Edit System Side Menus
Paradigm side menus are designed for all types of users of the system. However, as an administrator, you have the option to customise the menus depending on the menus that you want visible/available for your users' permission level and provide ease of access by showing only menus they are using often. This knowledge article will give you instructions on how to find and toggle the visibility of each menu in Paradigm as a FULL ADMIN user/administrator.
Complexity: Medium
Editing data in any of these options has implications across the entire system and across various security levels. Please ensure that all of the implications of any changes or updates are carefully assessed before making those changes.
The Side Menu options make up each sub-menu within each Tab of the Paradigm System.
The System Tab and Side Menu Editing options are normally reserved for people with the highest level of system access because changes made here have a system-wide impact on the functions available from the side menu. If a Tab or a Side Menu option is set as hidden for a particular security level, all of the pages and side menu options within that tab or side menu option are also hidden for all users who have that security level.
how to Edit the System Side Menus
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