Paradigm supports the use of concurrent grading systems to give providers flexibility on how academic outcomes are awarded to course enrolments, unit enrolments, and assessments. The grading system within Paradigm is also equipped to handle changes to grading schemas that are necessary to make over time. This knowledge article will provide a detailed workflow on how you can search, add, and edit grade type according to the business requirements of your institution.
Complexity: MEDIUM
Key Terms and Concepts
Select the sections below for a detailed explanation on some of the key terms and concepts in relation to this Paradigm feature.
BE ADVISED: Changing any of the grade values will cause historical reports to print according to the new grade values. Consult with your "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm Expert before making any changes. If you are the "nominated contact person" or Paradigm Expert for your institution and need further help, please consult the Silverband Helpdesk for more information.
NOTE: Updating the grading system is not a frequent or regular occurrence, and is usually done when the institution is changing from one grading system to another e.g. from numerical grades to letter grades, or when adding a new grading system (e.g. Vocational Learning of Competency Achieved, Competency not Achieved).