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Courses in Paradigm can be added with all the required and additional fields needed for a course record to meet your business or institution requirements and the government. This knowledge article will give you all the possible details or information you can add into the course record and some of the maintenance processes you can do with courses: Search, Create, Edit, Delete, Duplicate, Add-Edit a Campus File, Save an attachment, and Copy a course outline to another.

Complexity: HIGH





  • You have the minimum required level to access the Courses Menu;

  • You have an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector;

  • You have an understanding of HEPCAT / TCSI and HEIMS reporting / AVETMISS reporting; and

  • You have an understanding of HEIMS Element Numbers.

 Key Terms and Concepts

Key Terms and Concepts

A Add COURSE Form Fields with Brief Descriptions

NOTE: The *Course Id field can be an institution specific code (e.g. a course abbreviation) or a system allocated code. Refer to your business or institution’s standard naming convention.

*Denotes required fields when creating a course record.


Field Name


Brief Overview

Course Id*

An abbreviation for the course name or an identifier given by the institution to uniquely identify the course e.g. BArts20. The abbreviation can contain letter and numbers but MUST NOT contain spaces.

Course Name* E308

The full accredited name of the course in which the student enrols. This name will appear on the student's Transcript, Testamur, reports, letters, AHEGS, etc.

Articulation Options (opt-in)

Course(s) that a student can move into at the end of this course e.g. Diploma of Arts can lead into a Bachelor of Arts, or a Bachelor of Arts can lead into a Graduate Diploma of Arts.

Early Exit Options (opt-out)

Course(s) that a student can exit with, should they not want or be able to complete the course.

E.g. A student in a Bachelor of Arts can exit after the 8 core units have been successfully completed with a Diploma of Arts.

Course Status*

  • Active (for a currently used course)

  • Archived (for a Course no longer in use)

  • Virtual

Course Provider*

Institution / Campus where this course is delivered.

Post nominal

The letters placed after a person's name to indicate that that individual holds this particular academic degree e.g. BArts, MBA, etc.

Course Level*


  • Postgraduate

  • Undergraduate

  • VET

  • Secondary

  • Non-Award

Course type*

  • Coursework

  • Research

HEIMS Undergraduate Loan Fee (%)

25% - the additional fee / percentage charged by the Government to Undergraduate students who access Fee-HELP loans. This is an additional 25% of the unit charge.

Do not include the percentage symbol when entering this data - e.g. 25.0

HEIMS Postgraduate Loan Fee (%)

0% - the additional charge by the Government to Postgraduate students who access Fee-HELP loans.

Do not include the percentage symbol when entering this data - e.g. 0.0


Is this course currently accredited? Yes / No

Accreditation Date

What date does the accreditation for this course commence? e.g. 01/01/2016

Accreditation Due Date

What date will the accreditation for this course cease? e.g. 31/12/2025

Standard Unit Fee

The dollar amount for a standard units within this course of study

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 2500.00

International Unit Fee

Fee amount charged to students designated as international students

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 3500.00

Admin unit Fee

Any administration fees payable for a unit of study within the course

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 500.00

Course Fee

The total fees payable to complete this course of study

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 55000.00

Yearly Course Fee (Full Time)

The cost of one year of full time study in this course

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 2000.00

Yearly Course Fee (Part Time)

The cost of one year of part time study in this course

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 5500.00

AQF Registered

Is this course of study AQF Registered? Yes / No

Credit Points required

The number of successfully completed points required to complete this course of study e.g. 144

Unit Grade Type

  • Grade for ELICOS

  • Possible grades you receive after completing an assessment

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a Competency

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a unit

  • Progression Level for Course

Assessment Grade Type

  • Grade for ELICOS

  • Possible grades you receive after completing an assessment

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a Competency

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a unit

  • Progression Level for Course

Program Level No

A numerical value to determine the level of this course e.g. Bachelor could be 7 inline with AQF levels or could be 3 if this is the highest level in a nested suite of awards.

Duration (Weeks)

How many weeks of study does it take to complete the entire course? e.g. 104 (2 year course)

Multi-Program Duration

Maximum Course Duration

The maximum allowable amount of time / months / years allowed to complete this course of study.

Maximum Participants

Maximum number of students enrolled into any cohort.

