Scheduled Units

Scheduled Units


Scheduled Units are the unit records which already contain the specifics of how the units are offered by your business or institution, key fields would include the start and end date, delivery mode, delivery location, fees, etc. Paradigm has dedicated menus where you can add, edit /maintain scheduled units– and those are under Units > Scheduled Unit Details menus. This knowledge article will give you a brief overview of all the sections available within the Scheduled Unit Details menu in Paradigm, and a workflow on how you can get there and where to proceed to add a new scheduled unit.
Complexity: Low




  • You know how to create a base unit;

  • You have an understanding of time periods / time period creation;

  • A base unit record must have been saved before you can save the details that are required for a scheduled unit record to be created in Paradigm; and

  • You have administrator level access to create a scheduled unit.


Key Terms and Concepts

ADDING A NEW scheduled UNIT Related Sub-Menus in Paradigm


A. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Add Scheduled

This section is where scheduled units are added / created. These are a sub-set of the Base unit which have specific start, end and census dates to allow for student to be enrolled into specific time periods

Below is a sample screenshot of the Add Scheduled Unit screen in Paradigm:



B. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Edit Scheduled

Once a scheduled unit has been created it may need to be edited or updated. Here is where these changes can be made.

Below is a sample screenshot of the Edit Scheduled Unit screen in Paradigm:


C. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Sessions

Sessions are the individual classes for a particular unit. These can be tracked, attendance recorded, and timetabled for student attendance and tracking.

Below is a sample screenshot of the Sessions screen in Paradigm:


D. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Student Results

Final grades can be entered here or via the report section. Assessments for units can be loaded, individual grades entered, then the system can calculate the final grades based on grades and weightings.

Below is a sample screenshot of the Student Results screen in Paradigm:


E. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Reschedule Units

Once units have been initially scheduled they can be rescheduled in bulk using this section.

The first section of this page is to let you search the scheduled units that you want to reschedule:

After searching, all scheduled units will appear below based on your searched criteria. Here, you have the option to select the schedule units that you want to reschedule or select all by clicking the checkbox header column.


You have the option to edit the scheduled unit details, before you can finally click the RESCHEDULE SELECTED UNITS button.


F. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Schedule Assessments

Adding Assessments to the scheduled units for assignment tracking and grade calculation

Below is a sample screenshot of the Schedule Assessments screen in Paradigm:


G. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Bulk Edit Scheduled Fee

Fees attached to Scheduled units can be updated in bulk from this page. However, this will not change the fees of students who have already been enrolled into the unit.

Below is a sample screenshot of the Bulk Edit Scheduled Fee screen in Paradigm:


H. Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Bulk Session Enrol

A bulk list of enrolled student can be enrolled into Scheduled unit session.



I. Online Submission

This section assignments can be submitted via Paradigm from students for marking.


J. Import Rapla Sessions

This section allows you to import sessions which were created in Rapla back to Paradigm, see Rapla > Synchronise Sessions to Paradigm.



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how to Load the Schedule Unit Details Section


step 1 Load the base unit that you want to be added as a scheduled unit.

If a base unit is already an existing one, refer to this instruction on how to search for a base unit in Paradigm: Search, Add and Edit Base Units | 1. How to search for a Base Unit.

If a base unit has not been created and added to the system, refer to these guides on how to add a new base unit in Paradigm:

HE: Search, Add and Edit Base Units | 2. How to create or add a New Base Unit (Higher Education)

VET: Search, Add and Edit Base Units | 3. How to create or add a New Base Unit (VET)

If the base unit is the one that is currently loaded in the system, procced to the step 2 instructions.



step 2 Load the schedule unit details page.

Once the base unit is already loaded, you are now ready to add it as a scheduled unit in the system by following the instructions below.

1, 2 Choose Units > Scheduled Unit Details menus on the side. Click the required option under the Scheduled Unit Details sub-menu: Add Scheduled should be selected to add a new scheduled unit. All these other menus can only be used after adding the base unit as a scheduled unit: Edit Scheduled, Sessions, Student Results, Reschedule Units, Schedule Assessments, Bulk Edit Scheduled Fee, Bulk Session Enrol. Refer to the Key Terms and Concepts section above for a brief description of each sub-menu.




3 Continue to this next article on how to Search, Add, and Edit Scheduled Units in Paradigm: Search, Add and Edit Scheduled Units.


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