TCSI Error Code - 10535
Inconsistent coding of Student Status Code (E490) and Citizen Resident Code (E358).
TCSI Error Description
Please check the Citizen Resident Code (E358) and the Student Status Code (E490). Only overseas students (E358 is '4' or '5') can have a Student Status Code (E490) indicating that they are an overseas student ('310' or 311').
Error Logic
If Student Status Code (E490) is '310' or '311', then on the Unit of Study Census Date (E489), the Student (UID8) must have a Citizen Resident Code (E358) of '4' or '5'.
Paradigm Error Resolution
Check the contents of the citizenship packet on the TCSI Student Edit screen with the value of the field HEIMS Student Status on the unit enrolment. One of the fields is set in an inconsistent state with the other.
Student > Course Enrolment > Student TCSI Edit
To check the Citizenship Resident Code (E358) field value, go to the STUDENT: CITIZENSHIP section.
For students who are having a change in their citizenship, setting the Effective From Date outside of the date of the unit enrolment records that should be recorded within the new citizenship code will also result in the same validation error.
To check the HEIMS Student Status (E490) field value, go to the COURSE ENROLMENT DETAILS section.
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