Online Enrolment Tuition Balance

Maximum Credit Points Enrollable

Maximum number of credit points the student can enrol into in one study period.

E.g. If the maximum number of units a student can enrol into in one semester is 4 and each unit is worth 6cp the value required is 24.0

Minimum Credit Points Enrollable

Minimum number of credit points the student can enrol into in one study period.

E.g. If the Minimum number of units a student can enrol into in one semester is 1 and each unit is worth 6cp the value required is 6.0

Credit Points Per Semester

The standard number of credit points a student can enrol into in one study period.

E.g. If the maximum number of units a student can enrol into in one semester is 4 and each unit is worth 6cp the value required is 24.0

Maximum Elective Credit points

E.g. For a course that has 24 units in total. Of that 24, 8 are core units leaving 16 units as electives. If each unit is worth 6 cp the total is 16 elective units x 6cp per unit = 96.0.

Show Attendance for Course on Student Summary

Display the students attendance record on the Student's summary screen? - Yes / No

SMS Entity Id

These fields are used for 3rd party software integration to Paradigm. Please contact us if you want to discuss more about possible integration when it comes to your Course Record.

SMS Entity Type Id

Remote SMS Entity


Field Name


Brief Overview

Funding Type*

The types of Funding available for this course of Study:

ECAF Approved

Is this course approved for the online Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form? Yes / No

Related Page: ECAF

Allow Online Application

If your institution uses the Silverband Online application form, can an applicant apply for this course via that method? - Yes / No

Allow International Students

Can international students apply for this course? - Yes / No

Allow Unit Enrolments from Course Plan

Allow students to enrol themselves via the course plan? Yes / No

Required Online Application Attachments

Select each of the attachment types that an applicant is required to include as part of their application into this course of study:

  • Medical

  • Assessment Results

  • Email

  • Student Academic

  • Historic Transcripts

  • Historic Records

  • No Category

  • Testamur

Centrelink Payments Approved

Is this course approved for the student to receive Centrelink payments? Y / N

Audition Surveys


Field Name


Brief Overview

Course Description

A brief description of the content of the course.

Course Long Description

A more detailed description of the course.

AHEGS Course detail

The Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement - is a secondary transcript issued to students when they graduate, and providing a snapshot of their graduate achievements. It aims to enhance graduate mobility and employability in the global marketplace. AHEGS have Government predefined formats in which they can be delivered. This Course detail is the information about the Course of Study displayed in the AHEGS document.

AHEGS Course features

Detailed features of the course to be featured in the AHEGS - details which set this course apart from others in the education market.

AHEGS Course Pathway to further Study

Information about future study that this course can lead to e.g. a Bachelor Course that leads to a Graduate Diploma or Master's degree.

AHEGS Course accreditation

Information about the dates / years that this current instance of this course is accredited from and to.

Entry Requirements / Prerequisites

Any requirements the student must have completed in order to gain entry into this course of study.

Common Core

Primary Course Discipline

Elective Credits

Course Rules

Graduate Attributes

Occupational Functions of Graduates


Fee information about the course outlining how many units must be completed, and the approximate costs of completing the course.


A copy of the course brochure or outline can be uploaded and saved here.


Institutions who are registered with the Australian Government to accept International students are provided with a unique number / code. This code is listed on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

Custom Field 1

Custom Field 2


Field Name


Brief Overview

DEST Uid3*

An internal code issued by TCSI for this course.

DEST Uid3 Last Submitted*

The date the last submission went to TCSI for this course.

DEST Uid3 Last Submitted Status*

The status for the last submission.

Course of Study Code* E533

An abbreviation for the Course Name or an identifier given by the institution to uniquely identify the Course e.g. BArts20. The abbreviation can contain letter and numbers but must not contain spaces.

Course of Study Name* E394

The full accredited name of the course in which the student enrols. This name will appear on the student's Transcript, Testamur, reports, letters, AHEGS etc.

HEIMS Course Type* E310

A code which indicates the type of Course. Select the code that indicated the course level.

