TCSI Error Code - 10367

Attempt to report a Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) for a Unit of Study Code (E354) in which the Student (UID8) already has a concurrent unit enrolment record.

TCSI Error Description

Please check the unit enrolment records that the Student (UID8) has for the Unit of Study Code (E354) and the Unit of Study Commencement Dates (E600) and Unit of Study Outcome Dates (E601) for each record. It is not possible to report a Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) for a unit of study in which the student has a concurrent enrolment unless the Unit of Study Status Code (E355) is withdrawn ('1') or withdrawn for medical reasons ('6').

Error Logic

If there are multiple active Unit Enrolment records (UID16) with the same Student Resource Key (UID8)/ Unit of Study Code (E354) combination where the Unit of Study Status Code (E355) is '2', '3', '4' or '5', and Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) is not null (blank) and Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) is not null (blank) then, for those active Unit Enrolment records (UID16), the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) must not be within the range of the Unit of Study Commencement Date (E600) and Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) of the other Unit Enrolment records.

Paradigm Error Resolution

Likely triggered by the presence of rule 10364. Please refer to that rule for instructions: TCSI Error Code - 10364.


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