core Unit"Rule Description (optional) 
"constraintTypeId": "CORE_UNIT", 
"eduProgramId": "DipBusBeTh",
"constraintProgramId": "DipBus",
"eduUnitId": "ICX1234",
"displayCode": "A1",
"description": "Business and Beauty Therapy Core Unit"

Examples for retrieving listings of entity records

Each example for retrieving a list of entity records using the HTTP GET method with URL parameters to specify search criteria. Any text in highlighted in green (at least) should be reviewed and edited per HTTP call to retrieve a list of records. 

Find entity records matching criteria (HTTP GET Method)

(template URL for each relevant API entity type) 

GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value}Program
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={valueUnit
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value}Program Unit Contraint
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value}Scheduled Unit
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={valueScheduled unit Fee
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} Unit Assessment
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} Unit Competency
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} Comptetency

GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host}{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} 
GET https://{host} ?{fieldName}={value} 

Find Program entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&”

GET https://{host}
eduProgramId={value}Program Code (full/partial)
programName ={value}Program Name (full/partial)
programStatusId ={value}Program Status (status id) 
keywords ={value}Keywords (partial match)
Example URL query CriteriaField
?programStatusId=PROGRAM_ACTIVEAll ACTIVE Programs 
?programStatusId=PROGRAM_INACTIVEAll INACTIVE Programs 
?programStatusId=PROGRAM_ACTIVE&programName=DiplomaACTIVE Diploma Programs 
programName ={value}
programStatusId ={value}
keywords ={value}

Find ProgramUnitConstraint entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&” 

GET https://{host} ProgramUnitConstraint
constraintTypeId={value}Constraint Type ID 
eduProgramId={value}Program Code (full/partial) 
eduUnitId={value}Unit Code (full/partial) 
constraintEduUnitId={value}Constraint Unit Code 
description={value}Description (partial match) 
Example URL query CriteriaField
?constraintTypeId=COMPONENT_PROGRAM&eduProgramId=DipBusMgt Component Programs for a double diploma course 
?constraintTypeId=CORE_UNIT&eduProgramId=DipBusMgt Core units for a program 
?constraintTypeId=SUBSTITUTE_UNIT&eduProgramId=DipBusMgt Substitute units for single programs under a double diploma course 
?constraintTypeId=_UNIT&eduProgramId=DipBusMgt All related units of any type for a program 

https://{host} ProgramUnitConstraint

Find Unit entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&” 

GET https://{host}
eduUnitId={value} Unit Identifier 
unitName={value} Unit Name (full/partial) 
eduOtherUnitId={value} Unit Code (full/partial
unitStatusId={value}Unit Status (status identifier) 
providerPartyId={value} Provider (party identifier)
keywords={value} Keywords text (partial match)
Example URL query Criteria
?unitStatusId=UNIT_INACTIVEAll INACTIVE units 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVEAll ACTIVE units 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ARCHIVEDAll ARCHIVED units 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&eduOtherUnitId=ICBACTIVE Units for a Unit Code prefix 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&providerPartyId=10000ACTIVE Units for a specific Provider 
eduUnitId={value}Eaxmple URL nitName={value}

Find UnitAssessment entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&”

GET https://{host}
assessmentId={value} Unit Assessment Identifier
assessmentTypeId={value}Type of Unit Assessment 
eduUnitId={value} Unit Code of related Unit 
assessmentName={value}Name of a Unit Assessment 
statusId={value}Unit Assessment Status 
Example URL query criteriaField
?statusId= ASSESSMENT_ARCHIVEDAll ARCHIVED Unit Assessments 
?statusId= ASSESSMENT_ACTIVEAll ACTIVE Unit Assessments 
?statusId= ASSESSMENT _ACTIVE&eduUnitId=ICB1233ACTIVE Unit Assessments for a Unit Code (whole or prefix) 

All ACTIVE Unit Competencies

?assessmentTypeId=COMPETENCY_UNIT&statusId= ASSESSMENT _ACTIVE&eduUnitId=ICB1233ACTIVE Unit Competencies  for a Unit Code (whole or prefix) 

Find UnitCompetency entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&” 

GET https://{host}
competencyId={value}Unit Assessment Identifier
competencyName={value}Name of a Unit Competency 
eduUnitId={value}Unit Code of related Unit 
statusId={value}Unit Assessment Status 
Example URL query criteriaField
?statusId= ASSESSMENT_ARCHIVEDAll ARCHIVED Unit Competencies 
?statusId= ASSESSMENT_ACTIVEAll ACTIVE Unit Assessments 
?statusId=ASSESSMENT _ACTIVEAll ACTIVE Unit Competencies 
?statusId= ASSESSMENT _ACTIVE&eduUnitId=ICB1233ACTIVE Unit Competencies  for a Unit Code (whole or prefix) 

