TCSI Error Code - 10356

Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) is after the Course Outcome Date (E592).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) and the Course Outcome Date (E592) for the linked Course Admission record. The Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) must be on or before the Course Outcome Date (E592).

Error Logic

If the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) is not blank (null) and Course Outcome Date (E592) for the linked Course Admission Resource record (UID15) is not blank, then the Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) must be on or before the Course Outcome Date (E592).

Paradigm Error Resolution

This error occurs when the Unit enrolment Expected End Date or Grade Release Date was entered after the Course enrolment expected end date.

To resolve this error, you need to load the record in question, go to the course enrolment edit details screen (Student > Course enrolment > Course), change the field called “Expected End Date” to any date that is after the Unit enrolment Expected End Date or Grade Release Date (Summary > Find the unit enrolment in question > Click the Actions button against it > Click edit Unit enrolment).

*When you change the course enrolment expected end date to a date that is after the Unit enrolment Grade Release Date, you might come across the following error: 'Cannot update Course Enrolment record as there are linked TCSI reportable Unit Enrolments that are currently set with a TCSI Invalid status.'

To resolve this, if the current course enrolment status is set to ‘Completed’, make sure to change it to a status that is not ‘Completed’ (i.e. ‘Enrolled’) first. Then change the course enrolment expected end date, and click on the save course enrolment button. Then change the course enrolment status back to ‘Completed’ to jump the hurdle.


Use Case 1:

A student enrolled with RPL units. RPL Unit of Study Outcome Date (E601) is coded after or outside the Course Outcome Date (E592).

Action: See the following screenshot on how to code the RPL units. RPL units do not need to be reported to TCSI. Go to Student > Course Enrolment > Units > Select the units that require to be set as ‘Exempt'. Follow the highlighted steps from 1-10. Note the Steps 8 and Step 9 are chosen as a demonstration only. Choose a suitable selection. Click the SUBMIT button will update the records.

see Single Unit Enrolment: How to Process RPL

Another way to RPL unit enrolments (given that the student hasn’t been enrolled on the units yet): Student > Course Enrolment > Units. Search for the scheduled units to be credited, select the unit/s, and click the ENROL SELECTED SCHEDULED UNITS AS EXEMPT button.



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