There are two ways you can modify or edit the price of your products items. You have the option to set the default price of the item under this section (Accounting > Edit Products) or you can leave the price blank here and just edit it once it’s used/added as one of the items in the invoice, see Raising Enrolment Invoice | Raising General Sales Invoice Workflows.
Setting the Product’s Default Price
1. Choose Accounting > Edit Products menus on the side. In the PRODUCT SEARCH section, you can try searching for the product that you want to set a default price by entering a part of the name in the Name field, and then click the SEARCH PRODUCT button.
If you want to view all the products in the system, click the SEARCH PRODUCT button again, this time without entering any search criteria
2. Find the product/item/fee that you want to set a default price to, click the EDIT button (pencil icon) against it. In the sample screenshot below, the Enrolment Fee is selected.
3. After clicking the EDIT button, it will open the product details or information, go to the PRICE SEARCH section. If the product item has no default price set yet, you can enter the amount under the Price field and click the ADD NEW PRICE button. The default price has now been added.
If there were already previously entered/added price for that specific product item, you can update/edit it by clicking on the SEARCH PRICES button.
It will return a list of all the previously entered/added prices for that item. Select one and click the EDIT button (pencil icon) against it.
Enter the default price, set the validity, and then click the SAVE PRODUCT PRICE button to save the changes. Your default price for that item has now been updated.
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