Search, Add and Edit Code Item

Search, Add and Edit Code Item


Code Items are the values displayed in a drop-down menu you see in Paradigm User Interface – fields that would require you to choose from the list. These items will change as your business or institution will also undergo some changes in the future. Paradigm offers a solution to address this concern and lets you edit the Code Items to meet your requirements. This knowledge article will give you a detailed workflow on how you can search, add, and edit Code Items.

Complexity: Medium


  • The User has the minimum required level to access the system tab;

  • The User has an understanding that making changes within this section has system-wide implications; and

  • The User has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System / VET Sector.


Key Terms and Concepts


NOTE: Some of these items are reportable HEIMS fields and have responses that are predetermined by HEIMS reporting. Please consult the HEIMS website to ensure that your institution is compliant before adding or removing any options. 

Select from below the term/concept that you would want to know more in relation to Code Types:

what is a Code Type?

From Paradigm’s user interface perspective, we refer to the Code Type as the heading of a field that has dropdown menus. In the example below, “Funding Type” is the Code Type.


what are Code Items?

Refer to the items under the Code Type. In the example above, the Code Items under the Code Type Id “Funding Type are “UPFRONT FEES”, “FEE-HELP”, “HECS-HELP”, and “OSS-HELP”.


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required info System Required Fields


Required Fields


Required Fields


  • Code Id

  • Code Id type

  • Code

  • Description

Operationally Viable

  • Code Id

  • Code Id type

  • Code

  • Description

  • Order

  • Visible

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code item details form Code Item Fields

This is an example of the information within the Contact mode drop box or code item. Each item, for this example, has six parts:

Field Name

Brief Overview

Sample Data

Field Name

Brief Overview

Sample Data

Code Id

NOTE: This value should have no spaces and be fewer than 20 characters in length. Replace spaces with underscores.

The code used in the backend of the system for the response.



Code Type Id

Each code item is assigned a type ID that is used to group code items that should appear in the same drop-down menu within the user interface.


  • HEAR


NOTE: We recommend making the CODE the same as the value of the CODE ID.

This is the value that will be saved in the database.




This is the order that the items will appear in the drop box once added to the system. The number allocated to each option needs to be 2 or 3 digits to ensure that the options appear in the required order. Prefix a number 0 to any number below 10, or to any single digit number.

  • 01

  • 02

  • 03


The visibility of an option to be able to make available or not an option within the drop box. Hiding an option doesn't remove or re-code it from historical records in the system (for these records it will still be visible), it will just remove it from being used in the future.

  • Visible

  • Hidden


This is the value that will be seen by users in the drop-down menu, displayed on the user interface.

  • On Campus

  • Newspaper

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A. Search a Code Item



1, 2, 3 Choose the System menu > Search Code Type > Click the SEARCH CODE TYPES button.



4 A list of all Code Types will be displayed under the SEARCH CODE TYPE Form. You can filter your search by typing a keyword of the Code Id that you want to search in the Filter Box.


5 If you already found the Code Type Id that you are looking for after typing a keyword in the Filter Box, click the EDIT button on the right to see the Code Items associated with it.




6 After clicking the EDIT button [or after a result has been displayed], an ITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH CODE TYPE Form will appear below the CODE TYPE DETAILS Form which has a list of all the Code Items (both visible and hidden) under the type that you’ve searched.



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B. Add a Code Item


1 Follow the same instructions [as] above on how to “A. Search for a Code Item”, to search for the Code Type where you want to add your new Code Item.

2 Once you’ve found the Code Type and its associated Code Items, click the ADD NEW CODE ITEM button.



3 A CODE ITEM DETAILS Form will appear below, with all the fields that you need to fill out to add successfully your new Code Item. Refer to the guide below in filling out this form. For more details on the definition of each field, refer to the Key Terms and Concepts section at the top of this page.



A Code Id – Refer to your institution’s naming convention for your Code Items. The best way to check the format is to check the previous Code Items on the list and follow the same format. The suggested format should be, as in the sample form above, ITEM_CODE_ID_TITLE. Use underscore in place of spaces.


B Code Type Id – This is the Code Type Id where your newly created Code Item will belong. In the example above, it will be under the Person Title field.


C Code – Copy the Code Id to this field.


D Order – Enter a number here – a numerical value that will determine the order this option will appear in the drop-down box.


E Visible – Select a visibility option. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time.


F Description – Enter a description. This is the text to be displayed on the user screen, this field/data can have a bit more detail.



4 Click the SAVE CODE ITEM button, to add the new Item Code.

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C. Edit a Code Item


1 Follow the same instructions as above on how to “A. Search for a Code Item”, to search for the Code Type where you want to edit your new Code Item.

2 Once you’ve found the Code Type and its associated Code Items, click the EDIT button on the right of the Code Item that you want to edit.


3 A CODE ITEM DETAILS Form will appear below, with all the fields that you can edit for that Code Item. Refer to the guide below in editing this form. For more details on the definition of each field, refer to the Key Terms and Concepts section [above] of this page.




A Order – Edit the number here if you want to change the order of the Code Item. The numerical value you’ve entered will determine the order this option will appear in the drop-down box.


B Visible – Edit the visibility depending on how you want this Code Item to be seen in the system. Visible will make the option available as soon as it has been saved as a code item, hidden will save it for a later time.


C Description – Edit the description field if you want a new display option for the user to see under this Code Type. This is the text to be displayed on the user screen, this field/data can have a bit more detail. You can also edit the Code Id and the Code fields above if you are editing the description – to match your new description, just follow the same format.


4 Click the SAVE CODE ITEM button, to apply changes.

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How to Edit / Add New Code Items

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