  • 01 - Higher Doctorate

  • 02 - Doctorate by research

  • 03 - Masters (Research)

  • 04 - Masters (Coursework)

  • 05 - Postgraduate Qualifying or preliminary (for master’s, Doctorate or higher doctorate)

  • 06 - Graduate Diploma / postgraduate diploma (pass or honours) involving new academic, professional or vocational area

  • 07 - Graduate Diploma/ Postgraduate Diploma (pass or honours) extending skills and knowledge in a professional area previously studied

  • 08 - Bachelors Graduate Entry

  • 09 - Bachelors Honours

  • 10 - Bachelors Pass

  • 11 - Graduate Certificate

  • 12 - Doctorate by coursework

  • 13 - Associate degree

  • 14 - Masters (Extended)

  • 20 - Advanced Diploma

  • 21 - Diploma

  • 22 - Other undergraduate award course

  • 30 - Enabling course

  • 41 - Cross Institutional program for undergraduate courses at home Higher Education Provider

  • 42 - Cross Institutional program for postgraduate courses at home Higher Education Provider

  • 50 - Non-award course (including Bridging for overseas trained professionals)

  • 60 - Open Universities Australia undergraduate studies

  • 61 - Open Universities Australia postgraduate studies

  • 80 - VET Graduate Certificate

  • 81 - VET Graduate Diploma

HEIMS Course Load* E350

The aggregated EFTSL value for a course of study, summed across all units of study which meet the academic requirements for the course of study.

E.g. if a single unit of study = 0.125 EFTSL and there are 24 units in the course the required answer is 3 entered as 3.0(24 x 0.125 = 3)

  • 00 - Non-Award Course, Cross Provider Program

  • 01 to 99 EFTSL values expressed in tenths (e.g. 4.5 is coded "45")

Combined Course of Study indicator* E455

A code which indicates whether a course of study is a combined course of study.


Field Name


Brief Overview


An internal code issued by TCSI for this course.

DEST UID5 Last Submitted*

The date the last submission went to TCSI for this course

DEST UID5 Last Submitted Status*

The status for the last submission

HEIMS Course Code* E307

An abbreviation for the Course Name or an identifier given by the institution to uniquely identify the Course e.g. BArts20. The abbreviation can contain letter and numbers but must not contain spaces.

Course Name* E308

The full accredited name of the course in which the student enrols. this name will appear on the student's Transcript, Testamur, reports, letters, AHEGS, etc.

Standard Course Duration* E596

The standard duration of the course for a full time student in years and fractions of academic years eg. 2.5 or 3 years

Course Assurance Indicator* E619

An indicator that identifies whether the student's enrolment in the unit of study is the result of an approved VET student Loans course assurance arrangement.

VET institutions inheriting students from another institution as part of course assurance must be coded as belonging to separate base course record that is dedicated for tracking the inherited student cohort.

This field will be referenced for any unit enrolments that are reported to the government via TCSI.


Field Name


Brief Overview

Field of Education Code* E461

A code that identifies the field of education to which the course is classified. Select the option from the list that best describes the course.

e.g. Agricultural Science (050101)

Field of Education Supplementary Code* E462

A code which identifies the supplementary field of education to which a combined course is classified. If the Course is NOT a combined course then leave it blank or 000000

e.g. Agricultural Science (050101)

Effective From Date* E609

The date from which this information is valid from e.g. 01/01/2021

Validation Status


An internal code issued by TCSI for this course

Entity Status


Field Name


Brief Overview

Special Course Type E312

A code which identifies courses of special interest for government reporting

Note: If your course is NOT one of the below groups leave this field blank.

  • 21 - General Nursing Course for initial registration

  • 22 - Teacher Training for initial registration

  • 23 - Medicine for provisional registration

  • 25 - Veterinary Science for registration

  • 26 - Dentistry for registration

  • 27 - Clinical Psychology

  • 28 - Aviation as listed in the Fee-Help 2017 guidelines

Effective From Date E609

The date from which this information is valid from e.g. 01/01/2021

Effective To Date E610

The date to which this information is valid to e.g. 31/12/2025

Validation Status


Data returned from the TCSI system to indicate the validation status

Entity Status


Field Name


Brief Overview


The full accredited name of the course in which the student enrols. this name will appear on the student's Transcript, Testamur, reports, letters, AHEGS etc


The name of the institution / campus that will be offering the course


The physical location where the institution / campus will deliver the course


The postcode of the physical location where the institution / campus will deliver the course


Field Name


Brief Overview

Attachment Name

The name given to the attachment at the time the attachment was added.


