Units Edit (Student Section)
Jeannie Hagarty (Deactivated)
Diane Momongan (Unlicensed)
Chanel Zhang (Deactivated)
Ben Bentley
The Unit Edit menu in Paradigm gives you the functionality to edit details in bulk to enrolled units – including payment status and conversion, subsidy amount or scholarships, student status update, recalculate commission, and invoice unit enrolments. Check the how-to guides below relating to this Units Edit feature.
Complexity: HIGH
Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit Menu how-to Guides
Categories: Fees >> how-to guides on payment or fees update or change
grades >> how-to guides on grades update or change
status >> how-to guides on any fields and status update or change
process >> how-to guides on processes, e.g. enrolment, adding course, units, etc.
Using The “Select Action to perform on Units” Menu
The guides below will help you with some BULK Units Enrolment processes using the Select Action menu:
- 1 process >> 05.How to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu
- 2 process >> 06.Deleting Bulk Units
- 3 Fees >> 07.Converting Bulk Units from Unpaid to Paid
- 4 Fees >> 08.Converting Units to Fee-Help
- 5 Fees >> 09.Converting Units to Upfront Payment
- 6 Fees >> 10.Applying Subsidy Amount to Bulk Units
- 7 Fees >> 11.Recalculating Commission Amount for Units
- 8 Fees >> 12.Invoice Selected Unit Enrolments
- 9 status >> 13.Updating HEIMS Student Status Code for Selected Units
The User has the minimum required level to edit a record;
The student record has already been created (these instruction are how to edit an already existing record); and
An understanding of Australian Tertiary Sector / VET Sector.
Key Terms and Concepts
Editable Field Name | Brief Overview |
Editable Field Name | Brief Overview |
Start date | The first day of the study period |
Expected End Date | The last day of the study period. |
Final Grade | The final grade for the unit of study as a percentage. |
Grade Description | The final grade for the unit of study description e.g. High Distinction, Distinction, Credit ,Pass, Fail. |
Unit Fee | The total cost of the unit of study. |
Upfront Payment | The amount paid for the unit prior to the census date. |
Amount Paid | The total amount paid. |
Funding Amount | The amount deferred to FEE-HELP / HECS-HELP. |
HEIMS Loan Fee | The Government loading on top of the amount deferred to HELP. For Undergrad Fee-HELP units this is 25%. For Postgraduate and HECS-HELP units this amount is zero. |
Subsidy Amount | Amount paid in the forms or Scholarships, discounts etc. |
USE CAUTION: When editing fields in bulk you must be extra conscious as some actions are much harder to undo than others – if mistakes are made.
Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit Menu how-to Guides
process >> 01.How to Display All Unit Fields - Edit and Update
This how-to guide will let you display/see a table of all the units enrolled by the student and all the necessary and important fields that you can edit [Start Date, Expected End Date, Final Grade, Grade Description, Upfront Payment, Amount Paid, Subsidy Amount]. After editing/updating the editable and required fields, you can just bulk save the changes to all the units enrolment being selected and edited.
STEP 1 Load the student’s record.
1 Go to Student > Search > Enter either the student number or name. > Click Search.
2 Once you’ve found the student, click the blue hyperlink Student Number under the Student No column to load the Student Summary page.
NOTE: If the student is enrolled to more than one course, and you only want to edit the units specific to a course, load the Course Enrolment Page [see below instruction] of the selected course first before you proceed to STEP 2 Update unit fields.
However, if the student is only enrolled to one course, or if you want to edit all the units enrolled by the student regardless of the course, proceed to STEP 2 Update unit fields instructions.
process >> 02.How to Load the Course Enrolment Page
There are two ways [Workflow 1 OR Workflow 2] to load the Course Enrolment Page:
Workflow 1
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], go to Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side.
2 Once the COURSE ENROLMENT LIST will appear, select the course you wanted to edit and click the ACTIONS button on the right side of it, and then select the Edit option from the drop down list.
