Paying Off Invoice

Paying Off Invoice


After raising the invoice and recording customer (Student, Agent) payment, you are now ready to pay off an invoice. Paying off an invoice requires the invoice record status to be Sent and as much as possible with recorded payment to apply already added in the system. However, the system still provides the flexibility to allow you to add a payment in the process of paying off the invoice, refer to the step-by-step instructions in the Workflow section below.

If you want to bulk apply payments to your invoices, you can refer to the Bulk Apply Payments to Invoices Workflow.


It is assumed that the following are already done before you can pay off an invoice:


Outlining the step-by-step instructions on paying off an invoice:

1. There are two areas where you can pay off an invoice using the Accounting module: (1) Accounting > Summary (2) Accounting > Invoices. Whichever of the two areas you’ve chosen, go to the STUDENT INVOICE LIST section, click the ACTIONS button against the invoice that you want to pay off and then select the Pay Invoice option.

In the sample screenshot below, it’s under the Accounting > Invoices screen.

2. After clicking the Pay Invoice option, it will open the details screen of the invoice. Go to the POSSIBLE PAYMENTS TO APPLY section, set the Amount to Apply field (as required), and click the APPLY AMOUNT TO ITEMS button. The Invoice has now been paid off.


  • [Default Amount To Apply]The pre-filled / default Amount To Apply set is the same as the Amount set when the payment was added.

  • [More than one Recorded Payments to Apply]If there are other possible payments to apply on the list, choose the one that you want to apply the payment to the invoice.

  • [No Recorded Payment]If there is no recorded payment yet on the system, you have the option to add a new payment via the APPLY NEW PAYMENT section below, refer to the optional workflow below.



If you haven’t recorded or added payment for the invoice yet or the recorded payment on the list is not the payment that you want to apply, (1)go to the APPLY NEW PAYMENT section below, set the Amount and all other required fields, and then (2)save the payment accordingly (choose from whichever of the save buttons apply).


  • If you have questions on the field names or information required from the APPLY NEW PAYMENT form, refer to the table with field names and brief descriptions under the Understanding the User Interface > Payments knowledge article.

  • You can also refer to the Recording Payment workflow.

After saving the payment, (3)go back to the POSSIBLE PAYMENT TO APPLY section – you will now see the newly added payment, check the Amount To Apply field, and then click the APPLY AMOUNT TO ITEMS button. The Invoice has now been paid off.


3. To check the status of the invoice, you can go back to the Summary or the Invoices screen, the Status should now be set as Paid.


Bulk Apply Payments to Invoices

Only apply payments to invoices in Sent Status, and will apply the amount received (student payments record) accordingly.

The bulk Apply Payments to invoices can be used for all invoices created with a SENT Status and with payments recorded in the system to match the student’s amount owing.

Before you follow the instructions below, you have to make sure that there is no student record currently loaded in the system. If there is, choose Student > Search menus on the side – this will unload the current record in the system.

  1. Choose Student > Bulk Apply Payments to Invoices menus on the side. You will see the list of all students with unapplied payments under the UNAPPLIED PAYMENTS TO BE APPLIED TO OUTSTANDING INVOICE ITEMS DETAILS section.

2. After checking the list, to proceed, click the PROCESS PAYMENTS button. Wait for the system to finish applying the payments. After the process, a result table will appear with messages on each Invoiced ID that it tried to apply the payments to. Check and action the invoice ID based on the result message/error accordingly.



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