Notification of Results

Notification of Results


This report is able to produce a notification of results for a student at the end of a study period.

Complexity MEDIUM

Page Contents



  • Students have been enrolled into the units.

  • Grading system has been set up.

  • Final grades have been entered into the units for student results.

  • Results have been published

Key terms and concepts


This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.



  1. In the side menu click on the Student tab.

  2. Click on the Search option

  3. Enter one of the following options in to the relevant search box: Student Number, Student's Family Name / Surname

  4. Click on the Search Student Button

  5. This will return a list of students that meet the above criteria

  6. To further filter the search results, in the search box above the list of results, start typing the student's Given Name or Family Name.

  7. When you find the record you are looking for, click on the Student No field, highlighted as a blue link at the left side of the row.

  8. The Summary page of the student's record is now shown.

  9. In the Student Details section, click on the Action Menu button. The Action menu will open

  10. Click on the Print Results Slip option within the Action menu

  11. The record can now be printed, or downloaded and emailed to the student.

Please note: For information on how to build the report builder report for this action please visit the report builder KB.

  1. Click on the Reports option in the side menu

  2. Click on the Report Builder option in the side menu

  3. Select the pre-built Notification of Results bulk student select report from the global reports drop box

  4. Click the load report button

  5. Scroll down to the Base Report Parameters section and update any required clauses or dates.

  6. Scroll down to the Format Report section

  7. Select the Bulk student Select option

  8. Click the Produce Report button

  9. Click the tick boxes of the required students or click the select all student option.

  10. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Add Selected to List button

  11. Once the report has loaded check the list for any students who shouldn’t be on it. To remove them click on the un-link icon next the student record.

  12. Click on the Student option in the side menu

  13. Click on the Communication option in the side menu

  14. Scroll down to the Communication section

  15. Enter the Communication Name / Email Subject in to the field

  16. Select the Email option in the Communication Type

  17. Select the required template from the Communication Template Message

  18. Make any required alterations to the Communication Description / Email Body section

  19. Click on Create Communication Event for Loaded Students button

  20. Click on the Reports tab in the side menu

  21. Click on the Letters option in the side menu

  22. Scroll down to the Notification of Results letter

  23. Click the Get Report button next to the required report

  24. Scroll down to the Notification of Results section

  25. Select the required Course Enrolment Status option(s) from the field (hold Control and click to select multiple options)

  26. Select required Unit Enrolment Status option(s) from the field (hold Control and click to select multiple options)

  27. Enter the Unit Enrolment Start Date using the date picker

  28. Enter the Unit Enrolment End Date using the date picker

  29. Click on the Create Report for Communication Event button

  30. Click the tick boxes of the required students emails to be sent or click the select all option. ( Do not select more than 500

  31. Click the Email Selected Recipients with Attachments button

  32. Check for the Success: Communication event successfully retrieved message.

  33. Check the list for any error messages.

  34. A Copy of the email and attachment has now been sent and saved into the each students communication section.


Further reading

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