


Once you have read this article you will be able to Create, Print and Save AHEGS ( Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement)

Complexity: HIGH

Page Contents




Key terms and concepts

The guides for templates and producing AHEGS are similar to those for Transcripts and Parchments / Testamurs. The Australian government has mandated the layout, information required within the document and the guidelines for printing, storing and

Field Name

Brief Overview

Sample Data

Field Name

Brief Overview

Sample Data

Student details

The Student details are sourced from the student record when producing an AHEGS

James McMorran

Name of the Award

The name of the Course that the student has completed

Bachelor of Information Management

AHEGS Course Details

This is a brief overview of the course, including duration, number of units required, how the course can be studied etc

The Bachelor of Information Management is a 24 unit, 3 years full time Bachelor award. It can be studied either full time or part time. This Award has been on offer since 2010 and provides the foundation for information management positions within the sector.

AHEGS Course Features

Further details about the Course


AHEGS Course Pathway to further study

To what work positions can this award lead to

This award can lead to positions such as; Student Services officer, Registrar, Office Administrator

AHEGS Course accreditation

Who the Course is accredited with and for what period

The Bachelor of Information Management has been approved by TESQA from January 2010 until December 2018.

Awarding Institution

A brief overview of the awarding institution

The Starfleet Academy is part of the Silverband Consortium which was established in 2004 in Melbourne by the Dr Fabian Lane and Dr Lachlan Whitham. Together they build the consortium to the group it is today.

Graduates Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

James achieved high Distinctions in 4 classes in his first semester and later when on to add another 3 in second year.

Key to Grading

An Overview of the grading Schema used in the institution

HD 85-100%

DN 76-84%

Additional Course details

Any additional information about the Course

Students are required to complete 2 placements during the course. One at an industry peer and the other as an intern.

Special Achievements, recognition and prizes


James received the Chairman’s commendation Award for the highest graduating GPA for 2018.

As well as the Dr F Lane cash award for highest grade achieved for the Intern Placement



  • AHEGS can only be produced and presented to students that have successfully completed their course.

  • They must be printed on the official transcript paper used by the institution and must be single sided.

  • When produced a copy must saved in the student’s record for future reference.

  • Students can only be given one copy at a time and, like parchments, are legal documents.

  • If a student requires a replacement copy the original saved in the file must be reprinted and not updated in any way.


Please note:

All final grades must have been entered prior to producing the AHEGS as a transcript forms part of the template.

  1. In the side menu click on the Student tab.

  2. Click on the Search option

  3. Enter one of the following options in to the relevant search box: Student Number, Student's Family Name / Surname

  4. Click on the Search Student Button

  5. This will return a list of students that meet the above criteria

  6. To further filter the search results, in the search box above the list of results, start typing the student's Given Name or Family Name.

  7. When you find the record you are looking for, click on the Student No field, highlighted as a blue link at the left side of the row.

  8. The Summary page of the student's record is now shown.

  9. Click on the Course Enrolment option in the side menu

  10. Click on the Course option in the side menu

  11. Scroll down to the Course details and locate the Enrolment Status field

  12. Ensure the field is set to Complete and click the Save Course Enrolment button

  13. Click on the Summary option in the side menu

  14. Click on the Action menu next to the Course the AHEGS is being printed for. The Action menu will open.

  15. Click on the Save and Print AHEGS option.

  16. The AHEGS report has now been produced. Click the print icon to print.

  1. In the side menu click on the Student tab.

  2. Click on the Search option

  3. Enter one of the following options in to the relevant search box: Student Number, Student's Family Name / Surname

  4. Click on the Search Student Button

  5. This will return a list of students that meet the above criteria

  6. To further filter the search results, in the search box above the list of results, start typing the student's Given Name or Family Name.

  7. When you find the record you are looking for, click on the Student No field, highlighted as a blue link at the left side of the row.

  8. The Summary page of the student's record is now shown.

  9. Click on the Course Enrolment option in the side menu

  10. Click on the Course option in the side menu

  11. Scroll down to the Course details and locate the Enrolment Status field

  12. Ensure the field is set to Complete and click the Save Course Enrolment button

  13. Click on the Summary option in the side menu

  14. Click on the Action menu next to the Course the AHEGS is being printed for. The Action menu will open.

  15. Click the Print AHEGS option.

  16. The AHEGS report has now been produced. Click the print icon to print.

Further reading

External resources

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