Updating Report Templates

Updating Report Templates


Learn how to download an iReport template from Paradigm, open a template in iReport and upload a changed report template back to Paradigm.

Difficulty: Expert

Page Contents



Never change the report file name


  • You have full admin access to ParadigmEMS

  • You are a competent user of ParadigmEMS

  • You have already downloaded Jasper iReport v3.0, refer to Installing Jasper iReport

Report checklist

Use the following checklist prior to uploading a modified template back into Paradigm:

  1. Compile report

  2. Check that there are no validation errors shown in the iReport console output

  3. Check that there are no elements visually highlighted with a red border

  4. Check that all page elements are entirely contained within a single band



  2. Log into your ParadigmEMS first.

  3. Click on Reports from side menu.

  4. Click on Report Edit, it shows a list of Reports/Letters.

  5. You can do a quick search for the report you need, type in the report name at the top left corner .

  6. Click on the pencil icon , scroll to the Report Properties section.

  7. Report Identifier = Report_id, please do not make any changes (refer to warning #1)

  8. Click on the Edit Labels (you should know where it is if you are a competent user) and scroll down to the bottom.

  9. Scroll to the bottom section - Report Edit: (report_id here)

  10. Click to download the Report that the name matches the Report identifier. Sometimes you will see more than one report, the rest are sub-reports (i.e. ReportHeader, Reportfooter).

  11. The report will download to your Downloads folder by default

  1. Launch iReport app by single click the iReport icon

  2. Click on File located on the top left corner, choose Open.

  3. In the pop up window, find the downloaded report by looking in the folder and click Open.

  4. A report has now opened, check the above Warning #3 before upload a changed document.

  5. Compile icon can be found at the top


3. Upload modified report template into Paradigm

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