In this training session, we will provide an overview and an in-depth explanation of providers, base course, and base units in Paradigm. We will also demonstrate how each of these records can be added and maintained in the system. By the end of this training session, you will have sufficient knowledge to take responsibility for creating and maintaining provider, base course, and unit records.
Learning outcomes
Describe and discuss the roles of providers in Paradigm, and practice how to maintain their records.
Explain what a base course is, and all its related fields and information required to successfully create one in Paradigm which is in line with government reporting requirements.
Create and maintain base course records in Paradigm (add, edit, search, delete, duplicate, etc.)
Explain what a base unit is, and all its related fields and information required to successfully create one in Paradigm which is in line with government reporting requirements.
Create and maintain base unit records in Paradigm (add, edit, search, delete, etc.)
1. Provider
Duration: 60 minutes
Complexity: MEDIUM
A provider is an organisation or business that provides some kind of service to a student.
This section will give you further details on the concept of provider in Paradigm, will provide you an overview of the roles of providers, and the types of relationships they may have with other records. After making sure that the concept of provider has been fully understood, roles are clearly defined, the User Interface related to creating and maintaining Provider records in Paradigm are properly introduced, at the end of this section, you will be given an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge with our guidance that is open for live questions and discussions.
Provider Roles
Provider Information Related and Required Fields
Workflows 1-6 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984771/Providers%2B-%2BSearch%2BAdd%2Band%2BEdit
Create and Edit a Provider Contact Record
Workflow 1 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984781/Providers+-+Edit+Contact+Info#Workflow
Providers – Notes
Workflows 1-2 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/985029/Providers+-+Notes#Workflow
Email or Communication Templates
Workflows 1-3 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984800/Search%2BAdd%2Band%2BEdit%2Bcontent%2Be.g.%2Bemail%2Btemplates#Workflow
Resource Links:
The Providers Menu Overview in Paradigm: Providers
Key Terms and Concepts and How-To Guides: https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984771/Providers%2B-%2BSearch%2BAdd%2Band%2BEdit
Provider Records Maintenance: Providers - Edit Contact Info , Providers - Notes , Search, Add and Edit content (e.g. email templates)
2. Base Course
Duration: 60 minutes
Complexity: MEDIUM
A course is the award or qualification that the student studies and is used interchangeably with the term program.
This section will give you further details on the concept of base course in Paradigm, will provide you an overview of what a base course is in relation to other records, a detailed description of all the fields and information in Paradigm needed to successfully create a record that will meet your institution and the government reporting mandate. After making sure that a base course has been fully understood, the User Interface related to creating and maintaining base course records in Paradigm are properly introduced, at the end of this section, you will be given an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge with our guidance that is open for live questions and discussions.
Course Fields Overview
Campus File Information
Course Required Fields
Workflows 1-10 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/985094/Courses%2B-%2BSearch%2BAdd%2Band%2BEdit#Workflow
Managing Course Outlines
Scheduled Program Edit
Workflows 1-4 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/473923595/Scheduled+Program+Edit#Workflow
Resource Links:
The Course Menu Overview in Paradigm: Courses
Key Terms and Concepts and How-To Guides: https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/985094/Courses%2B-%2BSearch%2BAdd%2Band%2BEdit
Base Course Records Maintenance: Workflows 1-7 from Managing Course Outlines , Workflows 1-4 Scheduled Program Edit , Program HEIMS Edit
3. Base Unit
Duration: 60 minutes
Complexity: MEDIUM
A unit is a small constituent parts that combine together to form the overall course. The unit reflect the body of work that a student undertakes each time period (e.g. term, semester or trimester) in order to earn their overall course or award.
This section will give you further details on the concept of base unit in Paradigm, will provide you an overview of what a base unit is in relation to other records, a detailed description of all the fields and information in Paradigm needed to successfully create a record that will meet your institution and the government reporting mandate. After making sure that a base unit has been fully understood, the User Interface related to creating and maintaining base unit records in Paradigm are properly introduced, at the end of this section, you will be given an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge with our guidance that is open for live questions and discussions.
Base Units – Key Fields for Searching and Adding Units, Minimum Required, HEIMS, VET / AVETMISS Reporting Fields
Workflows 1-8 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984668/Search%2BAdd%2Band%2BEdit%2BBase%2BUnits
View or Show Scheduled Units
Workflow 1 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984651/Show+Scheduled+Units#Workflow
Unit Competency Edit
Workflow 1 from https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984655/Unit+Competency+Edit#Workflow
Resource Links:
The Units Menu Overview in Paradigm: Units
Introduction and Overview of Base Units: Base Units
Key Terms and Concepts and How-To Guides: https://silverband.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PKB/pages/984668/Search%2BAdd%2Band%2BEdit%2BBase%2BUnits
Base Unit Records Maintenance: Show Scheduled Units , Unit Competency Edit
4. Review
Duration: 10 minutes
Complexity: MEDIUM
After delivering the main topics, there will be some spare time for open discussion. You can ask any questions you have during the training. We will discuss and confirm a date and time for the next training session.
Open discussion including Q&A
Confirm schedule for next training session
Outline outcomes of next session
5. Extension
Duration: 90 minutes
The following tasks are recommended for users to complete at the conclusion of each training session to ensure that the content is understood and to establish familiarity with Paradigm terminology and its user interface.
Any records created during this section may be raised for review at the beginning of the next session to ensure that the data has been entered correctly, for example, meeting the relevant government reporting standard.
Create a New Provider Record
Search, Add, and Edit provider information on the record
Create a Base Course Record
Search, Add, and Edit base course information on the record
Create a Base Unit Record
Search, Add, and Edit base unit information on the record