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Adding files to a student record can be done by category. Categories can be added, edited, or hidden. In attaching a file, you will also be prompted to enter a purpose of the file. Purposes in Paradigm can also be configured. This knowledge article will provide a workflow on how to upload a file to a student record; and add and edit categories and purposes to a student file section in Paradigm.

Complexity: LOW




  • You have the minimum required level to access the Student > Files menu for adding student files to a record; and

  • You have the FULLADMIN access to the System menu for adding and editing Sections and Purposes in Paradigm.

 Key Terms and Concepts

Key Terms and Concepts


It is a TESQA and HESA requirement that students have a single file with all of the data that pertains to them accessible as required regardless of if it is in an electronic file or a paper-based file.

In Paradigm documents can be saved directly against the students record eliminating the need for a paper based filing system. The file is located in the side menu Student > Files. This is then divided into sections in order to house documents, files, and records. Each section can be renamed and ordered depending on the Institutions needs.

Some basic ones are initially set up. These can be added to or edited. 

DEFAULT File Categories


Suggested Purpose options:

Application / Admission Files


Enrolment files

Student letter

Correspondence files

Application / Admission

Official Documents


Final Grades / Assessment Files

RPL / Status

RPL / Status / Credit transfer Files


Finance Files

Official documents

Library File


Higher Research /Ethics Committee files


FORM FIELDS Edit File Attachment

Field Name



This will allow for attachments to be sorted within category


What section of the file is the attachment being saved to / belong to


  • The name of the attachment to be displayed on the screen.

  • Try to be specific but not to long. More details can be added in the description box

  • We suggest the institution establishes a set of naming conventions to enable easy location of the attachment.

NOTE: This will be displayed on the screen within the E-file. It is suggested the institution establishes a set of naming conventions to enable easy location of the attachments. e.g. SSF (subject Selection form),  S1 2018 (Semester 1 2018).


  • When hovering over the the name of the attachment the contents of this box will appear on the screen.

  • Having some details in this box about the contents of the attachment will help avoid downloading the wrong attachment for viewing


The status of the attachment for use

Permission Level

What is the Minimum access required to view this attachment

Choose File

To navigate to the attachments location within the users computer

Save File Attachment as new Revision

Allows for version controlling of uploaded documents

Save File Attachment

Press this button the save the attachments and entered details


Who saved the attachment to the file. This will appears as the persons user name.


When (date and time) was the attachment saved to the file



It is a TESQA and HESA requirement that students have a single file with all of the data that pertains to them – accessible as required, regardless of if it is in an electronic file or a paper-based file.


Paradigm has default file attachment categories (which can be renamed, ordered, added, or edited in the future) setup based on your current business or institution needs.


The Student files should be treated with the same confidentially a paper-based file would be given and access granted only to those levels of staff that require access.


 1. How to Upload a File to a Student Record

1. How to UPLOAD a File to a Student Record

NOTE: If a student is currently loaded in the system, proceed to the STEP 2 instructions, else start with STEP 1.

STEP 1 Load the student’s record.

1 Go to Student > Search > Enter either the student number or name. > Click Search.


2 Once you’ve found the student, click the blue hyperlink Student Number under the Student No column to load the Student Summary page.



STEP 2 Upload the file.

3 After loading the student’s record, you can either go to the Number of Student Files: field under the STUDENT DETAILS Form section and click the blue number of files on it, or you can choose Student > Files menus on the side.


4 The student file section contains all the possible file categories you can attach to the student record and the non-modifiable files which are associated with course enrolments. Choose the correct category, depending on the type of file you want to attach, and then click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button.


INFO: In the screenshot above, a file is to be attached under the STUDENT LETTER FILES category.

5 After clicking the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button, it will open the EDIT FILE ATTACHMENT Form section. Refer to the table above “FORM FIELDS Edit File Attachment” under the Key Terms and Concepts for a brief description of each field.

Alternatively, refer to the labels below:

A Purpose – Click on the dropdown box next to the Purpose option and select the appropriate option.

B Category – Click on the dropdown box next to the Category option. (If required to be updated.)

C Revision Number – Increment the number depending on the number of times the document you attached has been revised and attached to the system.

D Name – Enter the Name of the attachment. This will be displayed on the screen within the E-file. We would strongly suggest that you establish a set of naming conventions to enable easy location of the attachments. e.g. SSF (subject Selection form),  S1 2018 (Semester 1 2018).

E Description – Enter any important information about the attachment in the Description box. Once the attachment has been saved, this information will be visible when hovering over the attachment's name. This will aid in item location when the user needs to view items – this way only the required attachment will need to be downloaded to view.

F Status – Select the Status of the item. This will determine if the item is ready for use, or still in draft mode etc.

G Permission Level – This will determine the lowest permission level that can access this item. Items that are of a confidential nature should be set to a higher level to restrict the number of users who have access to the attachment.

6 After filling out the details (optional fields highlighted in BLUE), click the Choose file button and locate the file you want to attach.

7 Click the SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT button to attach the file to the student record.

NOTE: Click the SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT AS NEW REVISION button if you want to keep track of the revision number of this file being attached to the system.

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 2. How to Add a Category to the Student File

2. How to ADD a Category to the Student File

INFO: You can check this Knowledge Article: Search, Add and Edit Code Item for more details on how to edit code types.

WARNING: Do not use spaces when creating a CODE ID. A suitable alternative is the underscore character (_).

NOTE: This workflow is only relevant to users who have access to the SYSTEM menu.

1, 2 Choose System > Search Code Type menus on the side. This will open the SEARCH CODE TYPE Form section where you can search for the note category ID.


