

Upon Completion of this KB the User will have an understanding of the Dashboard and the sections and reports within it.

Complexity: Low


Page Contents



  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System.

  • The User has an understanding of the various reports within Paradigm



As this is a live data base the statistics within these reports can change each time the page is loaded depending on if it is an enrolment or admission period

Key terms and concepts

Sections With the Dashboard

Brief Overview

Sections With the Dashboard

Brief Overview

Action List

  • Find a Student

  • Find a Unit

  • View my Contact details

  • Find a Course

  • Run a report

Report Builder Reports

These are reports build in the report builder and deployed for users. These reports can vary depending on access levels, private / global reports etc

My Current Year's Scheduled Units

For Lecturing / Academic staff class lists can be deployed here for easy access. These can be allocated from within the Contacts tab and can auto archive for easy viewing

Request List

This is a list of any requests made within the system that are allocated to the particular user

Communication Events List

This is a list of communication event sent by the user

Course Enrolment Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Course Enrolment status. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Unit Enrolment Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Unit Enrolment status. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Course Fee Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Course Fee Counts. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Unit Fee Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Unit Fee Counts. The data is displayed as:,

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Course Funding Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Course Funding Counts. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Unit Funding Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Unit Funding Counts. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Course Delivery Mode Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Course Delivery Mode Counts. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Unit Delivery Mode Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Unit Delivery Mode Counts. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Course Enrolment Counts

These reports are real time data reports from within the system based on Course Enrolment Counts. The data is displayed as:

  • percentage of actual,

  • number for the Calendar year ,

  • percentage of number per calendar year

Please Note:

The Period / time frame of displayed information for these count reports is determined by the Timetabling configuration.


  1. Click on Contact tab in the side menu,

  2. Click on Search in the Side Menu

  3. Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:

    • Given Name

    • Surname

    • Home Institution

    • Status

    • Contact Role

  4. Click on the Search Contact button

  5. This will return a list of contacts that meet the searched criteria

  6. To filter the list of contacts, in the search box above the list of contacts, start typing the contacts's first or given name.

  7. When you see the record for the contact you are looking for, click on the contact role for that contact, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.

  8. Scroll down to the Add Contact;s role for scheduled units section

  9. Enter at least one of the following options in to the relevant search box:

    • Unit Code

    • Unit Name

    • Unit Provider

    • Start Date

    • Unit Keywords

    • Unit Status

  10. Click on the Search Scheduled Unit button.

  11. This will show a list of units that meet the searched criteria

  12. To filter the list of units, in the search box above the list of units, start typing the unit name

  13. When you see the record for the unit you are looking for , click on the unit id code, highlighted in blue in the left column of that row.

  14. The Scheduled Unit has now been loaded.

  15. Click on the Role drop box next to the Scheduled unit to be added to the dashboard and select the required role. (The tick box will auto populate when the role is selected)

  16. Multiple units can be added at once.

  17. Click on to the Add Role to Scheduled units Button

  18. The Scheduled Units have now been added to the dashboard.