Scheduled Program - Scheduled Units

Scheduled Program - Scheduled Units


Adding Scheduled Units to a Scheduled Program will provide you with a view of a Scheduled Program record with all the Scheduled Units associated with it. This will also make the enrolment process considerably faster with a one-click solution. This knowledge article will guide you on setting up the Scheduled Program in Paradigm, associate it with the required Scheduled Units, and enrol a student in a single click.


Setting up the Scheduled Program


Set Default Values on the Scheduled Program Level


You have the option to set default values on the Scheduled Program Level that will be inherited automatically to every Course Enrolment record that will be created. Refer to the how-to guide section below on how to add the default values on a New Scheduled Program or to Existing Scheduled Programs.


The table below contains all the fields where you can set the default values:

Field Name

Brief Description

Field Name

Brief Description

Program Details

Enrolment Status

Default Enrolment status you want to set for each Course Enrolment record made against this Scheduled Program (e.g. Applied, Offered, Enrolled)


Set this field if you want the Course to be studied in either Full or Part Time

Contact Mode

How you want the Course to be studied. Select from the dropdown menu (On-Campus/Attending, Distance, Online, Multi-Mode, Flexible Learning).

Funding Type

Select the funding type option from the dropdown menu – if you want to set this Course to have a default Funding Type.

Fee Type

Option to set the defaullt fee type to either Standard fee or International fee, depending on your fee structure.

HEIMS Details

HEIMS Student Status

Student Status code E490

HEIMS mode of Attendance

Mode of attendance code E329

VET Details

Funding Source National



AVETMISS data element definitions

Purchasing Contract Identifier

Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier

Funding Source - State Training Authority

Other Details


Default notes set for this Scheduled Program


If you want to associate this Course to a specific Contact record.

Allow Online Application

Select Yes if this Course will allow online application enrolment, else, select No.

Applicant Session Recall



How to Add the Default Values


New Scheduled Program

You can add the default values in the process of Adding a New Course Offer in Paradigm. Refer to the instructions on this Knowledge Base article: Add New Course Offer


Edit Existing Scheduled Program

  1. Choose Courses > Course Offers > Search Course Offer menus on the side. Select the Course Id where you want to edit the existing default values.


2. Select the Scheduled Program that you want to edit. Add or edit the default values. Refer to the table above for the description of each field.



The default changes you make to the existing Scheduled Program will not change the values to existing Course Enrolments - only to Course Enrolments that will be created after you’ve made the changes.



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Add Scheduled Units to the Scheduled Program


1. After Adding a New Scheduled Program and Setting the Default values, you can now add Scheduled Units that you want to be associated with the Scheduled Program.


2. Choose Courses > Course Offers > Search Course Offer menus on the side. Select the Course Id where you want to edit the existing default values.


3. Select the Scheduled Program that you want to add the Scheduled Units into.


4. Enter your search criteria for the Scheduled Units that you want to search. Click the SEARCH UNITS button.


5. Click the (plus sign) against the Scheduled Unit that you want to associate with the Scheduled Program.

Each time you click the (plus sign) a success message will appear.

It will also be shown in the LINKED SCHEDULED UNITS section above. You have the option to set the default Enrolment Status for each Scheduled Unit and set the Scheduled Unit record status in this section.

To delete or not associate the Scheduled Unit from the Scheduled Program, just click the DELETE (bin icon) button against the Scheduled Unit.



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Enrolling Students in the Scheduled Program


Enrol on the Scheduled Program and all its associated Scheduled Units

With the Scheduled Program set and all its associated Scheduled Units, you can now start enrolling students. If the student is already enrolled in the Course but not the Scheduled Units, you will be given an option to add the units. Refer to the instructions below.



Any TCSI reportable fields (e.g. student status, start-end and census dates etc.) will come into play when enroling the student in the Scheduled Program with related Scheduled Units.
This means that after clicking the button to enrol the student, depending on what fields have been set on the Scheduled Program and the Scheduled Units level, the new records will immediately attempt to push to TCSI.


Before you enrol a student following the instructions below, it is assumed that the following records have been submitted to TCSI successfully with valid results:

  • Student record

  • Scheduled Program

  • Scheduled Units


1. Load the Student Summary page.


2. Choose Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side. Go to the SCHEDULED PROGRAM LIST section.


Choose the scenario below of the current student enrolment record:

A. Not yet Enrolled in the Course


In this section, if the student has no Course Enrolment yet, it will show all the Scheduled Programs and all Scheduled Units associated with it. Click the ADD COURSE & UNITS button to add the Course and Units to the student record.


B. Already Enrolled on a Course but not in Scheduled Units yet


If the student is already enrolled on a Course and that Course has a Scheduled Program setup with Scheduled Units, in the SCHEDULED PROGRAM LIST section, click the ADD UNITS button against the Scheduled Program with the Scheduled Units you want to enrol the student.







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