The size of the attached file.


The intended purpose of the file attachment. eg. Email Template, or Signature


A number that helps to distinguish between more recent versions of the attachment.


The current status of the attachment. eg. Archived, Published


The user login of the person who added the attachment.


The date that the attachment or revision was added.

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B Add CAMPUS File Information


Field Name


Brief Overview

TCSI Campus Id

An internal code issued by TCSI for this course / location combination


System Allocated internal id code

Course Id

An abbreviation for the Course Name or an identifier given by the institution to uniquely identify the Course e.g. BArts20. The abbreviation can contain letter and numbers but must not contain spaces.

Course Provider

The name of the institution / campus that will be offering the course.

Campus Operation Type E569

Is in any part of this course delivered off-shore? If yes is it a Stand alone arrangement or in partnership. If not, select Course is not delivered offshore.

Off Shore Mode E570

Is the Course delivered off-Shore? Is yes what is the Mode of delivery.

If not, select Course is not delivered offshore.

Off Shore Delivery Indicator E571

Is this Course delivered off Shore at all? Partially offshore? Fully offshore?

If not, select Course is delivered in Australia only.


Institutions who are registered with the Australian Government to accept International students are provided with a unique number / code. This code is listed on the The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).

If your institution only has Australian Domestic students leave this field blank.

Effective From Date E609

The date this information is valid from. e.g. 01/01/2021

Effective to Date E610

The date this information is valid to. e.g. 31/12/2025

Last Validation Status

Data returned from the TCSI system to indicate the validation status.

Last Validated on

Data returned from the TCSI system to indicate the validation date.


Field Name


Brief Overview

Course Fee Code E536

HEIMS Code - What funding types can students in this course access.

  • 0 - Course not offered to Domestic students (International students only)

  • 1 - Course offers only Commonwealth Supported places (e.g. HECS-HELP)

  • 2 - Course offers only Domestic Fee-paying places (e.g. Fee-HELP)

  • 3 - Course offers both Commonwealth Supported places & Domestic Fee-paying places (e.g. Both HECS-HELP and Fee-HELP)

Indicative Student Contribution Amount for Commonwealth supported Place E495

The average Student contribution dollar amount for commonwealth supported students in this course.

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 2500.00

If this course only offers Fee-HELP places leave this field blank.

Indicative Tuition fee for a domestic fee-paying place E496

The indicative cost for a domestic full time student in this course.

Do not include the dollar symbol when entering this data - e.g. 2500.00

Effective From Date E609

The date this information is valid from. e.g. 01/01/2021

Entity Status

  • Active (for Current records)

  • Deleted


An internal code issued by TCSI for this course.

Validation Status

Data returned from the TCSI system to indicate the validation status.


Field Name


Brief Overview

TAC Offer Code E557

Does an Admission Centre handle the applications for this course?

  • Application not managed by a TAC

  • Apply through QTAC

  • Apply through SATAC

  • Apply through TISC

  • Apply through UAC

  • Apply through VTAC

Entity Status

  • Active

  • Deleted


An internal code issued by TCSI for this course.

Validation Status

Data returned from the TCSI system to indicate the validation status.

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C Add COURSE Required Fields

Course Required Fields

System Required

Program Id


Program Level


Program Type


Program Status Id


Funding Type


Program Name


Provider Party Id


Program Accredited


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  • It is advised that a Search be performed before adding a new Course record, to check whether the Course name / Course Id has previously been used in the system, as well as to view an existing Course record.

  • For a new course to use the course plan, units will need to be associated with the course. This would consist of Core units, electives and also include prerequisites to allow for course sequence and structure.

  • Editing a Course file should only be done under certain circumstances as it can impact on historical student enrolments. Any updates need to be updated with HEIMS via the submission of a Course and Campus file set (currently via HEPCAT).

  • If a Course is significantly different (due to re-accreditation) a new Course record should be created and reported to  HEIMS (via HEPCAT) prior to enrolling any students in to the new Course.


VET institutions inheriting students from another institution as part of course assurance must be coded as belonging to separate base course record that is dedicated for tracking the inherited student cohort.

This field will be referenced for any unit enrolments that are reported to the government via TCSI.


