Base Units


Base Units describe the learning outcomes and accreditation information for units, subjects and modules that form one or more programs. Paradigm has dedicated menus where you can add, edit, show scheduled units, and edit unit competency – and those are under Units > Unit Details menus. This knowledge article will give you a brief overview of all the sections available within the Unit Details menu in Paradigm, and a workflow on how you can get there and where to proceed to add a new base unit.
Complexity Low




  • You have the minimum required permission level to access the Units Menu in Paradigm;

  • You have an understanding that making changes within this section has system wide implications;

  • You have an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector; and

  • You have an understanding of the Units and Courses within your Institution for scheduling and timetabling.


Key Terms and Concepts

Adding a new base unit Related Sub-Menus in Paradigm

A. Units > Unit Details > Add New

New base units are created / added in this section. It is important to check if a unit already exists in the system prior to creating a new base unit by doing a search under Units > Search, or you can refer to this article: .

To add a new base unit in the system refer to these how-to guides:

Higher Education Provider:

VET Provider:

See the sample Add New Form screenshot below.



B. Units > Unit Details > Edit Details

Once created a base unit can be edited in this section. However if a base unit has already had scheduled units against, any changes will not effect historical scheduled only the ones created after the update. You can refer to this article on how to edit a base unit: . See sample Edit Details screenshot below.




c. Units > Unit Details > Show Scheduled Units

A list of all scheduled units for a particular base unit can be found here. You can refer to this article on how you can search and view all scheduled units in the system: . See sample screenshot below of the Show Scheduled Units screen.




d. Units > Unit Details > Unit Competency Edit

A list of nationally accredited VET competency can be found here. These can be added to the scheduled unit for Government reporting purposes. You can refer to this article about the unit competency edit menu in Paradigm: .



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how to Load the Unit Details Section in Paradigm

1, 2 Choose Units > Unit Details menus on the side. Click the required option under the Unit Details sub-menu: Add New, Edit Details, Show Scheduled Units, Unit Competency Edit. Refer to the Key Terms and Concepts section above for a brief description of each sub-menu.



3 Continue to this next article on how to Search, Add, and Edit Base Units in Paradigm:


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Overview | Assumptions | Key Terms and Concepts | Implications | Workflow | Video | Related Pages | Further Reading