Adding a New Communication Sender (From:) in the Communication Event
Users may wish to send students a communication event on behalf of a provider that is not linked to a student's profile or course enrolment. An example of this might be an Accounting department sending correspondence to students from a generic email address. Paradigm supports this by giving you an option to add the specific department/group in your business or institution containing the email address as a provider record in the system with a specific role assigned to it. This knowledge article will guide you on how to add a sender to your communication event screen.
To add an email address/specific department in your business or institution/Provider Name as an option/sender in your communications, you need to create a new Provider record for that [containing that email address] if you haven’t had one yet and assign a role to that provider record as a Communication Sender. You can refer to the steps below on how to do it:
Load the existing provider record if you have one already created in the system, refer to the instructions on How to Load a Provider Record. If there is no existing provider record yet in the system, you need to create one: How to Create or Add a New Provider record. NOTE: Make sure that the email address is added in the provider details under the Email field.
After loading or after you’ve added the new provider record, assign a role to it as a Communication Sender. Refer to the instructions on this article on How to Assign a Role to a Provider. You should now have a provider record with a role as a Communication Sender in the system.
With that provider record created/updated with that Communication Sender as a role, when you go to the Communications menu, you should now see that provider name under the From field as one of the options.