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Upon Completion of this KB the user will be able to view, and assess missing TFN's and CHESSN's


  • The User user has the minimum required level to access the system tabSystem Tab
  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector
  • Be The must be one of the institution's approved institution officers to view and handle TFN's


Key TermsDefinitions
ATOAustralian Taxation Office
TFNTax File Number
CHESSNCommonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number



Users who are not the approved ATO's approved officers are prohibited from handling TFN records. This is in line with the ATO policy in regard to handling TFNs within Tertiary  providers and in-conjunction with the Privacy ACT 1988 as outlined below.

Silverband will NOT provide TFN details or access to users who are not the designated ATO approved officer.

In addition any TFN that is extracted by the ATO approved officer must be used or kept in a manner that complies with the Privacy ACT, failure to do so puts the institution and individuals at risk of breech of the Privacy Act and prosecution under the failure to comply may occur.

The Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) is an Australian law which regulates the handling  of personal information about individuals (in this case students). This ACT sets out standards, right and obligations for the handling, holding, use and accessing and correction of personal information (including sensitive information). Private Tertiary Education providers specifically named as being under this act. 


  1. Click on the System option in the side menu
  2. Click on the View Tax File Number option in the side menu
  3. The report will now load. 
  4. From here the user will be able to review the enrolment status of the students listed
  5. View if the student has provided a TFN
  6. If the TFN has passed the TFN checking algorithm within the system and is valid (passed) or not (failed )
  7. If the Student has a CHESSN
  8. What the students's enrolment status is.
  9. Also view-able here is if the student has a USI number and the date the USI number was validate

Further reading

How to get a CHESSN

How to get  USI

How to load and retrieve an E-CAF