 1. How to Search for a Course Record

01. How to SEARCH for a Course Record

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

INFO: For a current course ensure the Course Status is Active, for a non current course change the Course status to Archived.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter for you to get to the course record that you want to search or view, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want to view, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (As shown in the sample screenshot below).

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 2. How to Create / Add a New Course

02. How to CREATE or ADD a New Course


Prior to Creating a new course, please ensure that the Course doesn't already exist in the system. Duplicate course records will cause issues within the system and when running government reporting.

1, 2 Choose Course > Add New menus on the side. This will open the course page form with all the fields both required and optional will appear.

3 Enter all the required fields and all the available information you have for this course.

NOTE: Refer to the tables above, under the Key Terms and Concepts >A Add COURSE Form Fields with Brief Descriptions section, for all the fields required and optional and their brief overview – which will guide/ help you in adding a new COURSE record in Paradigm.

4 After filling out all the required and available information you have for that course, click the SAVE COURSE button.

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 3. How to Edit a Course Record

03. How to EDIT a Course Record

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to edit, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want to edit, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

7 Update the required information.

NOTE: The Id Code is not editable. If you attempt to edit the Id code, a duplicate new record will be created.

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 4. How to Delete a Course Record

04. How to DELETE a Course Record


Make sure there are no students enrolled in any course prior to deleting the course.

Make sure you remove the course outline rules before attempting to delete the course.

As an alternative that retains the historical course data, you can refer to the above workflow to edit the course record, and change its Course Status value from Active to Archived.

INFO: If the course record that you want to delete is already loaded, proceed to “STEP 2 Delete the course record” instructions, else, start with “STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to delete”.

STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to delete

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to delete, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want to delete, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

STEP 2 Delete the course record

NOTE: Upon following the instructions below in deleting the course record, it is assumed that you’ve already read carefully the WARNINGS above this section – all the implications when deleting a course record in Paradigm.

7 Once the course record has now been loaded, scroll down the page and click the DELETE COURSE button.

8 After clicking the DELETE COURSE button, a small pop-up window on top of the screen will appear wanting to confirm your delete action. Click OK to proceed.

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 5. How to duplicate a Course Record (based on an existing course)

05. How to DUPLICATE a Course Record based on an Existing Course

NOTE: Editing an existing course record this way will not override or update the existing Course ID and all its related information. It will create a duplicate course record that has all the same data but it will have a new Course Id.

INFO: If the course record that you want to duplicate is already loaded, proceed to “STEP 2 Duplicate the course record” instructions, else, start with “STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to duplicate”.

STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to duplicate

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to duplicate, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want to duplicate, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

STEP 2 Duplicate the course record

7 Once the course record has been loaded, enter the new Course Id in the Id field (in the sample screenshot below, MITS has been changed to MITS2).

8 With the new Course Id entered, scroll down and click the SAVE COURSE button. This will now create a duplicate record of that course with another Course Id in the system.

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 6. How to Add a Campus File

06. How to ADD a Campus File


Remember to create a new Campus file for each Location / Course combination.


The following instructions are based on the assumption that a course has already been created.

The Campus File is now created in 3 sections. Each one is required to produce a complete campus file.

INFO: If the course record that you want to add a campus file to is already loaded, proceed to “STEP 2 Add the Campus information” instructions, else, start with “STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to add the campus information”.

STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to add the campus information.

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to add a campus file, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want to add a campus file, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

STEP 2 Add the Campus information

7 Once the course record has been loaded, you can either choose Courses > Edit Details > Campus menus on the side to get to the add campus file section, or scroll down the page and look for the CAMPUS WHERE COURSE IS TAUGHT Form section.

8 In the Add the following campus where the course is taught field, select the campus location, and then click the ADD CAMPUS button.

9 After clicking the ADD CAMPUS button, a new page form to add all the required information in adding a campus file will be loaded. This is categorised into three sections: EDIT CAMPUS DETAILS, COURSE FEES CODE, TAC OFFFER CODE.

NOTE: Refer to the Key Terms and Concepts section above and click theB Add CAMPUS File Information” table information for a brief description of each field, which will guide you in filling out the forms.

10 Enter all the information which are required and applicable to your institution, and then click the SAVE CAMPUS button.

INFO: Repeat all three parts of this process for each campus and course combination.

