Step 1 - Select a Base Report


Base Reports in Paradigm are composed and maintained by Silverband. They produce a cross-section of data and those reports may then be customised and saved by users to meet specific business requirements. There are two sections in Paradigm where you can access, select, or reuse previously created reports or default reports saved on your system during the onboarding process: BASE REPORT DESCRIPTIONS and SAVED REPORT DESCRIPTIONS section.


The BASE REPORT DESCRIPTIONS section in Report Builder is where you can select all the possible default reports we’ve created to address some of your common reporting requirements as a business or institution. The list inside the expand section below shows some of the Base Reports in Paradigm, each broad area of focus, and a short description of when each report might be used.

Base View Name

Broad Area of Focus

Potential Use

Base View Name

Broad Area of Focus

Potential Use

Applicant Portal View


NEW fields added:

  • Course Study Area Code

  • Course Study Area Description

Assessment Results Details

This report focuses on the assessments within a Scheduled unit. It is also useful for Final grade analysis and bench-marking. It will provide information on block marking and comparison between cohorts.


Contact Details

This report will provide data of who has access to the system and at what level.

It provides information drawn from the contact screen and is mainly for users with staff-level permissions in the system.


Course Details

This report shows the details that have been recorded on the base Course Page.


Credit Point Audit



Provider Details

The Provider details report includes data about the institution(s) within the system. If your Institution is a sole provider the data is limited to that. If your institution is a consortium this report can provide contact details, agent arrangements for providers within your group.


Scheduled Assessment View Details

This report will provide data for Scheduled Assessments within Scheduled units


Scheduled unit Details

This report has its focus on the Schedule Unit details


Scheduled Unit Fee Details

This report has its focus on the Schedule Fee details


Session Attendance 2 View


NEW fields added:

  • Course Total Session Hours

  • Course Attended Hours

  • Course Attended Percentage Of Total

  • Course Absent Hours

  • Course Absent Percentage Of Total

  • Course Not Recorded Hours Of Total

Additionally, the report has been completely rewritten to significantly reduce the average generation time.

Session Details

The report provides details on Sessions / RAPLA


Student Audit Log Details

Fields from the Student Audit log. This base report will provide details from the student Audit log. Primarily on what has been changed / updated within the system.

This is helpful for Auditing and managing Data changes within the system.


Student Course Enrolment Audit Log Details

Similar to the Student Audit log this report will provide specific information on what has been changed in the Student Course enrolment section of the system.


Student Course Enrolment Details

The report is two tables joined together to provide data from both the student level and the enrolled course(s) table. This will allow for more detailed reports on the student's course activity

NEW fields added:

  • Dest E572

  • Course Outcome Code Dest E599

  • Dest E612

  • Dest E620

  • Parent Course Enrolment Code

  • Parent Course Enrolment Name

  • Parent Course Enrolment Start Date

  • Parent Course Enrolment End Date

  • Parent Course Enrolment Status Id

  • Parent Course Enrolment Status Description

  • Avet Funding Source National

  • Avet Funding Source State

Student Details



The data in this report will provide information from the student section of the database. Details associated with the edit details page from the student screen.


Student request details

Data in this report focuses on requests from the student and for the student e.g. new student card,

Remark of assignment etc


Student Result details

This Report provides information of student results.

This is useful for results moderation and bench-marking prior to results release.


Student Review details

This report provides details on student reviews, date, reviewer and actions.

This is useful for mentor reports, or professional experience reports


Student Unit Enrolment details

This report joins the data from 3 areas together: Student information, Enrolled Course(s) and Units of Study.

NEW fields added:

  • Dest E551

  • Dest E622

Unit Details

This report has its focus on the base Unit details (the Scheduled unit draws some of its details from the information stored at the base unit level)



To allow repeatability of running reports, this section has all the copies of the previously generated and saved reports in Paradigm that have been customised by someone in your business or institution, or from one of our Support Team as you required, which were customised to meet your reporting needs.

A Global Reports – these reports are copies of all the saved reports previously generated by someone in your business or institution who set the scope as Global, so all users can load the reports

A Private Reports – these reports are copies of all the saved reports previously generated by someone in your business or institution who set the scope as Private, so only the user who created the report can load the report



1, 2 Choose Reports > Report Builder menus on the side. Go to the BASE REPORT DESCRIPTIONS Form section.


Go to the SAVED REPORT DESCRIPTIONS section if the report that you are trying to produce is one of the customised reports generated by someone in your business or institution before (as discussed in the above section SAVED REPORTS).

3 Click the drop-down menu to see all the possible base reports, click the scroll bar if necessary to see the full list.

4 If you see a report title that appears to contain the data that you want to see, click on that report title and click the LOAD BASE REPORT or LOAD REPORT button and check in the REPORT COLUMNS section to find out whether the data columns that you need are included in that report.


If the report that you loaded does not contain the right data or information you want for your report, you can select another base report title from the base report descriptions dropdown, and click the Load Report button for that report. It will load the new report definition and allow you to check whether this report could contain the data that you wish to retrieve. Repeat the steps above to check all the other base reports which you think may be closer to what you want to produce.


5 Proceed to the next page for the next workflow or instructions.