Edit Form Labels

Edit Form Labels


Form Labels are the labels of the fields within the Forms in Paradigm which provide and tell the users what information is currently on the system and what information is still being required. The labels of fields and other interface elements within the Paradigm user interface may be customised to meet the naming conventions of the provider. This knowledge article will describe how labels may be maintained within Paradigm.

Complexity: Medium





  • You have the minimum Permission Level to edit form labels.

  • You understand that making changes within this section has system-wide implications.


Key Terms and Concepts

Form Label

Labels of the fields within a form in Paradigm that provide and tell the users what information is currently on the system and what information is still being required.

In the screenshot above, all the fields under the STUDENT DETAILS section are labels in Paradigm that you can edit.

Permission Level

Paradigm user accounts are assigned a Permission Level that determines what that group of users are able to view, edit, and update within the system.



Editing form labels has implications across the entire system and with the data management of your institution. Please ensure that all of the implications of any changes or updates are carefully assessed before making changes.


When using the report builder, the system uses the Label Id to locate fields rather than the name that it has been changed to. Proper documentation of the changes made to the label name is highly recommended for future reference.



a. Edit Labels Directly on a Page

Navigate to a page within Paradigm and locate the label you want to edit.

An example below would be going to Student > Student Details > Edit Details, and edit the “DOB label inside the PERSONAL DETAILS Form.



1.1 Opening up the Edit Label menu

1 Click the Edit Labels button located at the top right corner of the screen to display the controls to edit Form Labels.

2 Click the blue information button next to the field you want to edit.

3 Click the EDIT LABEL button to open the Edit Label page.



INFO: Editable labels of each field and form can be shown in any of the following:


Proceed to step 2The Edit Label page” below for the instructions on how to edit the label.


Step 2 The Edit Label page

On the Edit Label page where you will edit the label, the LABEL LIST Form on top will give you option to search for the Label Id or the Label Text to be edited if you still want to search for more labels to edit. Go to “b Editing Form Labels by Searching” expand section below to view the instructions. However, if you are only editing the label that you are currently selecting, proceed to the “A Editing Form Labels from the Selected Label” section below.



a. Editing Form Labels from the Selected Label

4 After clicking the Edit Labels button, it will open up to a new page with the LABEL LIST Form and the EDIT LABEL DETAILS Form on it. Type in the new label of the field that you want to change inside the EDIT LABEL DETAILS Form in the Short Text: field.

NOTE: In changing a new label to a field, please refer to your institution's standard naming convention. Relevance to users and data maintenance for your institution should always be considered.


5 You also have the option to edit the Help Text field. This will appear every time the user will click on the icon. This can contain instructions on what type of data needs to be in the field, formatting information for data entry, links to websites: HEIMS HELP, or Element numbers for Government reporting, and also alternative text options e.g. Family Name or Surname.


6 Click the SAVE LABEL button to apply the changes.


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INFO: After successfully editing the label, if you still want to edit more and you happen to know the Id or a part of the name of the label that you want to edit, proceed to the instructions below, “bEditing Form Labels by Searching”, else, you can go back to the Form in Paradigm and check if the label you’ve edited has been changed successfully.



b. Editing Form Labels by Searching

NOTE: You can use this method if you know the Id or a part of the name of the label that you want to edit without navigating through Paradigm to locate it.


4 On the LABEL LIST Form above, you can either search by ID or the Label name. Type in the name of the label that you want to edit.

5 Click the SEARCH LABELS button.



6 A list of all possible labels will appear if you only searched just a part of the name of the label. Choose the exact field label that you want to edit and then click the Pencil button.



In doing this step, please verify and double-check the label name, and its form location in Paradigm before making any changes as this will impact your data management.


Edit Button location


7 The Edit Label page will open again. Follow the same procedure as in the “a Editing Form Labels from the Selected Label section above to continue editing the label.

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C. Edit Form Labels Found only to a Certain Permission Level


This section will provide instructions on how to Edit Labels which can only be found to a certain Permission Level.

INFO: An example would be field labels which are only available to students (Application or Student Portal) but not in FULL ADMIN page.


1 Copy/Edit the URL of the page where the label that you want to edit can be found.

2 Follow the same instructions as above, starting from the first expand section “Edit Labels directly on a Page”, and just go straight to the “1.1 Opening up the Edit Label menu” part of the instruction.




how to Edit Labels



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