Nested Operators Using Brackets


Adding more complex operators can become complicated and disorganised from the database point of view and to other users of your report. Putting your clause inside brackets (parentheses) will tell the system to assess the conditions or clauses inside the brackets first before evaluating the clauses outside of it. Report Builder is capable of processing nested operators using brackets, as discussed in this knowledge article.


Example 1

(Commencing Year >= 2018 AND Commencing Year <= 2021) AND Course Level In “Graduate”

INFO: In the sample filter clauses above, it will return all data specified in the columns section which has a commencing date on and in between 2018 and 2021, and in a Graduate course level.


Example 2 (example taken from the Global Reports called “Unit Enrolments Invoiced with No Grades”)

(Start Date >= 2020-09-26 AND Expected End Date <= 2021-09-26 AND Unit Enrolment Status Id In 'Enrolled, Exempt, Failed” AND Invoice Id Is Not NULL AND Grade Description Is NULL

INFO: In the sample filter clauses above, it will return all data specified in the columns section which has a start and end date on and between 2020-09-26 and 2021-09-26, with enrolments statuses as “Enrolled, Exempt, and Failed”, Invoice Id field is not blank (there should be values on it, already invoiced), and there are no values (should be blank, no grades recorded yet) in the Grade Description field.