Find ScheduledUnit entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&” 

GET https://{host}
eduScheduledUnitId={value} Scheduled Unit Identifier 
eduUnitId={value} Unit Identifier
unitName={value} Unit Name (scheduled) 
unitStatusId={value} Unit Status (scheduled) 
eduOtherUnitId ={value} Unit Code (scheduled)
providerPartyId ={value} Provider (party identifier) 
startDate={value} Start Date (scheduled) 
endDate={value} End Date (scheduled)
destCensusDate={value} Census Date (scheduled) 
Example URL query criteriaField
?unitStatusId=UNIT_INACTIVEAll INACTIVE Scheduled Units 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVEAll ACTIVE Scheduled Units 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ARCHIVEDAll ARCHIVED Scheduled Units 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&eduOtherUnitId=ICBACTIVE Scheduled Units for a Unit Code prefix 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&providerPartyId=10000ACTIVE Scheduled Units for a specific Provider 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&startDate=2015-01-01ACTIVE Scheduled Units for a specific Start Date 

ACTIVE Scheduled Units for specific Start and End Date

Identifier unitName={value}
eduOtherUnitId ={value}
providerPartyId ={value}

Find ScheduledAssessment entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&” 

GET https://{host}
eduScheduledUnitId={value}Scheduled Unit Identifier
assessmentId={value}Unit Assessment Identifier
assessmentTypeId={value}Type of Unit Assessment
scheduledAssessmentId={value}Scheduled Unit Assessment Identifier 
scheduledAssessmentStatusId={value}Unit Assessment Status 
scheduledAssessmentName={value}Name of a Unit Assessment
Example URL query criteriaField
?statusId= ASSESSMENT_ARCHIVEDAll ARCHIVED Scheduled Unit Assessments
?statusId= ASSESSMENT_ACTIVEAll ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Assessments 
?statusId= ASSESSMENT _ACTIVE&eduScheduledUnitId=10123 ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Assessments for a specific Scheduled Unit
?assessmentTypeId=COMPETENCY_UNIT&statusId= ASSESSMENT _ACTIVE All ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Competencies 
?assessmentTypeId=COMPETENCY_UNIT&statusId= ASSESSMENT _ACTIVE&eduScheduledUnitId=10123 ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Competencies  for a specific Scheduled Unit

Find ScheduledFee entity records

Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&” 

GET https://{host}
eduScheduledUnitId={value}Scheduled Unit Identifier 
eduScheduledFeeSeqId={value}Scheduled Feee Identifier
eduProgramId={value}Program Code (full/partial) 
description={value}Fee Description (full/partial)
Example URL query CriteriaField
?eduScheduledUnitId=10123All Fees for a Scheduled Unit 
?eduProgramId=DipBusAll Fees for a Program/Course 
?eduScheduledUnitId=10123&eduProgramId=DipBusAll Fees for a Scheduled Unit for a specific Program/Course 

Find ScheduledUnitFee entity records

(new API entity to simplify unit fee management) Replace {value} with text, join criteria with “&” 

GET https://{host}
eduScheduledUnitId={value}Scheduled Unit Identifier 
eduUnitId={value}Unit Identifier 
unitName={value}Unit Name (scheduled) 
unitStatusId={value}Unit Status (scheduled)
eduOtherUnitId ={value}Unit Code (scheduled)
providerPartyId ={value}Provider (party identifier)
startDate={value}Start Date (scheduled) 
endDate={value}End Date (scheduled)
destCensusDate={value}Census Date (scheduled)

Fee Type (Code=FEE_TYPE) 

Example URL Query criteriaField
?unitStatusId=UNIT_INACTIVEAll INACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVEAll ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ARCHIVEDAll ARCHIVED Scheduled Unit Fees
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&eduOtherUnitId=ICBACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees for a Unit Code prefix
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&providerPartyId=10000ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees for a specific Provider 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&startDate=2015-01-01ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees for a specific Start Date
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&eduUnitId=ICB1233&startDate=201501-01&endDate=2015-12-31 ACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees for a specific Unit and specific Start and End Dates
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&eduUnitId=ICB1233&startDate=201501-01&endDate=2015-12-31&feeTypeId= STANDARD_FEEACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees for a specific Unit and Fee Type and specific Start and End Dates 
?unitStatusId=UNIT_ACTIVE&eduUnitId=ICB1233&feeTypeId= STANDARD_FEEACTIVE Scheduled Unit Fees for a specific Unit and Fee Type (multiple dates may be returned) 
eduOtherUnitId ={value}
providerPartyId ={value} 

Find Entity entity records

GET https://{sitename}{EntityName}
Example URL query criteria
  • No labels