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Upon completion of this KB the User will be able to Search, Add and Edit Users / Contacts records and print staff cards within Paradigm
Complexity: MEDIUM
Page Contents
Security group: Security group determines the level of access the user is given in paradigm. By default, new accounts are given staff security group. For administrators and power users this value is normally set to full or flex admin.
| Required Fields |
System required | Given name Family name Contact Status Date of Birth (DOB) Home institution Email address Assign contact role Update security group
Although the above is the minimum required fields to create a record the additional fields can be completed and used for information for PIR, HEIMS Staff reporting or for the HR department.
Staff ID cards can also be produced from Paradigm
Field Name | Description |
Title | A salutation, honorary title or social prefix given to an individual |
Given Name | The new users given name |
Family Name | The new users Family / Surname |
Address Line 1 | Users Personal Address |
Address Line 2 | Users Personal Address |
Suburb | Users home suburb |
Postcode | Users home postcode |
State | Users home State |
Country | Default is Australia |
Phone | Users Home Phone number |
Fax | Users Fax number |
Work Phone | Users Work Phone Number |
Mobile | Users Mobile Phone |
Email | Email address is required to create a new User record as well as for using the Communication module within the system |
DOB | Date of Birth |
Area of Expertise | What is the Users Teaching area of expertise |
Organisation | To which organisation(s) does the user belong |
Home Institution | If the institution operates more than one institution out of the system at one time the user can be defaulted to be able to access data from their home institution |
Status | Active Alumni Applied Archived Deceased Deleted Discontinued Inactive On Leave Prospective Suspended
Notes | Any additional or required notes about the User |
Picture | A Passport style photo can be added to the record in order produce Photo staff Id Card. |
External Id | Used to store an unique ID assigned to the contact that is used in a 3rd party or external sysetm. |
Employment Status | The current status of the Contact. The default list of options include: Casual Full Time Casual Part Time Permanent Full Time Permanent Part Time
Academic Qualifications | A list of qualifications earned, bestowed or achieved by the Contact |
Highest Academic Qualification | The highest academic qualification acheived by the Contact |
Studied at | The name of the instition where the Contact earned their highest academic qualification or award |
Completed | Year that a qualification was award to the Contact |
Relevant Experience | The relevant experience currently held by the Contact |
Current Role | The role currently given to the ContactPosition |
Length of Service | Length of time that the Contact has been associated with their home institution |
Publication | Publications written or assocaited to the Contact |
Professional Development | Professional Development undertaken by the Contact |
Professional Activities | Professional Activities undertaken by the Contact |
Current Research Activity | The research focus of the Contact |
When adding a new contact / User to Paradigm what type / level of access needs to be assessed. Different levels of access can edit / update and access varying amounts of the system from limited student data (Reception) right to Full admin / Registrar level access for full system access and Government reporting. The type of access given to a new user will depend on their position within the institution.
Please note: Depending on the individual users levels of access not all pages will be available or editable. If you have Full Admin level access and the pages still isn't visible it maybe either not being used at your institution or have been hidden. For more information contact the Silverband help desk.
System will automatically create a system user login each time new contact is created. If the contact record is not an active system user, then their login should be set to disabled.
This part of the system is not a replacement of the HR application, data entered here may be visible to different types of users. It is therefore not recommended to store sensitive data in this system.
There is an option to limit users from accessing and/or editing student related record with a different institution to the one specified against that user. By default, this setting is not enabled. A request can be made via help desk to enable this feature.
Updating a Users name (due to change of name, Marriage, Divorce, etc) will not automatically update their user login credentials, this will to be edited in the Contacts Login screen as we ll as within the Users record. To do this a new user id will need to be created, enabled, provided a security level and password.
1. How to Search for a Contact / User
Click on Contact tab in the side menu,
Click on Search in the Side Menu
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.
2. How to Create / Add a new Contact / User to Paradigm
Click on Contact tab in the side menu,
Click on Add New in the side menu
Enter the Required information - minimum required fields are (refer to the above table)
Click on Save Contact Button.
3. How to Maintain / Add a security group to a Contact / Users Record
Once the contact is created, Paradigm will show a success message on the top of the page showing the user account has been created successfully.
Adding Roles to the contact record: Roles within the system are allocated to the contacts record, these will allow for a contact to be assigned tasks or roles within the system e.g. Teacher, Lecturer, administrator, Order clerk, request taker, registrar, HEIMS contact, mentor. These roles do not determine the access level for the contact.
