How to Resend Bulk Communications

How to Resend Bulk Communications


From time to time some of your communication events will fail to send – they will have statuses other than Sent. This knowledge article will provide you with instructions on how to resend failed emails without creating new communication events.


1. Make sure there is no record currently loaded in the system before following the rest of the instructions below. To unload any records in Paradigm, choose Student > Search menus on the side.
2. Click the ( icon) under your logo at the top of the menu or choose Student > Communication menus to search for the failed emails.

3. In the COMMUNICATION EVENT SEARCH section, fill out the "Communication Name/Email Subject", set the Status Id to "In Progress" or to whatever failed status that you want to resend, and click the SEARCH COMMUNICATIONS button.

4. Click the check box on the table header of the search results table. This should put a checkmark in all checkboxes of the search results. Remove the checkmark to items that you don’t want to include.

5. After selecting the events into a bulk list, click the EMAIL SELECTED RECIPIENTS WITH ATTACHMENTS button.





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