Accounting menu: Payments

Accounting menu: Payments


The Accounting > Payments section shows the list of all the payments sent by the customer (student, agent, etc.) and received successfully by your institution. You also have the option to CREATE NEW PAYMENT in this section.

Existing Payment Records

For all existing payment records in the system, you have the option to edit, print, and email the details by clicking the ACTIONS menu.

Create a New Payment Record

How to Create a New Payment Record

1. Refer to the instructions on this workflow: Recording Payment

2. On the form field section to enter the details of the payment, refer to the table below for a brief description of each field.


Some of the fields found on the new payment form are optional, you do not have to fill them all. Refer to your business or institution's requirements as your guide in filling out the form.

Field Name

Brief Description

Field Name

Brief Description

Payment Id

System Generated payment number


Status of the Payment

  • Cancelled

  • Confirmed

  • Not Paid

  • Received

  • Sent

Reference Number

  • Undergraduate

  • Postgraduate

  • HDR Masters

  • HDR Doctorate

Payment Type

  • Customer Payment

  • Customer Refund

  • Internal Payment

Effective Date

Payment date

Payment Method

Payment Methods accepted by the Institution

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Debit Card

  • EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

  • BPay

  • Paypal

  • Payment Express


Add the amount received from the student without a dollar sign. This amount can include any transaction fees.

(In this case a $1.50 credit card surcharge)

If there are not additional fees then Amount and Sent amount are identical.

Please note: Financial fields cannot be left blank.

From Party Id

The Student or Agent making the Payment

Sent Amount

Add the amount received from the student without a dollar sign. 

This amount does not include any transaction fees and is amount to be paid off against any tuition.

Please note: Financial fields cannot be left blank.

To Party Id

If there are multiple Campus within the system payment can be coded here

Is Net Payment

  • Yes

  • No

Assoc party Id

The Student or Agent making the Payment

Drawer (if Cheque)

If paying by Cheque - Name on the Cheque

BSB (if Cheque)

Bank State Branch (often referred to as "BSB") is the name used in Australia for a bank code, which is a branch identifier. The BSB is normally used in association with the account number system used by each financial institution.

Bank (if Cheque)

Name of Financial Institution


This is a Free text field for any comments.

Please note: Any Text written here will appear on the Receipt

A list of specific information is required as a minimum in order to import payments in bulk:

  • Id Number (Student Number is preferred)

  • Transaction / Payment date

  • Transaction / Payment amount

  • A unique reference for each Transaction / Payment

Additional information may be helpful/appropriate.

Once this information is available the transactions/payments can be imported via the Import Wizard within the System.

An overview of how our Import Wizard works can be found in this article: System > Import Wizard

For more information or how to set up the import profile please contact our Support Team.


How-to Guide(s)


Accounting Invoices


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