Calendar Edit Preferences

NOTE: Changes you will be making on this menu will impact the view of your Main Calendar View section and for all other users of Rapla in your business or institution.


1 Choose Edit > Options menus on the Top Menu Bar.

2 An Edit Preferences pop up window will appear with all the possible settings you can change. see the table below for a reference on what each field setting does.


What it does


What it does

Rows per hour

By default, you have 2 rows per hour, representing 30 mins each. You can change this number of rows depending on how you want to divide the minutes of your hourly rows.

Default Setup:

Start time

It controls the white spaced start hour in your Main Calendar View. By default, it is set to 9:00AM with an End time at 6:00 PM. Depending on your start and end time schedule, you can change it to earlier than 9:00AM.

Default Setup:

End time

It controls the white spaced end hour in your Main Calendar View. By default, it is set to 6:00PM with an Start time at 9:00 AM. Depending on your start and end time schedule, you can change it to later than 6:00PM.

Default Setup:


This will let you choose whether to disable the colours in your events or only choose to colour Events or Resources or both.

Display exceptions in calendar

If checked, exceptions are displayed

Events not matched by filter

You have the option to make the events which are not matched by filter to be transparent (which is by default) or completely make it hidden by selecting the Not visible option.

Day 1 of the week

The first column day of your main calendar view. By default, it’s set to Monday

Days in Weekview

How many days you want to be displayed in the calendar. By default, it’s set to 5 from Mondays-Fridays

Minimum block width

If you want to set a minimum width percentage for your blocks, you can set this field up.

Exclude days

If your sessions or events would have some days you want to exclude permanently, you can set this field here.

3 Click the Save button after editing your preferences.



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