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There are potentially two rounds of Paradigm code updates that our providers will need to complete prior to entering TCSI Read-Only mode. Providers who have been long time users of Paradigm are likely to be running on an older version of our code-base and these Provider systems will need to be upgraded to the latest version of our code-base before further TCSI migration work can begin. Silverband continues to work with the providers who are in this group to schedule the upgrade work and then assist the relevant users to migrate their workflows to the new software version.

Once the TCSI update has been deployed, the system will show fields for both HEPCAT and TCSI. This will remain the case until after the system has entered into TCSI Write Mode, at which time Silverband will start deploying patches to mark HEIMS fields as hidden.

TCSI System Preparation




In preparation for the production launch of TCSI reporting there are a number of necessary configuration changes that need to take place before a site is able to successfully start reporting data via TCSI. This article should be used as a checklist to ensure that your Paradigm site is TCSI ready and compliant.

TCSI configuration checklist:

  • Provider

  • Base course

  • Element 329 - Mode of attendance code

  • Element

  • Scheduled unit

  • Student and student course enrolment




The following workflow needs to be completed for ALL providers that are connected to one or more of the following data types that are linked to Higher Education accredited courses or programs:

  • Base course

  • Base unit

  • Scheduled unit

  • Course enrollment

One of the triggers used to identify TCSI data within Paradigm is whether a specific record is associated with an accredited Higher Education Provider (HEP). This is achieved using the field “Parent Reporting Provider” found on the Provider Edit screen. The contents of this drop-down menu is made up of providers with an active status and the assigned role of “DEST Higher Education Provider”.


  • This workflow applies to provider records that are not accredited HEP's, including providers that reflect a delivery location, campus or subset of the overall reporting HEP

  • Paradigm only supports provider nesting that is one layer deep as reflected in the examples below:

    • Status
      Provider as a campus of an accredited HEP

    • Status
      Provider as a delivery location of an accredited HEP

    • Status
      Provider as a (department / school / faculty) of an accredited HEP

    • Status
      titleNOT SUPPORTED
      Provider as a faculty of a campus of an accredited HEP

Additional required fields for TCSI providers

  • Parent reporting provider

  • Billing address postcode populates element 477

  • Billing address country populates element 660

  • Element 609 - Effective from date

  • Element 610 - Effective to date (optional, submitted only when known)


  1. Navigate to PROVIDER > Search

  2. Use the search fields to load the primary HEP of your Paradigm site

  3. Scroll down the page and locate the field labelled “Provider Reporting Provider”

  4. Select the primary HEP from the available option(s)

  5. Click the “Save Details” button to save the changes

Base course

The Base Course Edit Details screen has been updated to contain the new TCSI elements. The historical HEIMS fields have been permanently moved to the new Program HEIMS Edit screen. This change ensures that Paradigm as a system can be simultaneously compliant with both the HEIMS and TCSI reporting standards.

Base Course Edit Screen

The following fields are compulsory to form a valid TCSI Course record

  • Accredited

  • Accreditation Date

  • Accreditation Date Due

  • Element 310 -

  • Element 533 - Course of study code

  • Element 394 - Course of study name:

HEIMS Edit screen

The Program HEIMS Edit screen offers a simplified view of the base course together with the relevant legacy HEIMS reporting fields. This screen is intended to support providers who have not yet fully reported all of their 2020 student related data.

The historical

Element 329 - Mode of attendance code



The following workflow needs to completed for ALL method of delivery options that are connected to students studying Higher Education accredited courses or unit

The TCSI element 329 will be derived from the existing Paradigm field “Method of Delivery” found on the Base Unit and Scheduled Unit screens. Each provider will need to configure their own mapping between the Paradigm field and the equivalent element 329 option.


  1. Navigate to SYSTEM > Search Code Type

  2. Enter “METHOD_OF_DELIVERY” as the search criteria

  3. Click the “Search Code Types” button

  4. Use the blue pencil icon to edit a data record

  5. Click on the field labelled “HEIMS Code” and select the appropriate element 329 option

  6. Click the “Save Code Item” button to save the changes

Further reading



With the scope of the TCSI solution, there are two status fields that are required to be reported. Rather than creating new fields for these elements, we linked them to our status item table.

  • Providers are required to open the System tab from the side menu, click on Search Status Type button. In the search box type in ‘Enrolment’, and click on Search Status Types. If more than one row of data is returned, choose the row for ‘ENROLMENT_STATUS’ by clicking the blue hyperlink at the left side of the screen. For each listed status item, click on its pencil icon to edit the record. Each enrolment status item must have matching entries for the HEIMS Unit of Study Status Identifier and HEIMS Course Outcome Identifier. Only status items that have this correct mapping will be sent to TCSI. Once each status item has matching values, click the Save Status Item button and proceed to edit the next status item in the list.

Scheduled unit

Student and student course enrolment

TCSI System Preparation

  • Complete entering data for the courses provided by your institution. This will need to be completed before you can enter any course admission records.

  • Complete the set-up tasks including campus records. This will need to be entered and completed before you can enter courses on campus records and this data will not be imported from HEIMS.

  • Complete the set-up tasks for units on campus. This will need to be completed before you can add any unit enrolment records.

Data Conversion From HEIMS to TCSI

The following points outline a series of updates that will need to be applied to convert historical data to a format that is ready and appropriate for submission via TCSI.


  • Courses Of Study Group

    • Match UID3

  • Courses Group

    • Match UID5

    • Update field E596 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E609 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E610 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Course fields of education

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Special interest course extension

      • Import all sub-packets

  • Students Group

    • Match UID8

    • Update field E572 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E573 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E574 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Update field E612 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Disability Extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Citizenship extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Scholarship Extension

      • Import all sub-packets

  • Course Admissions Group

    • Match UID15

    • Update field E620 from TCSI where the value is null in Paradigm

    • Basis for admission extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Course prior credit extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Specialisation extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • Scholarship extension

      • Import all sub-packets

    • RTP stipend amount extension

      • Import all sub-packets

Recommended Post Migration Data Update


  • .


  • Convert year long indicator - e622

  • Convert basis for admission new packet element e358 only for new records ?

  • Convert basis for admission new packet element e327 only for new records ?

  • Convert disability into new packet element e615 - only for new records ?

  • Copy e572 from course enrolment to student - only for new records

  • Copy e573 from course enrolment to student - only for new records

  • Copy e574 from course enrolment to student - only for new records

  • Convert e493 to e620 - only for new records

Further reading

TCSI Packets (Higher Education Providers)