Adding a security group: Once the contact has been loaded click on Login in the side menu. A user name is allocated automatically by the system, allocate a password and press the save button. (The save button will only appear only when the password strength passes a satisfactory level.) Next select the appropriate security group to assign to the user, click on assign security to commit the change. Finally press the Enable User Login button.
Removing a security group: In order to remove a security group, Load the contact, click on the Login in the side menu, click on the Remove Security button next to the security group to be removed. The system will prompt user to whether to delete the selected items. Click OK to make the change.
Disable a user account: Load the contact, click on the Login in the side menu, Click on the Disable User button. This will disable the users login for the system.
4. How to Add / Reset a Users Password
Click on Contact tab in the side menu,
Click on Search in the Side Menu
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row
Click on Login option in the side menu.
Enter in the new password into the Change Password section.
The Update User Password button will not appear until the password strength indicator is satisfactory. When is does click the Update password button
Open a different browser, copy and paste the login ID for the user account that has just been created to the username filed, click on “forgot password?” to trigger the system to send an email to the with the email address registered in Paradigm to change the password.
5. How to Print Staff Cards
Click on Contact tab in the side menu,
Click on Search in the Side Menu
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row
Scroll Down to Edit Contact details section
Click the Print Staff card button.
6. Adding / Associating staff to scheduled units
Click on Contact tab in the side menu.
Click on Search in the Side Menu.
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button.
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.
Scroll Down to Edit Contact details section
Scroll down to the Add contacts Role for Scheduled Units section.
To search for a Scheduled Unit enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Unit Code
Unit Name
Unit Provider
Unit Keywords
Unit status
Click on the Search Scheduled Unit Button.
This will return a list of units that meet the searched criteria
Click on the Select the role drop box on the right hand side of the required unit.
Click on the required option. When selecting a role the tick box will automatically be selected. Multiple units can be added at the same time.
Click the Add Role to Schedule Units button to complete the process.
Note: The Class Lists / Rolls for selected units will now appear on the contacts dashboard for easy access. The contact will also appear in the Scheduled Unit screen as the assigned role within each unit.
7. How to Remove / Suspend Access for Contact / Users
As Staff from the institution either leave or move to different position access many need to be removed or suspended. it is important that only staff who require access to paradigm have access to it to ensure compliance with Privacy Policies
Click on Contact tab in the side menu,
Click on Search in the Side Menu
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row
Scroll Down to the Other Details section
Click on the Status drop box
Select Archived
Click the Save Contact Button
Click on the Login option in the Side Menu
Click on the Disable User Login button
Ensure that the Enable option within the Activate User login section appears as N which is short for No
8. How to Edit a User / Contact Record
Click on Contact tab in the side menu,
Click on Search in the Side Menu
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
To reduce the returned options start typing the name of the unit into this box. The returned results will reduce to match the criteria.
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.
Update the Required Fields / information
Click on the Save Contact button.
8. How to Add Scheduled units to a Contacts Dashboard
Click on Contact tab in the side menu.
Click on Search in the Side Menu.
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button.
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.
Scroll Down to Edit Contact details section
Scroll down to the Add contacts Role for Scheduled Units section.
To search for a Scheduled Unit enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Unit Code
Unit Name
Unit Provider
Unit Keywords
Unit status
Click on the Search Scheduled Unit Button.
This will return a list of units that meet the searched criteria
Click on the Select the role drop box on the right hand side of the required unit.
Click on the required option. When selecting a role the tick box will automatically be selected. Multiple units can be added at the same time.
Click the Add Role to Schedule Units button to complete the process.
10. How to add a photo to a contact staff record
Click on Contact tab in the side menu.
Click on Search in the Side Menu.
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button.
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.
Scroll Down to Other Details section
Locate the picture file and click on the Choose file button
Navigate to where the photo is stored and click the Open button.
Click the Save Contact button
11. How to add Roles to a Contact record.
Click on Contact tab in the side menu.
Click on Search in the Side Menu.
Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:
Given Name
Home Institution
Contact Role
Click on the Search Contact button.
To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.
This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria
When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.
Scroll down to the Assigned Roles for Contacts section.
Click on the drop box ans select the required role.
Click on the Assign Role button.
To add additional roles select the required role drop box and click the Assign role button. Repeat as many time as required.
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