Calendar Types

NOTE: Selecting any of the calendar types will also change the Calendar Main View. You can always change your view anytime you want depending on the required or necessary view you want for all your sessions or events (each calendar type view will be discussed below in details).

calendar type 1: Events

– when selected, it will display all the names of the events created in the specified date, time period, and other filters. It will also display the Start date and time of each event and when it was last changed.

calendar type 2: Appointments

– when selected, it will display all the set appointments of all the events created in a specified date, time period, and other filters. It will display the name of the appointment, the start and end date, resource used, and the persons or staff involved.

calendar type 3: Day

– when selected, it will display all the sessions or events created on one specified date (day) only. You can select any date from the Date menu to view all the sessions or events created on that day. This is very useful if you want to view every minute details of your day to day events.


calendar type 4: Day/Resource

– when selected, the column headers on your Calendar View will change, listing all the Resources types (Facility, Equipment, Staff) and all the sessions or events created utilising each of them on your specified date (day). This is very useful if you want to resolve conflicts with your Resources.


calendar type 5: Week

– when selected, it will display the whole week sessions or events created on the specified date in the Date menu. You can select any date from the Date menu to move forward and back, to view all the sessions or events created week by week.


calendar type 6: Week/Resource

– when selected, the row headings will change, listing all the Resources types (Facility, Equipment, Staff) and all the sessions or events created utilising each of them for the whole week of your specified date.


calendar type 7: Month

– when selected, it will display the whole month sessions or events created on the specified date of the month in the Date menu. You can select the forward and back arrows from the Date menu to view all the sessions or events created month by month.

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