1. Lecture 1 OR Lecture 2

1. Lecture 1 OR Lecture 2


When a scheduled unit has two or more possible sessions a student can choose from when enrolling on a scheduled unit, but you want to restrict them to only select one from all the available sessions, then this scenario will address that session requirement. Please note that the scenario below is just an example of this possible session requirement, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or inquiries on this scenario.

Scenario 1

A Scheduled Unit with two possible sessions a student can choose from. A student is only allowed to enrol one session from the two options. This scenario will show how groupings and adding session class values in Paradigm behave as already mentioned in the introduction: “When a Session Group and a Session Class are both set, then the user must select one and only one session, from each group, AND when Session Group is used together with Session Class it is possible to prevent users from enrolling into more than one session from each defined Session Group.”


You can add as many possible sessions (as you can) as long as you code them on the SAME Group Number and just INCREMENT the Class Number Value. This way, the student can still see and choose from all the possible sessions you’ve created but is still restricted to choose one and only one session to proceed with the scheduled unit enrolment.

Unit Code: BEM1002

Unit Name: Professional Communication

Available Sessions: The students can either choose from either of these two possible Lectures (Time Specified, Weekly): Monday 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM or Wednesday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Professional Communication

Session Type

Session Schedule

Group Number Value

Class Number Value

Lecture 1

Monday (09:00 AM - 12:00 PM)



Lecture 2

Wednesday (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM)




You have the option to leave the Group Number values as blank(as long as there is only one group for this scheduled unit), as Paradigm has an assumption that there is an implicit Session Group value of 1 for all Session Group values which are left blank.

How to Code in Rapla

Create the sessions with the following group and class values or as specified in the table above (see instructions on how to create sessions or events in Rapla).


The coding below applies the same logic when you are using Paradigm when adding sessions in your Scheduled Units, see Add Sessions to Scheduled Units in Paradigm.

Lecture 1: Monday (09:00 AM - 12:00 AM)

Lecture 2: Wednesday (9:00 AM - 12:00 AM)

Lecture 1: Monday (09:00 AM - 12:00 AM)

Lecture 2: Wednesday (9:00 AM - 12:00 AM)

Sample Rapla Calendar View


Paradigm Sample Enrolment (Class Times) Screen

Once all your sessions in Rapla are successfully synchronised to Paradigm, you will now see the enrolment (Class Times) Screen, see the sample screenshot below.




Rapla MAIN PAGE | Session Group and Session Class



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