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Once you have read this article you will be able to know how to run PLE report on Paradigm.


  • The User has understanding of HEPCAT / HEIMS reporting

  • The User has access to HEPCAT

  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System.

Key terms and concepts

PIR Half Year Load Estimates (PLE) file scope: Providers approved under the Opens in a new window: Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act) must report preliminary EFTSL data. The data reported should include students enrolled between 1 January and 30 June of the reporting year.

The data reported in the Half Year Load Estimates submission is reported EFTSL at an aggregated level.

(Resource: this information is available on HEIMSHELP website, find the link in External resources).

Reporting Scope and File Structure

Element 590 is an interesting field in that it uses known information, the amount of EFTSL studied by a student in the first half of the year, to make assumptions about what a student may do in the future, or more specifically the second half of the year.

The assumption underpinning this calculation is that the student study load in the first half of the year will equal the study load in the second half of the year. This obviously requires that the student continue at the same loading level (e.g. not move from full-time to part-time), and that they remain in the same course and do not withdraw or defer.

If these assumptions hold then it is reasonable that whatever the student load is for 1st half of the year multiplied by 2 would arrive at an Estimated full-time student loading for the current year, which is the description of the element in question, as per

When reading those numbers please understand that element 590 does not reflect unique students or student headcount. 

Element Number

Element Name

Paradigm Entities

Paradigm internal field names

Default Paradigm field labels

Paradigm menu location

Field Type

Default Paradigm Value


Derived Field

Derived Method



Student Fee Type Indicator

Program Enrolment


HEIMS Student Status

Student/Course Enrolment/Course/HEIMS Information





When the HEIMS student status (E490) is set to 310 or 311 then return 02.

When the HEIMS student status (E490) is set to 301, 302, 303, 304 or 305 then return 01

*Note E490 field is at both student course enrolment and unit enrolment screen.

SELECT CASE WHEN pe.dest_student_status IN ('310','311') THEN '02'
WHEN pe.dest_student_status IN ('301','302','303','304','305') THEN '01'
END AS dest_e585


Broad Course Type

Base Program


HEIMS Course Type

Courses/Edit Details/HEIMS Fields





When the HEIMS course type is set to Doctorate by research (02) or Master's by research (03) then return 01

When the HEIMS course type is set to Doctorate by coursework (12) or Masters (Coursework) (04) then return 02

When the HEIMS course type is set to Higher Doctorate (01) or Masters (Extended) (14) or Open Universities Australia postgraduate studies (61) or Postgraduate Qualifying or Preliminary (for Master's, Doctorate or Higher Doctorate)(05) or Cross Institutional program for postgraduate courses at home Higher Education Provider (42) then return 03

When the HEIMS course type is set to '06','07','08','09','10','11','13','20','21','41','60','82' then return 04

When the HEIMS course type is set to Enabling course (30) or Non-award course (including Bridging for overseas trained professionals) (50) then return 05

CASE WHEN q.dest_course_type IN ('02','03') THEN '01'
WHEN q.dest_course_type IN ('12','04') THEN '02'
WHEN q.dest_course_type IN ('01','14','61','05','42') THEN '03'
WHEN q.dest_course_type IN ('06','07','08','09','10','11','13','20','21','41','60','82') THEN '04'
WHEN q.dest_course_type IN ('30','50') THEN '05'
END AS dest_e586


Commencing Student Indicator

Program Enrolment


Start Date

Student/Course Enrolment/Course





When the start date of the course enrolment is on or after the 1st January of the submission year then return 1 else return 0

CASE WHEN pe.start_date>='".$submissionYear."-01-01' THEN '1'
ELSE '0'
END AS dest_e589


Estimated Full-Time Student Load

Base Program

Base Unit

Base Unit




Course Level

EFTSL Load (UGrad)

EFTSL Load (PGrad)

Courses/Edit Details

Units/Unit Details/Edit Details





Sum the EFTSL value studied by each student per unique course enrolment for the listed census dates and multiply this value by 2 to derive an Estimated full‑time equivalence (FTE) for a full year. Round this figure to the nearest whole number.

The field program level on the base course is used to determine the appropriate EFTSL value. Undergraduate students use the value in the field ugrad_eftsu_load. Postgraduate students use the value in the field pgrad_eftsu_load.


SUM ( CASE WHEN q.program_level='POSTGRAD' THEN u.pgrad_eftsu_load ELSE u.ugrad_eftsu_load END ::decimal)



Reporting Year/Period










Entered by the user on the Paradigm report form


1. How to run PIR Half Year Load Estimate(PLE) Report

  1. Click on Reports, go to TEQSA, and click on it.

  2. Find PIR Half Year Load Estimates (PLE) Report, click on Get Report.

  3. Submission Year (i.e. 2019) if your institution starts to offer course in 2019. 

  4. Below is an example of how to fill out the fields (note this is for reference only, each institution will have different selection).

5. Click on Produce Report button.

Further reading

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