Switch Account View

NOTE: The instructions below assume that you have an Administrator account in Rapla, else, the switching in between account is not possible. Contact your Nominated Contact Person if you want a change in your Rapla Access Level.


1 First, check the current User from the top right hand corner (in this case, Silverband is the current logged in user).


2 Hover your mouse to the User configuration folder section, right click on the user account you want to log into, and select the Switch to option.


3 You will notice the screen has been refreshed with a welcoming message from the top right hand corner. After the message, you will see that the current logged in name will change into the new account that you’ve switched into.

NOTE: If you want to log back in the original user account. Go to the left hand top corner and select File > Administrator > Switch back. You will log back in to your original account.

INFO: If you switched to another administrator account, you can always logged back in or go back to your own admin account by following the same instruction as step 2 in the above section.




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