3 Enter or type “Content_Cat_Student” in the Code Type Id field.


4 Click the SEARCH CODE TYPES button.



5 After clicking the SEARCH CODE TYPES button, an ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH CODE TYPE Form section with all the list of your current File Category will be displayed below the page. Click the ADD NEW CODE ITEM to add your new file category.


6 After clicking the ADD NEW CODE ITEM button, a CODE ITEM DETAILS Form section will appear below for you to enter the details of the new file category.

Refer to the labels below in filling out the fields:

A Code Id – Enter a Code Id. Use the previously entered ones as a guideline for correct formatting.

WARNING: Do not use spaces when creating a CODE ID. A suitable alternative is the underscore character (_). All letters should be coded in UPPERCASE. e.g. “STUDENT_MEDICAL_FILE

B Code – You can copy and paste the Code Id field to here.

C Order – Enter the order numerical values for the order this option will appear in the drop-down box. Prefix any single-digit number with a zero, e.g. 01, 02, 03.

D Visible – Select a visibility option. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time.

E Description – Enter in a description. This is the human consumable version of this data and can have a bit more detail.

7 After filling out all the required information to add a new file category in Paradigm, click the SAVE CODE ITEM button to save the new file category.

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 3. How to Edit a Category to the Student File

3. How to EDIT a Category to the Student File

INFO: You can check this Knowledge Article: Search, Add and Edit Code Item for more details on how to edit code types.

NOTE: This workflow is only relevant to users who have access to the SYSTEM menu.

1, 2 Choose System > Search Code Type menus on the side. This will open the SEARCH CODE TYPE Form section where you can search for the note category ID.


3 Enter or type “Content_Cat_Student” in the Code Type Id field.


4 Click the SEARCH CODE TYPES button.



5 After clicking the SEARCH CODE TYPES button, an ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH CODE TYPE Form section with all the list of your current File Category will be displayed below the page. Click the 📝 EDIT button beside the category that you want to edit


INFO: In the screenshot above, the Medical file category is chosen to be edited.

6 After clicking the 📝 EDIT button, a CODE ITEM DETAILS Form section will appear below with all the editable fields (fields highlighted in BLUE from the screenshot below) that you can edit.

7 Edit or update the required information.

8 Click the SAVE CODE ITEM button to apply the changes.

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 4. How to Add Purposes to the Student file

4. How to ADD Purposes to the Student File

INFO: You can check this Knowledge Article: Search, Add and Edit Code Item for more details on how to edit code types.

NOTE: This workflow is only relevant to users who have access to the SYSTEM menu.

1, 2 Choose System > Search Code Type menus on the side. This will open the SEARCH CODE TYPE Form section where you can search for the note category ID.


3 Enter or type “CONTENT_PURPOSE” in the Code Type Id field.


4 Click the SEARCH CODE TYPES button.



5 After clicking the SEARCH CODE TYPES button, a list of all possible code types with “CONTENT_PURPOSE” keywords on them will appear below. Click the 📝EDIT button beside the category with the exact code type name of “CONTENT_PURPOSE”.


6 After clicking the 📝EDIT button, an ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH CODE TYPE Form section with all the list of purposes currently set in your system will be displayed below the page. Click the ADD NEW CODE ITEM to add your new purpose.

7 After clicking the ADD NEW CODE ITEM button, a CODE ITEM DETAILS Form section will appear below for you to enter the details of the new purpose that you want to add.

Refer to the labels below in filling out the fields:

A Code Id – Enter a Code Id. Use the previously entered ones as a guideline for correct formatting.

WARNING: Do not use spaces when creating a CODE ID. A suitable alternative is the underscore character (_). All letters should be coded in UPPERCASE. e.g. “ASSOCIATED_UNIT_MATERIAL

B Code – You can copy and paste the Code Id field to here.

C Order – Enter the order numerical values for the order this option will appear in the drop-down box. Prefix any single-digit number with a zero, e.g. 01, 02, 03.

D Visible – Select a visibility option. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time.

E Description – Enter in a description. This is the human consumable version of this data and can have a bit more detail.

8 After filling out all the required information to add a new purpose (in adding a student file in Paradigm), click the SAVE CODE ITEM button to make it appear in the Purpose drop-down list.

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 5. How to Edit Purposes to the Student File

5. How to EDIT Purposes to the Student File

INFO: You can check this Knowledge Article: Search, Add and Edit Code Item for more details on how to edit code types.

NOTE: This workflow is only relevant to users who have access to the SYSTEM menu.

1, 2 Choose System > Search Code Type menus on the side. This will open the SEARCH CODE TYPE Form section where you can search for the note category ID.


3 Enter or type “CONTENT_PURPOSE” in the Code Type Id field.


4 Click the SEARCH CODE TYPES button.



5 After clicking the SEARCH CODE TYPES button, a list of all possible code types with “CONTENT_PURPOSE” keywords on them will appear below. Click the 📝EDIT button beside the category with the exact code type name of “CONTENT_PURPOSE”.


6 After clicking the 📝EDIT button, an ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH CODE TYPE Form section with all the list of purposes currently set in your system will be displayed below the page. Click the 📝EDIT button on the right side of the purpose code that you want to edit.

INFO: In the sample screenshot above, the Associated Unit Material purpose is selected to be edited.

7 After clicking the 📝 EDIT button, a CODE ITEM DETAILS Form section will appear below with all the editable fields (fields highlighted in BLUE from the screenshot below) that you can edit.

NOTE: Existing codes in the system can be edited but not deleted.

8 Edit or update the required information.

9 Click the SAVE CODE ITEM button to apply the changes.

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