Scheduled Program Edit


This article outlines how to search, create and edit Scheduled Program records

Complexity: MEDIUM

Page Contents





  • The User has the minimum required level to access the Courses tab and an understanding that making changes within this section has system wide implications.

  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector.

  • The user has a detailed understanding of the Course admission requirements for your institution.

Key terms and concepts


The pages, fields and buttons that you can see, and the items you can edit, are based on:

  • how the Paradigm system is configured for your institution, and

  • the options that are made available by your institution, and

  • the access level assigned to you by the "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm expert, according to your permission needs.

For more information please contact your "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm expert.

Field Name

Brief Overview

Sample data

Field Name

Brief Overview

Sample data

Offer Start Date

The first date that offers can be made into this course from


Offer Expected End date

The last date that offers into this course can be made to


Start date

The start date of the Course


Expected End date

The Expected Completion date of the Course


Maximum Participants

The Maximum number of students to be enrolled into this Cohort


Current Participants

The Current Number of Students enrolled in this cohort


Transferred Participants

The Number of Students who have transferred out of this Cohort into another


Cancelled Participants

The Number of Student who withdrew prior to commencing


Scheduled Program ID

A system generated internal Id code for this Scheduled Program Id


Course Id

Institution allocated Name and Code for this Course


Home Institution

The Home college / Campus that the course is being offered at / by

Silverband Demo College

Enrolment Status

The Course enrolment status that will be allocated to the student upon enrolling into this course

  • Applied

  • Confirmed

  • Enrolled

Full/ Part time

Will the Student be taking the course at a full time or part time load.

  • Full Time

  • Part Time

Contact Mode

What delivery mode will the student be learning this course via

  • On Campus

  • Online

  • Multi-mode

Funding type

What payment method will the student be using to pay for this course

  • Fee-Help

  • Upfront Paying



Fee Type

What fee type is the student being charged for this course

  • Standard

  • International

HEIMS Mode of Attendance


  • On Campus

  • Distance

  • Multi-modal Mode of Attendance

  • No Information

Funding Source National


Domestic Full Fee-Paying Client

Purchasing Contract identifier



Purchasing Contract Schedule identifier



Funding Source - State Training Authority







Name of the Contact person for this cohort

John Smith



  • Active

  • Approved

  • Archived

  • Deleted

  • Virtual

Allow Online Application

Allow students to apply for this Course via the online application portal

  • Yes

  • No




  1. Click on the Course option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Course Offers in the side menu

  3. Click on the Add New Course offer in the side menu

  4. Enter the date the first offer can be made from in the Offer Start Date field using the date picker

  5. Enter the last date an offer can be made to in the Offer Expected End Date field using the date picker

  6. Enter the Course start date in the Start Date field using the date picker

  7. Enter the Course Expected end date in the Expected End date field using the date picker

  8. Enter the Maximum number of Student that can be enrolled into the cohort in the Maximum Participants field

  9. Enter the Minimum number of Student that can be enrolled into the cohort in the Minimum Participants field

  10. Select the HEIMS Student status from the HEIMS drop box

  11. Select the Course name form the Course Id drop box

  12. Select the Home Institution from the Home Institution drop box

  13. Select the Course Enrolment status from the Enrolments Status drop box

  14. Select the Part / Full time load from the drop box

  15. Select the Attendance mode from the Contact Mode drop box

  16. Select the Funding type from the drop box

  17. Select the Fee type from the drop box

  18. Select the HEIMS mode of Attendance option from the drop box (Higher Education Courses only)

  19. Optional: Enter any notes required in the Notes field

  20. Optional: Enter a contact persons name in the Contact field

  21. Select the required status option in the Status drop box

  22. Click the Save Details button

  1. Click on the Course option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Course Offers in the side menu

  3. Click on the Search Course offer in the side menu

  4. Select the name of the the Course from the Course Id drop box

  5. Click the Search button

  6. This will return a list of Courses offers that meet the searched criteria

  7. To filter the returned options in this box above the returned results start typing the Course name. This will reduce the number of results. 

  8. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the required record.

  9. The Course offer record has now been loaded.

  1. Click on the Course option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Course Offers in the side menu

  3. Click on the Edit Course offer in the side menu

  4. Select the name of the the Course from the Course Id drop box

  5. Click the Search button

  6. This will return a list of Courses offers that meet the searched criteria

  7. To filter the returned options in this box above the returned results start typing the Course name. This will reduce the number of results. 

  8. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the required record.

  9. The Course offer record has now been loaded.

  10. Update the required field

  11. Click the Save Details button


Further Reading

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