Workflow 2
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], click the ACTIONS button on the right side of the chosen course, and select the Edit Course Enrolment option from the drop down list.
STEP 2 Update unit fields.
3 After loading the student’s record, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit menus on the side. It will then load a page with all the units enrolled by the student, and all the possible fields you can edit or update, all under the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT Form section.
4 Update the fields and information required or necessary.
5 Click the SAVE ENROLMENTS button, just below the form – after doing all the necessary edits / updates.
grades >> 03.How to Update Grade and Date Fields for AVETMISS Reporting (VET Only)
This guide is only applicable to VET Providers. Here, you can update the UNIT Details enrolment of the student, specifically, the Enrolment Status, Expected End Date, Grade Description, and Published Grade, you can just then save the changes after.
NOTE: The Flexible learning indicator is not suitable for Higher Education [HE] units as dates are required to be set prior to the commencement of units. Flexible end dates do not comply with units that have census dates.
BE ADVISED: For units that are delivered by VET providers the end date of the unit may / will vary from Student to Student. This is due to the AVETMISS requirement that the end date and the Competency Achieved date must be the same. To be able to update the end date when Scheduling the unit, the Flexible Learning option must be set to Yes to allow the end date to be updated via the Unit enrolment page. You can refer to this article: Units > Search, Add and Edit Scheduled Units.
STEP 1 Load the student’s record.
1 Go to Student > Search > Enter either the student number or name. > Click Search.
2 Once you’ve found the student, click the blue hyperlink Student Number under the Student No column to load the Student Summary page.
NOTE: If the student is enrolled to more than one course, and you only want to edit the units specific to a course, load the Course Enrolment Page [see below instruction] of the selected course first before you proceed to STEP 2 Update grades and dates fields.
However, if the student is only enrolled to one course, or if you want to edit all the units enrolled by the student regardless of the course, proceed to STEP 2 Update grades and dates fields instructions.
how-to Load the Course Enrolment Page.
There are two ways [Workflow 1 OR Workflow 2] to load the Course Enrolment Page:
Workflow 1
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], go to Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side.
2 Once the COURSE ENROLMENT LIST will appear, select the course you wanted to edit and click the ACTIONS button on the right side of it, and then select the Edit option from the drop-down list.
Workflow 2
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], click the ACTIONS button on the right side of the chosen course and select the Edit Course Enrolment option from the drop-down list.
STEP 2 Update grades and dates fields.
3 After loading the student’s record, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit menus on the side. It will then load a page with all the units enrolled by the student, and all the possible fields you can edit or update, all under the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT Form section.
Edit the Start Date and Expected End Date columns as necessary and required. Edit the Grade Description column accordingly and click the SAVE ENROLMENTS button to save your changes.
Alternatively, you can edit each individual Unit Enrolment details by following the instructions below:
1 Click the EDIT button on the right side of the unit where you want to update the grades and dates fields. It will then load the UNIT DETAILS Page.
2 Update the following fields:
a Enrolment Status: Select the required status (Completed for Competency Achieved)
B Expected End Date: Update this to today’s date. (The end date must be the date that competency is achieved).
C Grade Description: Update the grade description (e.g. Competency Achieved)
d Published Grade: Update the published grade (e.g. Competency Achieved)
3 Click the SAVE UNIT ENROLMENT button after updating the required fields above to update the grades and date.
Fees >> 04.How to Update the HEIMS Loan Fee Field
NOTE: Updating the HEIMS loan percentage on the base course record does not immediately update unit enrolments that have already been created.
To bulk update previous unit enrolments loan fee field, do the steps below:
STEP 1 Load the student’s record.
1 Go to Student > Search > Enter either the student number or name. > Click Search.
2 Once you’ve found the student, click the blue hyperlink Student Number under the Student No column to load the Student Summary page.
NOTE: If the student is enrolled to more than one course, and you only want to edit the units specific to a course, load the Course Enrolment Page [see below instruction] of the selected course first before you proceed to STEP 2 Update HEIMS loan fee field.
