Online Application


Upon completion of this KB article you will have an understanding of the Online Application form, and how to make use of the information submitted by potential applicants

Complexity: Low

Page Contents



  • The user has correct level if access to view / access student records

  • The user has an understanding of the Australian Tertiary Education System.

  • The User has an understanding of the Admission requirements for students to be accepted into Courses at your Institution

Key Terms and Concepts


Brief Overview


Brief Overview

Applicant Registration Form

This is the form used for a new applicant.

Applicant Registration

The process involved in applicants registering themselves in the system.

Course/Program Application

The process involved in students and applicants applying for course enrolments.

Time Period: Applications

Application time period needs to be current for applications to proceed.










This section of the KB will explain what potential issues or problems users can come across and why they happen.


  1. The title of the macro should be start with a verb and represents the name of the workflow

  2. Each workflow should consist of numbered steps

  3. Use bold to reflect key words including: menu names, button names, field names

  4. Images may be added provided that they improve the usability of the workflow in question

  1. The title of the macro should be start with a verb and represents the name of the workflow

  2. Each workflow should consist of numbered steps

  3. Use bold to reflect key words including: menu names, button names, field names

  4. Images may be added provided that they improve the usability of the workflow in question

Further Reading

This section of the KB contains links to any further related information that would be helpful for the purpose  understanding this topic.

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