TCSI Error Code - 10269

Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) is before the Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601), Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) and the Unit of Study Status Code (E355). The Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) can only be before the Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) if the Unit of Study Status Code (E355) is withdrawn ('1') or withdrawn for medical reasons ('6').

Error Logic

If the Unit of Study Status Code (E355) is '2', '3', '4' or '5', then the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) must be on or after the Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600).

Paradigm Error Resolution

Resolving this error requires updating either the unit enrolment status so that the correct linked E355 value is reported, or else amending or setting to blank the contents of what is reported for the unit of study outcome date.
The system will report the contents of the first non-blank date found in the following fields processed in order:

  1. Unit enrolment Withdrawal Date

  2. Unit enrolment Grade Release Date

  3. Scheduled unit End Date

Student Summary > UNIT ENROLMENT > Select the unit > ACTIONS > Edit Unit Enrolment


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