However, if the student is only enrolled to one course, proceed to STEP 2 Update HEIMS loan fee field instructions.
how-to Load the Course Enrolment Page.
There are two ways [Workflow 1 OR Workflow 2] to load the Course Enrolment Page:
Workflow 1
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], go to Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side.
2 Once the COURSE ENROLMENT LIST will appear, select the course you wanted to edit and click the ACTIONS button on the right side of it, and then select the Edit option from the drop down list.
Workflow 2
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], click the ACTIONS button on the right side of the chosen course and select the Edit Course Enrolment option from the drop-down list.
STEP 2 Update HEIMS loan fee field.
3 After loading the student’s record, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit menus on the side. It will then load a page with all the units enrolled by the student, and all the possible fields you can edit or update, all under the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT Form section.
4 Select all of the units enrolled by the student by selecting the top checkbox located at the far right or in the header column.
5 Click the SAVE ENROLMENTS button after selecting all the checkboxes, for all unit enrolments to be updated.
INFO: Following the steps above will inform Paradigm to load each unit enrolment, save it, close it, then load the next one from the list of checked unit enrolments – which also means updating all HEIMS Loan Fee field based on the base course record update. If the update was successful, you should be seeing a success message [the same as the screenshot below] at the top of the page.
process >> 05.How to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu
This menu in Paradigm will let you bulk update and edit payment information, student status, subsidy amount, recalculate commission amount, and invoice unit enrolments. Follow the instructions below on how to go about using this feature.
STEP 1 Load the student’s record.
1 Go to Student > Search > Enter either the student number or name. > Click Search.
2 Once you’ve found the student, click the blue hyperlink Student Number under the Student No column to load the Student Summary page.
NOTE: If the student is enrolled to more than one course, and you only want to edit the units specific to a course, load the Course Enrolment Page [see below instruction] of the selected course first before you proceed to STEP 2 The Select Action to Perform on Units menu.
However, if the student is only enrolled to one course, or if you want to edit all the units enrolled by the student regardless of the course, proceed to STEP 2 The Select Action to Perform on Units menu instructions.
how-to Load the Course Enrolment Page.
There are two ways [Workflow 1 OR Workflow 2] to load the Course Enrolment Page:
Workflow 1
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], go to Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side.
2 Once the COURSE ENROLMENT LIST will appear, select the course you wanted to edit and click the ACTIONS button on the right side of it, and then select the Edit option from the drop-down list.
Workflow 2
1 From the Student Summary Page [following the steps above], click the ACTIONS button on the right side of the chosen course and select the Edit Course Enrolment option from the drop-down list.
STEP 2 The Select Action to Perform on Units menu.
3 After loading the student’s record, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit menus on the side. It will then load a page with all the units enrolled by the student, and all the possible fields you can edit or update, all under the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT Form section.
4 The Select Action to Perform on Units menu location is highlighted in red in the above screenshot. This menu will give you the following functionality when it comes to editing unit enrolments.
5 Select all the units you want to apply the list of actions above to perform on units, by checking the checkboxes on the right, or you can the checkbox in the header column to select all the units – that is, if you want to edit/update all the units on the list.
NOTE: If multiple actions are required once the boxes next to the units have been checked click on the Remember Selection button to keep the units ticked between actions.
6 After selecting the required units, continue with the options below, depending on what actions you are planning to perform, select your action below:
- 1 process >> 05.How to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu
- 2 process >> 06.Deleting Bulk Units
- 3 Fees >> 07.Converting Bulk Units from Unpaid to Paid
- 4 Fees >> 08.Converting Units to Fee-Help
- 5 Fees >> 09.Converting Units to Upfront Payment
- 6 Fees >> 10.Applying Subsidy Amount to Bulk Units
- 7 Fees >> 11.Recalculating Commission Amount for Units
- 8 Fees >> 12.Invoice Selected Unit Enrolments
- 9 status >> 13.Updating HEIMS Student Status Code for Selected Units
process >> 06.Deleting Bulk Units
For Deleting bulk units,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Delete selected units option; and
8 Click the DELETE SELECTED UNITS button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
Fees >> 07.Converting Bulk Units from Unpaid to Paid
This menu option will allow you to bulk update all or some of the unit enrolments from unpaid ones to paid units. This will just let you confirm that the payment has been received for all the units selected, after confirming – all units' payments will then be updated in bulk.
