TCSI Error Code - 10534

Inconsistent coding of Student Status Code (E490) and Citizen Resident Code (E358).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Citizen Resident Code (E358), Student Status Code (E490) and the Unit of Study Census Date (E489). Only Australian citizens, New Zealand citizens and holders of a permanent humanitarian visa (E358 is '1', '2' or '8') can have a Student Status Code (E490) of '201', '202', '230', '231', '401' to '410' or '501' to '510' for census dates from 1 January 2016.

Error Logic

If Student Status Code (E490) is '201', '202', '230', '231', '401' to '410' or '501' to '510' and the Unit of Study Census Date (E489) is on or after 1 January 2016, then on the Unit of Study Census Date (E489), the Student (UID8) must have a Citizen Resident Code (E358) of '1', '2' or '8'.

Paradigm Error Resolution

Either the citizenship packet has not been submitted, or the unit enrolment census date is before the dates defined on the citizenship packet. Load the STUDENT TCSI EDIT screen, check the contents of the field “Effective From Date” on the citizenship packet, amend the value if required, then submit the packet again to TCSI.


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