Program HEIMS Edit


This page will only be used during the transition period between HEPCAT Reporting and the implementation of TCSI and only by institutions who have not completed their 2020 reporting e.g. those who have late units, summer school or trimester 3.

Complexity: Medium

Page Contents

Key terms and concepts

Users can only edit course enrolments where the home institution is set to the same as the student. This prevents users from editing records of student not within their own institution.

#The Course ID can be an institution specific code (e.g. a course abbreviation) or a system allocated code

*Denotes required fields when creating a course record.

Field name

Brief Overview

Field name

Brief Overview

Edit Course Details Section


An abbreviated Course Name or identifier allocated by the institution to uniquely identify the Course

Name* E308

The Full name of the Course, this will appear on the student's Transcript, Testamur, reports, letters, AHEGS etc

Articulation Options (opt-in)

Course(s) that this can lead into or can articulate into

Early Exit Options (opt-out)

Course(s) that can precede this course or be articulated from

Course Status*

  • Active

  • Archived

  • Virtual

Course Provider*

Institution where this course is delivered

Post nominal

Post-nominal letters, also called post- nominal initials, post-nominal titles or letters, are letters placed after a person's name to indicate that that individual holds this particular academic degree e.g. BMin

Course Level*

  • Elicos

  • Postgraduate

  • Undergraduate

  • VET

  • Secondary

  • Non-Award

Course type*

  • Coursework

  • Research

HEIMS Undergraduate Loan Fee (%)

25% - the additional charge by the Government to Undergraduate students who access Fee-HELP loans. This is an additional 25% of the unit charge. Do not include the percentage symbol when entering this data

HEIMS Postgraduate Loan Fee (%)

0% - the additional charge by the Government to Postgraduate students who access Fee-HELP loans. Do not include the percentage symbol when entering this data


Is this Course Currently Accredited? Yes / No

Accreditation Date

What date did the Accreditation for this Course commence?

Accreditation Due Date

What date did the Accreditation for this Course cease or when is it due for renewal?

Standard Unit Fee

The dollar amount for a standard units within this Course of Study

International Unit Fee

Fee amount charged to students designated as international students

Admin unit Fee

Any Administration Fees payable for a unit of study within the Course

Course Fee

The total fees payable to complete this Course of Study

Yearly Course Fee (Full Time)

The Cost of One year / Full time study in this Course

Yearly Course Fee (Part Time)

The Cost of One year / Part time study in this Course

AQF Registered

Is this Course of study AQF Registered? Yes / No

Credit Points required

The number of completed credit points to be achieved to complete this Course of Study

Unit Grade Type

  • Grade for ELICOS

  • Possible grades you receive after completing an assessment

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a Competency

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a unit

  • Progression Level for Course

Assessment Grade Type

  • Grade for ELICOS

  • Possible grades you receive after completing an assessment

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a Competency

  • Possible grades you receive after completing a unit

  • Progression Level for Course

Program Level No

A numerical value to determine the level of this course eg. Bachelor could be 7 inline with AQF levels, or could be 3 if this is the highest level in a nested suite of awards

Duration (Weeks)

How many weeks of study does it take to complete the entire course

Multi-Program Duration

Maximum Course Duration

The maximum amount of time / months / years allowed to complete this Course of Study

Maximum Participants

Maximum number of Students enrolled into any cohort

Online Enrolment Tuition Balance


Maximum Credit Points Enrollable

Maximum number of credit points the student can enrol into in one study period

Minimum Credit Points Enrollable

Minimum number of credit points the student can enrol into in one study period

Credit Points Per Semester

The standard number of credit points a student can enrol into in one study period

Maximum Elective Credit points


Show Attendance for Course on Student Summary

Display the students attendance record on the Student's summary screen - Yes / No

SMS Entity Id


SMS Entity Type Id


Remote SMS Entity


Course Application Details Section

Funding Type*

  • Upfront

  • APA



  • IPRS



  • PELS

  • RTS

ECAF Approved

Is this course approved for the Online Commonwealth assistance form? Yes / No

Allow Online Application

If your institution uses the Silverband Online application for can an applicant apply for this for this course via that method - Yes / No

Allow International Students

Can international Student apply for this Course - Yes / No

Allow Unit Enrolments from Course Plan

Allow student to enrol themselves via the Course plan Yes / No

Required Online Application Attachments

Attachments types an applicant is required to include as part of their application into this course of Study

  • Medical

  • Assessment Results

  • Email

  • Student Academic

  • Historic Transcripts

  • Historic Records

  • No Category

  • Testamur

Centrelink Payments Approved

Is this course approved for the student to receive Centrelink payments? Y / N

Audition Surveys

Edit Additional Course Details Section



Course Learning Outcomes


AHEGS Course detail

THE Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement - is a secondary transcript issued to students when they graduate, and providing a snapshot of their graduate achievements. It aims to enhance graduate mobility and employability in the global marketplace. AHEGS have Government predefined formats in which they can be delivered. This Course detail is the information about the Course of Study displayed in the AHEGS document.

AHEGS Course features

Detailed features of the Course to be features in the AHEGS - details which set this course part from others in the Education Market

AHEGS Course Pathway to further Study

Information about future study that this course can lead to eg Bachelor Course leading to Grad Dip or Masters courses

AHEGS Course accreditation

Information about the dates / years that this current instance of this course is accredited from and to

Entry Requirements / Prerequisites

Any requirements the student must have completed in order to gain entry into this course of study

Common Core


Primary Core Discipline


Elective Credits


Course Rules


Graduate Attributes


Occupational Functions of Graduates



Fee information about the Course outlining how many units, approximate costs of completing the Course


A Copy of the Course brochure or outline can be saved here


CRICOS Codes. The Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) lists all institutions (providers) and courses, which are registered to offer courses for overseas students in Australia

Custom Field 1


Custom Field 2


HEIMS Fields Section

HEIMS Course type E310

A code which indicates the type of course

Name (HEIMS FULL) E394

The full name of the course of study

HEIMS Course Code* E307

Institution allocated Course code / Abbreviation

HEIMS Course of Study Code E533

A code which uniquely identifies the course of study record

HEIMS Course Load E350

The aggregated EFTSL value for a course of study, summed across all units of study which meet the academic requirements for the course of study.

Special Course Code E312

A code which identifies courses of special interest

Combined Course Study E455

An indicator of whether a course of study is a combined course of study

HEIMS Education Fields E461

A code that identifies the field of education to which the course is classified

HEIMS Specialisation Code E463

A code which identifies a specialisation within a course for which the academic requirements have or will be completed by a student or a group of students.

HEIMS Supplementary Education Fields E462

A code which identifies the supplementary field of education to which a combined course is classified

Areas of Study E580 - Retired

Areas of study included in a Major or Minor as part of a Course of Study

Course Search Keywords E581 - Retired

Keywords that provide additional information not included in element E580 - Areas of study





Further reading

External resources