For Converting bulk units from unpaid to paid,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Confirm that selected unpaid unit enrolments have been paid option; and
8 Click the CONFIRM PAYMENT RECEIVED FOR SELECTED ENROLLED UNITS button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
Fees >> 08.Converting Units to Fee-Help
This guide will let you bulk convert the Funding Type of some or all of the unit enrolments historically set from other types of funding to FEE-HELP. After applying this action, all units selected will all then have a Funding Type of FEE-HELP.
For Converting Units to Fee-Help,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Convert selected units to Fee Help option; and
8 Click the CONVERT SELECTED UNITS TO FEE HELP button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
Fees >> 09.Converting Units to Upfront Payment
This guide will let you bulk convert the Funding Type of some or all of the unit enrolments historically set from other types of funding to UPFRONT FEES. After applying this action, all units selected will all then have a Funding Type of UPFRONT FEES.
For Converting Units to Upfront Payment,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Convert selected units to Upfront Fees option; and
8 Click the CONVERT SELECTED UNITS TO UPFRONT FEES button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
Fees >> 10.Applying Subsidy Amount to Bulk Units
This guide will let you bulk update the Subsidy Type and the Subsidy Amount to some or all of the unit enrolments historically set to another type or amount. After applying this action, all units selected will all then have the same Subsidy Type and Subsidy Amount with all the other financial fields affected auto-recalculated/updated.
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
INFO: If the scholarship or subsidy type applicable for this student is not in the drop down list, or you want to create a new scholarship or subsidy type for this student, refer to the System > Search, Add and Edit Code Item – B. Add a Code Item article. Code Type Id to be searched is “SCHOLARSHIP_TYPE”. After adding the code, the new code will now appear in the drop down list under the Select subsidy type from list: field in the Course Enrolment page.
For Applying Subsidy amounts to bulk units,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Apply the following subsidy and subsidy amount to each other of the selected units option;
8 Enter the Subsidy Type [from the above NOTE: instructions] to the Type: field, and the Subsidy amount into the Amount $: field [only type the number, do not include the $ sign]; and
9 Click the UPDATE SELECTED UNITS button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
Fees >> 11.Recalculating Commission Amount for Units
For Recalculating the Commission amount for units,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Recalculate commission amount for each of the selected units option; and
8 Click the UPDATE SELECTED UNITS button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
Fees >> 12.Invoice Selected Unit Enrolments
For Invoice Selected Unit Enrolments,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Invoice select unit enrolments option;
8 Select the invoice number from the drop-down box; and
9 Click the INVOICE SELECTED UNITS button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
status >> 13.Updating HEIMS Student Status Code for Selected Units
This guide will let you bulk update the HEIMS Student Status Code to some or all of the unit enrolments historically set for other types of code. After applying this action, all units selected will all then have a HEIMS Student Status Code, the same as the one you’ve set.
For Updating Student Status for Selected Units,
NOTE: The steps below is a continuation of the steps already mentioned above on how to load the Select Action to Perform on Units menu. You can go back to this section by clicking on this link: process >>how-to Load the Select Action to Perform on Units Menu.
7 Select the Update Student Status for the selected units option;
8 Select the Correct Funding Status for the Units from the drop-down list that will appear after clicking the above option; and
9 Click the UPDATE SELECTED UNITS button to apply the changes to all the units enrolment selected.
Related Pages
Overview | Assumptions | Key Terms and Concepts | Implications | Workflow | Video | Related Pages | Further Reading