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 7. How to Edit a Campus file

07. How to EDIT a Campus File

INFO: If the course record that you want to edit the campus information is already loaded, proceed to “STEP 2 Edit the Campus information” instructions, else, start with “STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to edit the campus information”.

STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to edit the campus information.

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to edit the campus information, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want to edit, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

STEP 2 Edit the Campus information

7 Once the course record has been loaded, you can either choose Courses > Edit Details > Campus menus on the side to get to the add campus file section, or scroll down the page and look for the CAMPUS WHERE COURSE IS TAUGHT Form section.

8 Click the 📝 EDIT button on the right side of the campus location that you want to edit.

9 After clicking the 📝 EDIT button, the campus record will be loaded where you can edit all the possible existing information. Update the required data ensuring all required fields have a valid HEIMS compliant response.

9 Click the SAVE CAMPUS button to apply the changes.

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 8. How to Save an Attachment to a Course Record

08. How to SAVE an Attachment to a Course Record

INFO: If the course record that you want to add an attachment is already loaded, proceed to “STEP 2 Add the attachment” instructions, else, start with “STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to add an attachment”.

STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to add an attachment.

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to add an attachment, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

STEP 2 Add the attachment.

7 Once the course record has been loaded, you can either choose Courses > Edit Details > Files menus on the side to get to add file section, or scroll down the page and look for the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS Form section.

8 Click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button

9 In the EDIT FILE ATTACHMENT Form section, refer to the required and optional fields highlighted in the screenshot below.

RED are the required fields needed to attach the file, BLUE is an optional field.

10 Click the Choose file button to upload the file you want to attach.

11 Click the SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT button.

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 9. How to copy Course Outline / Course Plan from One Course to Another.

09. How to COPY a Course Outline or Course Plan from One Course to Another

INFO: If the course record that you want to copy the course outline is already loaded, proceed to “STEP 2 Copy the course outline” instructions, else, start with “STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to copy the course outline”.

STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to copy the course outline.

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to copy the outline, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

STEP 2 Copy the course outline.

7 Once the course record has been loaded, choose Courses > Outline menus on the side. This will load the current course outline of the course

8 Check ☑ the checkbox column of the course outline rules that you want to be copied to the new course, or to another course. Click the header checkbox if you want to select all the outlines.

9 In the Copy Selected Constraints to the following Course field, select the course that you want the outline to be copied to.


INFO: If the copy was successful, you should see a SUCCESS message on top of the screen, the same as the sample screenshot below.

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 10. How to Copy a Course Details to a New Course

10. How to COPY a Course Details to a New Course


Do not use multiple tabs in the same or separate browser windows at the same time as it can potentially splice together the data from multiple records.

The new course will require a new Course Id. The course Id field is unique and cannot be duplicated.

INFO: If the course record that you want to copy the details is already loaded, proceed to “STEP 2 Copy the details to the new course” instructions, else, start with “STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to copy the course details”.

STEP 1 Search for the course that you want to copy the course details.

1, 2 Choose Course > Search menus on the side.

3 Enter either one or all of the following search criteria: Course Id, Course Name, Course Level, and Course Status.

4 Click the SEARCH COURSE button. This will return a list of courses that meet your searched criteria(If the name and Id are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

5 If the return list needs more filter(given that you have a lot of course records in Paradigm) for you to get to the course record that you want to copy the details, you have the option to type a part of the course name in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

6 Once you’ve found the course record that you want, click the blue hyperlink of the Course Id. This will now load the course record details page (as shown in the sample screenshot below).

STEP 2 Copy the course details to the new course.

7 Once the course record has been loaded, open another browser, e.g. Firefox or Edge. Copy the link from the address bar of your current browser to the other browser. We need to do this so that neither record can become corrupted during the process.

8 The first window will contain the details of the original course and the second window will have a blank new course record ready to be populated. Copy and paste the required information for each field, into the new course record in the second window

9 Enter any other available information to the new course, and then click the SAVE COURSE button.

INFO: In the sample screenshot above, the course fields from the first screen (Chrome) are being referenced to another browser (Firefox) on the right. After copying and pasting the required details from one browser to the other, when the SAVE COURSE button is clicked, a new course record will now be added in Paradigm.

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